The rest will die. was, that he existed in his divine nature before he was This I have long believed to be the sense of this difficult passage, and no other that I have seen is so consistent with the whole scope of the place. 1P iP i Pet). All this was thoroughly in season; and after it, as we are told, the blindness was taken away, and he was filled with the Holy Ghost. What was the substance of this preaching we are not here told, the word itself (which is not the same as, e.g., in 1Peter 1:25) only means to publish or proclaim like a crier or herald; and as the spirits are said to have been disobedient and in prison, some have thought that Christ went to proclaim to them the certainty of their damnation! "glories". Isaiah had called Sara the mother of God's faithful people ( Isaiah 51:2); and if Christian wives are adorned with the same graces of modesty, humility and chastity, they too will be her daughters and will be within the family of the faithful people of God. In Ephesians chapter four, Paul tells us that "He who has ascended is the same one who first of all descended into the lower parts of the earth. This attitude--and it is that of some very great New Testament interpreters--believes that Peter is indeed saying that Jesus went to Hades and preached, but that he by no means preached to all the inhabitants of Hades. The epistle to the Hebrews of all the Pauline epistles is that which most approaches the testimony of Peter, and coalescing in it to a large extent. Thus we would expect that evil angels are in view, but does what Peter said about them confirm this identification? The elders are not to treat the flock as if it belonged to them. prison, and were saved; though these are manifestly distinguished God set them apart unto Himself by the effectual working of the Holy Ghost,. They consider that, because God is unchangeable, He has not a will of His own. (b) If Christ descended into Hades, it means that his triumph is universal. In his body he suffered the penalty for their sins - death. The technical word for that question and answer clause is eperotema ( G1906) in Greek, stipulatio in Latin. all this, and which Beza, with others, observes, the apostle Just really railing on me. THE CHRISTIAN ARGUMENT FOR CHRIST ( 1 Peter 3:15 b-16). Here it is not merely believing in the Messiah, but believing in "God that raised him up from the dead.". What Christ was to them then was all: not in the least did any suspect (for indeed it was not yet true) that any were in Him. A remnant, it is true, had been brought up from Babylon for the purpose of being tested by a new trial by the presentation of the Messiah to them; but alas! Now, I need not tell you, things are in a certain measure of confusion. (iii) Peter's answer is this. Where is each to be proved? The notion has but to be mentioned to be rejected with horror; but it may be pointed out also that in 1Peter 4:6, which refers back to this passage, it is distinctly called a "gospel;" and it would be too grim to call that a gospel which (in Calvin's words) "made it more clear and patent to them that they were shut out from all salvation!" It just noted that he had gone down from Judea to Caesarea and stayed there. This is the reason why he connects it with the appearing of Jesus Christ. The earth will be sown with the seed of God when the Jewish nation, as such, obtains mercy. You'll have a good life. Somerset Maugham's mother was a very beautiful woman with the world at her feet but his father was unhandsome. If they are fallen angels, Peter may have meant that after Jesus Christ arose He announced to them that their doom was now sure. Though the patience of God wait long upon sinners, yet it will expire at last; it is beneath the majesty of the great God always to wait upon man in vain. (b) If we look at Moffatt's translation, we find something quite different. disobedient in the times of Noah; and therefore not of the Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, NT Letters: 1 Peter 3:19 In which he also went and preached (1 Pet. There we have the gift, and this given according to the man's ability before he was converted. His traditions wrap him up in fog. The Jew, as such, was bound to obey the law. If a husband became a Christian, he would automatically bring his wife with him into the Church and there would be no problem. 3:7 Likewise, you husbands, live understandingly with your wives, remembering that women are the weaker sex and assigning honour to them as fellow-heirs of the grace of life, so that there may be no barrier to your prayers. It is when we are at one with each other that we are at one with him. It was ever right that love should go out towards others, whether in general kindness towards all mankind, or in special affections towards the family of God. you are the daughters of Sarah, as long as you do well, and are not afraid with any amazement ( 1 Peter 3:6 ). The blessed end or design of our Lord's sufferings was to bring us to God, to reconcile us to God, to give us access to the Father, to render us and our services acceptable, and to bring us to eternal glory, Ephesians 2:13; Ephesians 2:18; Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews 10:21; Hebrews 10:22. But the lower obedience is absorbed by the higher one when they come into collision; and this is the only seeming exception. Who are referred to by spirits? ( Song of Solomon 1:1-3; Ephesians 5:22-33) 1 3668 [e] 1 Homois. It is implied in the expression, as already remarked, that he did this himself; that it was the Son of God who subsequently became incarnate, and not the Holy Spirit, that did this; though the language is consistent with the supposition that he did it by the instrumentality of another, to wit, Noah. Whose adorning let it not be that outward [adorning] of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But [let it be] the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, [even the ornament] of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. The Greek more precisely reads, "Now Herod had been very angry with the . So you can translate that "behavior" or "lifestyle" or "manner of living." Indeed such difficulties serve to show where people are. Any one who hates his brother is a murderer" ( 1 John 3:14-15). Quintilian, the Roman master of oratory, wrote: "A tasteful and magnificent dress, as the Greek poet tells us, lends added dignity to the wearer: but effeminate and luxurious apparel fails to adorn the body, and only reveals the sordidness of the mind." It is into this very snare that unbelief has brought men in Christendom. And water now saves you, who were symbolically represented in Noah and his company, I mean the water of baptism; and baptism is not merely the removal of dirt from the body, but the pledge to God of a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is at the right hand of God, because he went to heaven, after angels and authorities and power had been made subject to him. In the general sense of the word, salvation awaits the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. So God is often represented as coming, as descending, etc., when he brings a message to mankind. But if it is not union with Christ, if not our full place in Him before God, there is a clear statement of our hope of heaven. What Peter literally says is that baptism is an antitype of Noah and his people in the ark. There are three obvious inquiries in ascertaining its signification. Where this is duly weighed, it is wonderful what a change is produced in the mind, tone, and temper a change both in those who tend the flock, and in those who are cared for; because then God is looked to, and there is no petty feeling of infringing the rights of man in one form or another. What is it that Saul of Tarsus says as the effect of the light of God shining on his soul? transition from the times of the apostles, according to this in the text from the disobedient spirits. Even if you do have to suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. There could have been no Christianity if Jesus had not come; yet as long as He was visibly present on earth, Christianity proper could not even begin. ! The whole attitude of ancient civilization was that no woman could dare take any decision for herself. He reminds the Christians of Rome that, though they are many, they are one body, and he pleads with them to be of one mind ( Romans 12:4; Romans 12:16). The principle, however, is sound; and may we heed it in conscience, looking to the Lord's grace in our weakness. (vi) Lastly, and as a climax, Peter sets forgiveness. salvation, and were looking out for the Messiah, and anxiously It was not necessary to speak of them precisely as they were at the time when it was delivered, but only in such a way as to identify them. In the world of the Greeks and the Romans it is interesting to collect the references to personal adornments. prison of hell, so the Syriac version renders it, (lwyvb) , "in hell", see ( Revelation Why is it that you are not upset over this? The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away; but the word of the Lord endureth for ever. Through him we have boldness and access and confidence to come to God ( Ephesians 3:12). For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it. First, this incident evidently did not take place during the construction of the ark but before construction began. On the other hand, if he gives to Jesus Christ the unique place in his life, the most precious thing for him is his relationship to God and nothing can take that from him. From Philippi to Thessalonica Now note the shift back to the third person, which seems to signify that Luke stayed behind in Philippi to minister to the Church there. "What profit is there in my death if I go down to the pit? So, then, it must first of all be remembered that this whole matter is to be thought of, not in terms of hell, as we understand the word, but in terms of Christ's going to the dead in their shadowy world. Christ died once and for all for sins. By which - Evidently by the Spirit referred to in the previous verse - en ho - the divine nature of the Son of God; that by which he was quickened again, after he had been put to death; the Son of God regarded as a Divine Being, or in that same nature which afterward became incarnate, and whose agency was employed in quickening the man Christ Jesus, who had been put to death. There's an Old Swedish proverb, Good looks don't last, good cookers do. in He then says, that Christ did not rise only for himself, but that he made known to others the same . And one of these old vans --and it died, just as he got in front of me. 1 Peter 3:15 The New King James Version (NKJV) 15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; 1 Peter 3:15 New Century Version (NCV) 15 But respect Christ as the holy Lord in your hearts. And John got hold of her and dragged her off as she was railing, going around the corner, you know. as some, to preach to the devils and damned spirits, that they And I was going down Fairview and one of these hippies pulled out in front of me. It is granted that there is a sanctification in scripture which bears on practice. The hearers. But I do believe that water baptism by full immersion is only a symbol of the work of the Spirit that has transpired within my heart. It speaks of the descent into Hades and the very word descent suggests a three-storey universe in which heaven is localized above the sky and Hades beneath the earth. It may well be that when he compares himself with his fellow-men, he has nothing to fear from the comparison. Slippers were encrusted with them; Nero even had a room whose walls were covered with them. (vi) Peter sees the work of Christ in terms of complete triumph. Why are modern Bible translations copyrighted. The name of Enoch does not appear in any Greek manuscript. that generation who was then in being; and who being disobedient, The more usual fault of those who copied the scriptures was that they added words. sense of the words is, that Christ, by his Spirit, by which he But thus it is He brings out one part of His character at one time, and another part at another time. So far was their believing in Christ from taking them out of the people, it is then alone that they became, a people. Certainly the Jews of old were rarely good subjects. It speaks of the "finery of the anklets, the headbands and the crescents; the pendants, the bracelets, and the scarfs; the headdresses, the armlets, the sashes, the perfume boxes and the amulets; the signet rings and nose rings; the festal robes, the mantles, the cloaks and the handbags; the garments of gauze, the linen garments, the turbans and the veils.". By which also he went and preached unto the spirits And when He ascended out of hell, He brought with Him those who had been captive. The Lord spoke of a day when they should know it; but as yet the foundation was not even laid for it. 1 Peter 3 - Submission and Suffering A. Submission in the home. I can do it myself," you know. The Jews had brought His government into contempt by their own rebellion against His name; and Jehovah Himself had found it morally needful to hand over His own nation into the power of their enemies. And then he asks, "And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? The more he shows his love, the easier she finds it to submit to him.Now he may be stupid, he may lose everything, but he's here and he loves me and, you know we're together, we'll make it. GOD'S WORD Translation Chapter Parallel 1 Peter 3:19 (GW) In it he also went to proclaim his victory to the spirits kept in prison. (iii) There is the attitude that what Peter is saying is that Jesus Christ, between his death and resurrection, went to the world of the dead and preached the gospel there. In any presentation of the Christian case and in any argument for the Christian faith, the accent should be the accent of love. The root of all is that people are occupied about themselves first, instead of leaning on the Lord. In the thrilling early days of the Church this prayer was fulfilled, for they were all of one heart and of soul ( Acts 4:32). This again is frequently said in the New Testament. It doesn't hurt, but it pays big dividends. As we shall go on to see, this most probably means that in the time between his death and his resurrection Jesus actually preached the gospel in the abode of the dead; that is to say, to those who in their . This is, indeed, a more tolerable sense than the former; 1 Peter 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. It only makes confusion in jumbling up law and gospel, to the detriment of both, and indeed to the destruction of all the beauty and force of truth. Hence he can fairly take up the quotation from the law, not at all conveying that we were under law, but with an fortiori force. There is another sense of salvation, and our apostle, as we shall shortly find, does not in anywise ignore it; but then he qualifies the term. And was not this before he knew all the comfort and blessing of the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus? It is far the most natural thing to suppose that the spirits were in prison at the time when Christ went and preached to them. Now practical holiness follows our being sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ, whereas the sanctification of the Spirit of which Peter here treats precedes it. quoted above, as closid togyder proves. It was not Noah's own spirit that preached; it was the Spirit of Christ. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. I admit that what is in the Bible requires faith; and this is as it should be. called to blessing, and to be a blessing. Its effect must be on a man's very soul and on his whole life. See Matthew 3:1; Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:35; Mark 5:20; Mark 7:36. In the top line in italic print, we have set down, the Greek of the passage in English lettering and beneath each, thanatotheis ( G2289) men ( G3303) sarki ( G4561), zoopoietheis ( G2227) de ( G1161) pneumati ( G4151), en ( G1722) ho ( G3588) kai ( G2532) tois ( G3588), en ( G1722) phulake ( G5438) pneumasi ( G4151). And the woman is always fishing for the affirmation of this. acc-pl-fem. Here the New Testament speaks with unmistakable definiteness and with almost frightening directness. For it is hardly necessary to say to any intelligent believer, that whatever may be the new privileges, and consequently fresh duties which flow from them, there are certain unchangeable moral principles to which God holds throughout all time. Acts 12:20. We share together equally in the things of the Lord. Roman matrons were prohibited from drinking wine, and Egnatius beat his wife to death when he found her doing so. But he triumphed over death. He said the spirits of these unbelievers are in prison now (i.e., Sheol) awaiting resurrection and judgment by God (cf. (2) The second interpretation--which is that of (practically) all the Fathers, and of Calvin, Luther (finally), Bellarmine, Bengel, and of most modern scholars--refers the passage to what our Lord did while His body was dead. This is to speak "as oracles of God." Least of all can the Jews be said to be sown in the land of Palestine. Thus, it would be proper to say that Whitefield came to America, and preached to the souls in perdition; or to go among the graves of the first settlers of New Haven, and say, Davenport came from England to preach to the dead men around us.. 1 Peter 3 is the third chapter of the First Epistle of Peter in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The Baptism Of The Christian ( 1 Peter 3:18-22). In the Temple the layman might come so far; he could pass through the Court of the Gentiles, the Court of the Women, the Court of the Israelites--but there he must stop. When a man is roused to hate his sins through God's testimony reaching him, and convicting him before God, and not in his own eyes, when a man is ashamed of all that he has been in presence of God's grace, ever so little known and understood, still where a real work goes on in the soul, sanctification of the Spirit is true there. 19 In which also coming he preached to those spirits that were in prison . She's needing this assurance and she fishes for this assurance because she needs the security of knowing that she's loved. We have already seen that in the ancient world women had no part in public life whatsoever; they had nothing to pass their time; for that reason it was sometimes argued that they must be allowed an interest in dress and adornment. situation, because they were intent upon the hope of promised But even on this word there are several various readings; some of the Greek MSS. The creature is utterly ruined in every way, and with so much the speedier manifestation the more spiritual the trial. This I deny altogether. Therefore it is observable there was the sprinkling of the book along with it. And as he is writing in his own little exhortations here, he goes back and he quotes a portion of Psalm 34 , about three or four verses out of Psalm 34 . righteousness, and preached both by words and deeds, by the They watch. How much we are indebted to the Spirit who now reveals a Christ already come! I haven't found any biblical evidence for that conclusion. 1.3M views 6 years ago Watch our overview video on 1 Peter, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Now that's a peculiar phrase, "Not afraid with any terror," and I don't understand what Peter is saying by that. The true beauty isn't that which you put on outwardly but the true beauty is that which is inward, which shines out.I do not believe that Peter is intending here to issue a prohibition against the ladies looking nice. 4. This is not the. We must leave room for all truth. Those who hold this view often go on to argue that, since these sinners were desperately disobedient, so much so that God sent the flood and destroyed them ( Genesis 6:12-13), we may believe that no man is outside the mercy of God. Pity is of the very essence of God and compassion of the very being of Jesus Christ; a pity so great that God sent his only Son to die for men, a compassion so intense that it took Christ to the Cross. "The phrase in the days of Noah may well be based on the Gospel tradition and on Jesus analogy between Noahs time and the time immediately preceding the end of the age (cf. But then they are "his congregation;" they think so, and the godly man really believes it. "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth." For it is better, if the will of God be so, that you suffer for well doing, than for evil doing ( 1 Peter 3:17 ). There is not one of them who has not really sanctification of the Spirit They may be troubled as to the question of practical holiness, but the fundamental and essential sanctification of the Spirit is that which is already true of all the children of God. Who are referred to by spirits? What is meant by in prison? Was the message brought to them while in the prison, or at some previous period? It is not a description of all that died in unbelief, but of a generation favoured with a special testimony and smitten by a particular stroke of judgment. Someone once asked her: "Why do you remain faithful to that ugly little man you married?" Spirit; nor is there any such place as here feigned, in which the But the Christian's standard of comparison is Christ, and, compared with his sinless perfection, he is ever in default. And he talked of the difficulty of the converting of a Moslem because for a Moslem, it is a capital offense to convert to Christianity. He was put to death in the flesh, but he was raised to life in the Spirit, in which also he went and preached to the spirits who are in prison, the spirits who were once upon a time disobedient, in the time when the patience of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being built, in which some few--that is, eight souls--were brought in safety through the water. They had now an offer of mercy; those that accepted of it should be saved, but those who rejected Christ and the gospel should be as certainly destroyed as ever the disobedient in the times of Noah were. might be saved, if they would; and, as others, to let them know The epistles of Peter are addressed to the elect Jews of his day, believing of course on the Lord Jesus, and scattered throughout a considerable portion of Asia Minor. Because of their "former" disobedience, they are presently "in prison.". Therefore, "If Christ is said by Paul to go and do, what he did by his apostles, Christ may with equal propriety be said by Peter to go and do what he did by Noah."[33]. nature; and that the Gospel was preached in those early times, as There is no force in that argument, the Christian can reply; for, when the flood came, only a few were saved after all, as is shown by the first book of Moses, their own indisputably inspired history. Studying the book of 2 Peter 3; shows a significant summary of the history, time and relevant details according to the bible's acts based onBenson Joseph - Bible Commentary and reading parallely the bible's version New King James Version. The difference is this. That only creates, you know, that only builds and let's you read, you know --there's so many nuts on the highway today. Gods saving of Noah and his family by means of the ark illustrates the salvation of believers. God may have judged them in this world, but this is not all. The word used here would be appropriate to such a message as Noah brought to his contemporaries, or to any communication which God made to people. There must be in her life a lovely chastity and fidelity founded on love. It is not said to be at Christ's coming. It is not that the Jews were not elect as a nation, but therein precisely it is where they stand in contrast with the Christian. A primary preposition denoting position, and instrumentality, i.e. It is only when a man falls in love with goodness that the wrong things lose their fascination and their power. When he refers to Him as a "lamb without blemish and without spot," he evidently points to their types, yea, to Christ before the types, because we had that from the very beginning in the first recorded sacrifice, long before there was a Jew and still more before the law. That is to say, it is not simply the blood of Christ, which indeed is never the meaning of baptism; still less is it the life of Christ: baptism means nothing of the sort. Cato the Censor, the typical ancient Roman, wrote: "If you were to catch your wife in an act of infidelity, you can kill her with impunity without a trial." The doctrine of the descent into Hades conserves the precious truth that no man who ever lived is left without a sight of Christ and without the offer of the salvation of God. So "be full of pity", or another translation of the Greek word is tenderhearted. the just [died] for the unjust ( 1 Peter 3:18 ), "God made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin" ( 2 Corinthians 5:21 ). spirits out of prison, only of Christ's preaching to them: add to The Lord spoke of a day when they come into collision ; and this is the only seeming.. Pity '', or another translation of the apostles, according to this the! 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