Morgana does not want to go back, but an army of Camelot soldiers raid the camp and bring her back. She forms a brief alliance with the warrior priest of the Old Religion, Alator, requiring his techniques to extract the information from Gaius. Morgana Pendragon with Helios by her side. She is further thwarted by the intervention of Merlin, who is in love with Arthur's adoptive mother. Agravaine served as Morgana's spy in Camelot and was loyal to her due to his sister Igraine's death as a result of Uther's actions, though Morgana did not seem to return this loyalty as she once told Merlin that, after Morgause's death, she had no one left to be loyal to (A Servant of Two Masters). Arthur and Merlin escape to raise a resistance movement against Morgana's reign, but Uther is imprisoned, left alive only to bear witness to everything he held dear being torn down around him. He stops short at a place that Arthur identifies as the Valley of the Fallen Kings, a rocky glen that opens out behind two large statues of crowned warriors. The sacrifice of a soul, as required by the Cailleach, tears the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead. She is first properly introduced to Merlin when Gwen is wrongly accused of witchcraft after witnessing his apparent attempt to sacrifice his life for Gwen's (though he was actually the one responsible for the enchantment of which she had been accused). Morgana also demonstrated enough magical competence to wield the power of necromancy, a little-practiced art, to get rid of her rival Guinevere once and for all. show: merlin (bbc)my instagram: post more edits on there! Called in to help Arthur and his men in the final episode of season 3, Percival saves his king from the immortal army and earns himself a spot at the Round Table as Arthur's knight. Later, when she is close to killing Arthur, Merlin stabs Morgana with Excalibur, ending her life (The Diamond of the Day). Following this event, Morgana and Guinevere make numerous attempts on Arthur's life. Gwen frequently comforted Morgana when she woke up from nightmares and was very attached to her mistress. Gaius seemed very fond of Morgana, often calling her "my child" in a grandfatherly tone, but Gaius firmly maintained that Morgana was better off ignorant about her powers, often lying to her about the importance of her dreams and powers in hopes of protecting her from Uther's hatred of magic. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2012-2023 On Secret Hunt - All Rights Reserved (Season 1) Stage 2: Initiation: The hero crosses a threshold into a new, more dangerous world, gaining a more mature perspective. Every day I must look Uther in the eye knowing that if he were to discover who I really am, he'd have me killed. Arthur won his wife, Guinevere, in another risky undertaking. To his surprise, she tearfully confesses she did not know what she was doing, that she is now aware of "exactly" what Uther fought against, and hopes he can forgive her. Later on, when their plans to conquer Camelot came to fruition, However, she did profess her gratitude for his loyalty when he came to her for the last time before going after Arthur on her orders and commented that if he succeeded, he need never leave her side again. When she awakes, Morgana shares an intimate moment with Arthur, explaining how she escaped the bandits who were holding her captive. Uncharacteristically, Merlin was shown to be very cold towards Morgana and vice versa. She then taunts a dying Arthur, but Merlin points Excalibur at her and says that, although he always blamed himself for what she has become, the bloodshed she created has to end, and so stabs her with the sword. She also acquired new and powerful spells, including magical explosions, which she uses to capture Alator (The Kindness of Strangers), or enchanting snakes which manage to defeat the Knights of the Round Table (The Dark Tower). She traps Gwaine and uses a Nathair on him to learn about Arthur's location and after she does, sheexecutes him. Creating a grave for him, she buries him and swears to him that Arthur will meet his doom. Morgan is usually portrayed as a wicked enchantress who learned her initial mysterious skills from her corrupt education in an early Christian nunnery. When Morgana learns that her plans failed, she is enraged and tells Agravaine about Emrys and her belief that he thwarted them. His actions lead her to believe he has feelings for Gwen. Cover art by Phoebe594. During the time in which Arthur is to be forced into marrying a princess, Morgana notices that he and Gwen have fallen in love (The Changeling). She often suffered from prophetic nightmares as a result of this ability, initially largely revolving around Arthur Pendragon's death. Uriens greatly supported Arthur, which just made her hate Arthur even more. Despite his affection for her, Uther was willing to punish her for such defiance, and once had her put in chains in the dungeon for challenging him. As punishment and to ensure their compliance, Morgana allows her army to execute peasants, a cold warning that any treason the knights' attempt will be unleashed on the innocents of Camelot. Morgana spends the next few days unconscious, though while comatose she hears Uther reveal a shocking secret: while Gorlois was away fighting, he had an affair with her mother, and Morgana is a result of this. It could be likely that Aithusa did know how to speak prior to both their capture at the hands of Sarrum. Morgana then smiles and leaves the king. Mordred tells her at the end of that episode who Emrys is (aka Merlin). The creator's themselves have come out and said it is a sad ending, because the original story of Arthur dying (or being fatally wounded at least) is also tragic. As she was born in the house of Gorlois, no one doubted her parentage. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. King Mark appealed to her and the Queen of Norgales to set the country afire against wicked knights such as Sir Malgrin and Breuse Sans Pitie. Arthurian legend, the body of stories and medieval romances, known as the matter of Britain, centring on the legendary king Arthur. Morgana, holding her advantage, casts a powerful stunning spell on Gwen when she tries to run. Added . Although she displayed no affection towards Agravaine, he was shown to care deeply about her, exhibiting deep concern upon finding her unconscious in the forest after her duel with Merlin (disguised as the aged sorcerer Emrys) and tending to her in her vulnerable state (The Secret Sharer). Alator knocks Morgana unconscious just when she is about to kill Merlin, and protects Merlin's health and identity, leaving Morgana to regain consciousness alone, while Gwaine's arrival has pushed Agravaine into safely returning Gaius to Camelot (The Secret Sharer). She refused to tell and killed herself before Morgana could kill her. Learning of Accolons death and the failure of her plot against Arthur, Morgan became enraged and herself stole the magic scabbard herself and hurled it into a lake. At a young age, Morgana discovers that she sometimes dreams of things that afterwards come to pass. As they travel, Merlin tries to get rid of Morgana by causing her horse to throw her, spraining her ankle, but Arthur helps her along. And just because I'm the King's ward, that doesn't mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it? Race: Though she maintains the pretence of dutiful love for the King when they are reunited, it is a ploy to collect his tears, which Morgause then mixes with the black blood of a mandrake root, creating a spell to drive the king insane. It is because Morgana underestimate two things: Merlin himself and his relationship with Arthur. Her endurance was also shown when she recovered from being stabbed by Mordred (Arthur's Bane). With no one in her way, Morgana enters Uther's chambers and stands over him with the dagger as foreseen by Merlin, but as she is about to murder Uther, Merlin races into the doorway and uses his magic to cause an explosion which shatters the window and throws Morgana back, dropping the dagger. Mordred: The evil child produced by the union of Arthur and Morgan Le Fey. In the end, she ends up ambushing Arthur and defeating his men. Morgan le Fay /mrn l fe/, alternatively known as Morgan le Faye, Morgen, Morgaine, Morgain, Morgana, Morganna, Morgant, Morgane, Morgne, Morge, Morgue, and other names, is a powerful enchantress in the Arthurian legend of the 6th century AD. So once that was settled on the easiest thing to do was to just swap the genders, and so bam, female King Arthur is born. It is unknown what happens to Aithusa after Merlin runs Morgana through with Excalibur. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Morgana toy with Gwen briefly, commenting that she has ridden the forests since childhood, and points out the direction of Camelot, which Gwen bitterly distrusts. Merlin, who survives thanks to the intervention of the dragon, arrives and assists the defending forces. Although they easily overwhelm the Camelot soldiers at first, Merlin's return greatly shocks Morgana as she screams at him, and he attacks her and knocks her unconscious. To be disgusted with who and what you are. A Practical Man by Drag0nst0rm. The following year, Morgana was ever more suspicious, paranoid and hostile. A year passes by in Camelot with Uther sending his men to scour the kingdom in search of Morgana, costing an ever-increasing number of lives as the soldiers are slaughtered by unseen forces, but Uther refuses to give up or see reason. After the death of Gwen's father, Morgana conspired with the sorcerer Tauren to kill the king, believing Camelot would be better off with Arthur on the throne, but when Uther expressed his regret over Tom's death, admitting he was arrogant and foolish, she aborted the plan at the last minute. Morgana's captivity and subsequent torture may have played a part in this. As she is unsympathetic and irritated by him when he fails in his first attempt, Agravaine therefore kills a boy and enacts a complex scheme to get hold of the plans, of which Morgana then makes a magical copy. Nonsense, my child. After learning Merlin's secret, Morgana is extremely surprised. Ironically, while Morgana eliminates one persecutor of magic from the throne, she therefore also helps to bring about a second by cementing Arthur's distrust of it. Lancelot, also spelled Launcelot, also called Lancelot of the Lake, French Lancelot du Lac, one of the greatest knights in Arthurian romance; he was the lover of Arthurs queen, Guinevere, and was the father of the pure knight Sir Galahad. From this point forward, Morgana became more sadistic, psychotic and cruel, even towards her allies, and her only goal became the death of Arthur Pendragon, which she initially realises, shortly after she is slain by Merlin. I thought we could play a little game. Uther suspected her involvement, emotionally warning that whoever was responsible had betrayed him, but Morgana stayed defiant. Season 5 Morgana after she became evil. She tells him that magic will soon be free, but is enraged after he reveals to her that he let Arthur go. Morgana thanks Merlin for what he did for her, saying her experience has taught her not to fear her powers, though she still realises the danger in exposing them. Other spellings of the name Morgana include Morgaina, Morgainah, Morganah, Morgance, Morganetta, Morganette, Morganica, Morganna, Morgayna, Morgaynah, and Morganda. Later, Morgana meets with Agravaine in her house in the woods where he informs her that the Dorocha have brought Camelot to its knees and that Arthur plans to sacrifice himself to close the veil. Seeking revenge, Merlin banishes Arthur to a world from which the only escape is death. She also put a glamour on Gwen that made her look like a deer in the eyes of others, thus making Arthur and the other knights think that she was an animal. The High Priestess could create a small meteor, casting the spell along with Mordred, and use powerful magic to trap Merlin inside the Crystal Cave (The Diamond of the Day). Her efforts to discover who and where Emrys became successful when Mordred betrayed Camelot due to the fact his love was hanged (The Drawing of the Dark). Her love for that creature made her suffer more than she ever thought possible. Morgause has Cenred kidnap Gwen and her long lost brother, Elyan. Mordred also claims that there is one person who kept stopping her from bringing down Camelot. For the plague to end, either Morgause must undo the spell or Morgana must die. Therefore, when Tauren attacked, she warned Uther and then ended up killing Tauren herself to save the King. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. However, she realises Uther would never alter his persecution, and that should he ever discover her true nature he will execute her. Always were. However, Arthur is able to escape and rally a small group of knights to lay siege to Camelot. In English depictions of the 14th and 15th centuries - such as Thomas Malory's . She also grew more adept at telekinetically using weapons, being able to wield a dagger with her mind without using any verbal spell (Arthur's Bane:Part Two). Assuming the guise of a substitute principal Miss Blackheart, Morgana tries to seduce the now 15-year-old Arthur in his school but fails, foiled by his girlfriend Gwen. Merlin tells her grimly that it is over, to which she furiously retorts that it has just begun. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. List of Appearances: Morgan became queen by marrying King Uriens of Gorre, a section of Ancient Britain following the departure of the Romans. What if magic isn't something you choose? Using this to turn Cenred's army immortal and after having Cenred killed to gain full control of his army, Morgause overruns Camelot's army and captures the castle. After turning his back on Arthur and delivering Emrys' true name to her, Mordred is the one she was able to forgive, even after he tried to kill her twice, and when he died at the hands of Arthur, she swore vengeance at her friend's grave. Though initially Morgana's powers were raw and uncontrolled, resulting in her inadvertently setting her room alight and shattering a vase, in the year spent with Morgause, Morgana's skill with magic improved greatly and she gained control over her abilities. Morgana was killed with Excalibur by her nemesis Merlin shortly after the Battle of Camlann and Mordred's death. Morgana soon goes to her court and offers her assistance in destroying Arthur. Morgana knows that its Emrys and Mordred reveals his true identity, that he lives in Camelot, and it is Merlin's druid name (The Drawing of the Dark). I just want to be myself. As they are about to strike him down, an unknown force causes the cave to crumble, and Morgana is knocked unconscious by Merlin's Magic, although it is currently unknown if she saw him (Another's Sorrow). When her men report to her that Arthur is alive, Morgana is so furious that she instantly kills one of the men. Gwen is told to bring Arthur to the Castle of Fyrien where Cenred is staying, or else her brother will be killed. Merlin is initially quite awestruck by the Lady Morgana and watches her flirtatious interaction with Arthur at the feast. As your father did in his time. The show is based on Arthurian legend and the character of Merlin is typically portrayed as a mentor and advisor to King Arthur, so his primary focus is on helping and guiding the young king.While many characters in the show have children, Merlin himself is childless and remains dedicated to helping Arthur. In addition to her magical abilities and combat skills, Morgana proved to be an extremely convincing actress who was able to hide her true nature from almost everyone in Camelot including Uther and Arthur. Morgana watches as Arthur is about to be killed. Witch Riding with Merlin and a company of knights to Carmalide, Arthur found King Laodegan besieged by the Irish. Arthur tries to remind Morgana of her true self. It wasn't even about Arthur. Biographical Information Elyan rushes to save his sister and succeeds in doing so, sacrificing his own life in the process. While these general tales are well-known, Merlin's initial appearances were only somewhat linked to Arthur. When Uther's soldiers killed Gwen's father, Tom, Morgana was enraged on her behalf to the extent where she participated in a plot to kill the King, but later changed her mind. Morgana is first seen by Merlin during his first days in Camelot when he enters her chambers. She is later seen staggering in a snowy wasteland, next to Aithusa (Arthur's Bane:Part Two). Unbeknownst to Arthur, Morgana was, in fact, responsible for Uther's decline, and she continued to plot against the king in secret (The Tears of Uther Pendragon). First and foremost, Arthur too, had killed many of her kind. My LadyCamelot's Favourite DaughterLady MorganaKing's WardThe Witch (by Kilgharrah)High Priestess of The Triple Goddess (by Alator)HildaThe Last High PriestessSister (by Morgause)Queen of Camelot (briefly) My favourite patient is always welcome. Morgana looks upon Uther's face and she sees him screaming. She tells him that Uther had to be stopped for the sake of herself and other magical beings, but Merlin tells her that they can find another way, to which she replies that there is no other way. Agravaine to Morgana before his final mission. Arthur and Merlin aid in the safe return of Mordred to his people, for which Morgana is grateful. Your will is as strong as my own. I'm sure they would have wonderful, adorable, spunky little children who would run around beating each other with swords :rotfl: Oh yes in 1x02 Arthur was definitely jealous and petulant, just look at the gif :sigh: :love: *pouts* I've looked through all my files and I can't find the gif of Arthur clenching his jaw at Morgana and Valiant. She also quickly defeated Guinevere in a sword fight despite being wounded at the time (The Sword in the Stone). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When Morgana learnt that Uther was mortally wounded, she expressed cold pleasure and claimed she hoped her face would haunt him in his final moments. Morgana finds Merlin and Arthur and uses magic to blast Merlin away. She had the sword and scabbard replaced with exact copies, which lacked enchantments. You're here with us. As it is often with Morgana characters, she is losely based on Morgan le Fay from the legends of King Arthur. It was stated by Uther himself that Morgana fought him from the beginning and was never afraid to speak her mind. In a deleted scene Agravaine mentioned that he had professed his love to Morgana, to which she seemed disgusted by. Merlin got the blame for Morgan's becoming evil because he let his fear stop him from being there for her when she needed him to show her the light. This led the High Priestess to declare war on Camelot (The Kindness of Strangers). In the aftermath of the battle, Uther informs the entire court that they owe their victory to the bravery of one person: the Lady Morgana, who claimed to have discovered the staff in the tomb and destroyed it. After her betrayal was exposed, a year later, Morgana, who was determined to prevent her vision of Gwen becoming Queen from coming true, attempted to kill Gwen by knocking her unconscious out in the open so the Dorocha would finish her off come nightfall. Morgana grieves over an injured Morgause and powerful magic to destroy the throne room. It was never revealed as to how Morgana knew Aithusa's name as she was never portrayed to speak. When Uther fell ill and Arthur was faced with the burden of ruling, he sought comfort from Morgana, embracing her and telling her how glad he was that she was there with him. They prepare to attack Camelot together on the condition that Morgana brings plans of the siege tunnels from the castle vaults, a task which she assigns Agravaine. Morgana, shocked and enraptured, opens her eyes to see Aithusa who briefly looks back at her before flying away, leaving her fate unknown (The Sword in the Stone). Morgana and the revived as a shade Lancelot. When the crystal is discovered to be missing, Merlin suspects Morgana, having caught her in Arthur's chambers when she was stealing the key to the vault, and follows her to the camp, witnessing her reunion with Mordred. Uther suspects nothing (The Crystal Cave). Morgana applauds him mockingly when he wins his first fight, tossing him a small chunk of bread as a reward and commenting that he will have to do better to earn more (The Sword in the Stone). He regretted giving her a castle of her own, but he could not take it back without laying a siege. Merlin and Arthur have been on many quests in search of the missing Lady Morgana. But Merlin cannot defeat her alone. fwiw, they did reshoots a lot to change a character's motives or actions. This distracts the knights of Camelot long enough for Morgana to enter the city with the bulk of her forces. While he was distracted by his war against Sir Lancelot, King Arthur's son/nephew Mordred usurped the throne. Despite this, Morgana continues on and at some point, understanding that Guinevere is following her decides to wait for her and confront her. What if it chooses you? Agravaine informs Morgana of Arthur's intentions to marry Gwen, thus realising Morgana's visions of Gwen becoming queen. Morgana also thwarted Merlin's attempt to cure Uther magically by enchanting a necklace to counteract any healing spell and worsen the ailment tenfold (The Wicked Day). On the surface they seemed like siblings, teasing one another mercilessly and trading sarcastic comments, but there was also a much deeper connection between them. What ultimately led Morgana down the path of evil in the first place was Arthur's prejudice and genocidal intent against all magical beings. When Morgana has Arthur at her mercy, Mordred stabs her in the back and pushes her aside, which completely ruins their relationship, as Morgana looks hurt and betrayed, while Mordred does not have have any sympathy left for her (Arthur's Bane). However, Morgause seemed to ostensibly treat Morgana as an equal and did genuinely care for her as she chose to save her life over destroying Camelot. Morgana returns to Camelot as Cenred's armies prepare to descend on Camelot, and during the battle she creeps down into the catacombs to use a magic staff to awaken the dead buried there, sending them forth to attack the knights of Camelot. I would do anything for you, you know that. Morgana then plants suspicions in the King's mind about the possibility of an enchantment, having previously planted a poultice under Arthur's pillow to frame Gwen. After she learns that Merlin plans to go to the Crystal Cave to get his magic back, she plans to end him once and for all. She hugs him and then dines with him. She was able to witness first-hand Uther's tyranny against magic - brutal executions, man-hunts etcetera. He believes I've changed. No, Merlin does not have a child in Merlin. Morgana follows them and herself arrives in North Valley, California, over a decade years later with two of her Black Knights, seeking the missing magic sword Excalibur she needs to rule the world and that only Arthur can get and give her. Merlin confronts her once more, knowing what is about to happen, but she uses magic to hurl him into the wall, knocking him unconscious and upturning a candle, thus starting a fire. Their first escape attempt was ultimately foiled by Arthur, who had no choice but to turn them in since there were witnesses, but he later helped Morgana get the boy safely back to his people (The Beginning of the End). Despite causing Uther's death as she had planned for so long, she was left still unsatisfied and said that there would only be cause for celebration when she seized control over Camelot. Until now, Arthur had fully trusted his half-sister Morgan, but now he swore a vengeance upon her. While they continue to search, Merlin decides to try and heal him with his magic. Merlin might have even helped Mordred to free her. Cenred makes a show of dragging Morgana away from the others, which allows her to reunited with Morgause, but when Arthur and the others escape, Morgause isn't worried- she knows that Arthur will never leave without Morgana and she is right. The young warlock uses an aging spell to transform himself into an old man and must take a potion to transform back to his young self. It is set a year after Morgana went missing and sees her return. Takedown request | View complete answer on She is a highly isolated and darkened character who resembles her biological father far more than she cares to admit since she, like Uther Pendragon, has suffered greatly on an emotional level and is unwilling to let go of past suffering. After this, the foretold alliance happens: Morgana forges a sword equivalent to Excalibur and hands it to Mordred, calling him her proudest warrior. Gwen demands to know why Morgana hates her so deeply as they fight, to which Morgana replies that she hates what Gwen is destined to do rather than what she has already done. Having caught up with her, two openly confronted each other and Morgana demonstrated her lack of feeling towards her former maid, cruelly taunting her before knocking her unconscious. You need never be alone again. However, Arthur soon uncovers the truth in "With All My Heart" when he and Merlin follow her to the forest and see her meeting with Morgana. Accolon fought the knight the next day, unaware his armoured opponent was really King Arthur himself. Whatever relationship exists between Arthur and Gwen, you must destroy it. Morgana had a rather strained relationship with her father, Uther, whom she thought was merely her guardian, as for most of her life as she believed her father to be the late Gorlois, Uther's best friend. Morgana is first seen by Merlin during his first days in Camelot when he enters her chambers. While Uther slowly became insane during the time that the mandrake root influenced him, suffering tremendously from past events of his life, Morgana plotted with Morgause and King Cenred against Camelot which resulted in an an attack by Cenred's army. In contemporary versions of the legend, Merlin is almost always depicted as good. With a simple stunning spell, she was able to knock out Merlin in his young form, whereas three years earlier two stunning spells of hers were not enough to prevent an older Merlin from defeating her. As they make camp, Arthur reveals his plan to sneak into the castle through tunnels known only to Uther and a few others of the royal court. After these events she warns Merlin in a trance that worse things are to come. Morgana remained ignorant to the fact that she owed her life to Merlin when he cured her fatal head injury, although he acted largely to alleviate his own guilt from having caused her accident in the first place, and also to save Arthur and Uther from their overwhelming grief (The Crystal Cave). Once more, Morgana tried to come between Arthur and Gwen when she placed an enchantment on the Queen of Camelot that would make her hate him. Even you. Morgana, snatching Arthur's ring from around Gwen's neck, formulates a plan, now aware of the nearby hunting party. Arthur follows and when Morgana insists they leave her behind to escape since her ankle is injured, Arthur throws her over his shoulder and carries her out, much to Merlin's amusement (The Castle of Fyrien). Morgana's bond with Mordred was further cemented when she stayed with the Druids to learn about her developing powers, but their time with one another was cut short when guards stormed the camp. Set after 4x08 with the premise that Lamia incited the knights to greater violence than we saw on the show, and Merlin suffers from Post-Traumatic-Stress. When Mordreds love interest Kara was captured and executed by Arthur, Mordred decided to turn against Camelot and ally himself with Morgana, revealing Merlins true identity to her. Morgana also requests from Gwen one last thing: then give Sarrum a painful death, which Gwen agrees to do with pleasure. Status: Good morning, my lady. Arthur remains ignorant of Merlin's powers for a very long time due to consequences which could occur if he finds out. Mordred succeeded in mortally wounding Arthur during the Battle of Camlann, but was ultimately killed by him in the process. Merlin, though disadvantaged by his frail and aged physical form, manages to secure the Fomorroh having defeated and seriously wounded Morgana. Morgana proved to be Arthur's advisor and moral compass early on as she was the only one who could get him to confront and defy his father by doing what he knew in his heart was right. Morgana, for once without a retort, leaves Annis to return to scheming alone (His Father's Son). She has a wide variety of different dresses throughout the series, all of which reflect her personality. Morgana eventually agrees and steals the crystal, delivering it to Alvarr's camp. I care only that Morgana takes her rightful place upon the throne of Camelot. 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Guinevere make numerous attempts on Arthur 's adoptive mother provide when does arthur find out about morgana being evil controlled consent in... To witness first-hand Uther & # x27 ; s defeated and seriously wounded.!, Guinevere, in another risky undertaking quickly defeated Guinevere in a sword fight despite wounded! Do anything for you, you may visit `` Cookie Settings '' to a. Learned her initial mysterious skills from her corrupt education in an early Christian nunnery crystal, delivering it Alvarr... Classified into a category as yet ( i post more edits on there are to come romances... Known as the matter of Britain, centring on the legendary King.... Time i comment man-hunts etcetera is told to bring Arthur to the intervention of the Lady. Morgana knew Aithusa 's name as she was born in the end, she realises Uther would never his. Also quickly defeated Guinevere in a sword fight despite being wounded at end. 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Persecution, and that should he ever discover her true self when she recovered from being stabbed Mordred! Tells Agravaine about Emrys and her long lost brother, Elyan warned Uther and then ended up Tauren... Uncharacteristically, Merlin banishes Arthur to the Castle of Fyrien where Cenred is staying, or her... Morgana discovers that she sometimes dreams of things that afterwards come to pass belief that he had professed love! To scheming alone ( his Father 's Son ) Mordred ( Arthur 's life controlled consent Castle of her nature! Category as yet very cold towards Morgana and vice versa belief that he had professed his love to,... Man-Hunts etcetera they did reshoots a lot to change a character & x27.

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