seats. Buy. (17%); Texas, up 70,000 (38%); Alabama, up 37,000 (8%); North Carolina, up 31,000 (8%); Florida, up 27,000 (41%); The prayer service was held later in the day at a more convenient time. He entered the service as a captain with the Chickasaw Guards, Co H, 11th Infantry; the company being mustered at Houston on Mar 9, 1861. FORMER SLAVES. During the latter part of the 19th century, rebuilding began for Chickasaw Co. Although this amendment was not ratified and become law until Aug 26, 1920; one of the first instances of women voting took place in Houlka, Chickasaw Co., Written by Mississippi Encyclopedia Staff. Stay up to date with Chickasaw Country. Knitting instructions were printed in the local newspapers. Other train crops and various legumes were also grown. Gen. Ord, commanding the AR/MS district ordered another constitutional convention in Dec 1867. The palatial dwelling on Windsor plantation, near Bethel Church in the southwestern part of the county, burned to the ground last Monday. As more and more white settlers arrived, the struggle No family history research. The neighboring town of Vardaman in Calhoun Co. claims the title "Sweet Potato Capitol of the World", but the farmers of Chickasaw County's "Flatwoods" country found that the country was fit for growing a great deal more than timber and providing pastureland for Before their voting rights could be restored, men who had served in the Confederate army or had held any official position in the government of the Confederacy were required to take an oath of loyalty to the United States. The county is named for the Chickasaw people, who lived in this area for hundreds of years. Pontotoc soon afterward. Cotton was the main crop; but corn was grown as food for both man and beast. These farms tended to be smaller than average for the state, while the countys percentage of farms run by sharecroppers (36 percent) was higher than average. The citizens of Chickasaw Co waited eagerly for news of the invasion of the European continent. population was decimated by the war. A petition was circulated in Chickasaw Co to re-establish the office of County Agent that had been abolished previously as an economic measure. While only eighty-three residents of Chickasaw County were employed in industry in 1860, its manufacturing sector produced a substantial variety of commodities, including fixed agricultural implements, flour and meal, lumber, boots, carriages, furniture, and saddles and harnesses. I do not live in the area so I am dependent on all of you for more genealogical data. It was owned and run by a Mr. Lancaster who later sold it to Thomas N. Martin. There ancestor as a slave requires advanced research techniques involving all obtainable records of the holder. In 1849 this school was named "Houston Female Academy" and was run as a girls' school by Mrs. D. E. Turman. In 1786 the Chickasaws, under Chief Peopenzo, signed the Treaty of Hopewell with the new United States government and declared themselves at peace with the United States and under her protection. The state legislature passed a law authorizing an agricultural high school in each county in 1908. The Board of Supervisors cut taxes; but people were still unable to pay their taxes and lists of property being sold to pay the taxes filled the newspapers. The freed blacks were also handicapped by their lack of skills and the knowledge to get on his feet. Presumably some men from Chickasaw Co served in the Spanish-American War in 1896, but no casualties are listed and no records of Chickasaw County's participation are available. A very large percentage of the white population were slave The first Board of Police consisted of Littlebury Gilliam, Thomas Gates, Thomas D. Wooldridge, Benjamin Bugg and Asa H. Braddock who were selected in an election held Apr 23, 1836. 1%, about 6,000. Until this requirement was met, Southern states had no representation in Washington. The county's first church was a Baptist church built in 1835 in the southwestern part of the county by the Blacks with leadership ability were known by the inelegant term "Fluence Niggers" and used to turn out the vote for favored candidates. It should be noted however, that in comparing census data for Still another tells of Chisca's band simplyturning north and exploring the land, choosing to remain there. This organization provided employment to a number of young men in the county. Coming from Tupelo under the command of Major Coon to a point south of Okolona, Box 42, Houston, MS 38851. Some of these former slaves may have been using the surname of their 1860 Northern VA. Chickasaw Co men served in every theater of the war and hardly a significant battle was fought in which Chickasaw Co soldiers were not a part. miles. Scattered Ku Klux Klan violence occurred in response to black political involvement, especially at voting sites. The county has many acres of timber land, consisting mainly of pine trees, a large dairy, beef farms, hog farms and poultry houses. Smaller but still significant numbers of congregants attended the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Presbyterian Church. A number of people worked at the Gulf Ordnance Plant located at Prairie in Monroe Co. In fact, there is solid evidence that this group moved as far northeast as the TN River in AL. Following the construction of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad through Chickasaw in 1859, the countys main sphere of commercial activity shifted from Houston to Okolona. In 1943, this institution was sold to Dr. John D. Dyer and continued as a Reconstruction left scars on the blacks and whites alike. Before the War Between the States, a road bed for a spur line from Okolona to Houston had been built. Historians of the period tell that the original Chickasaw Indians were tall, well built people with reddish brown skin, raven black hair, large On a national level, Democrat candidates consistently carried the county, but it was not unusual for a popular Whig to win in a sate or local election. Turnpikes and resigned from the U. S. Congress and reversed his position regarding secession, the people of Chickasaw came to support the secession movement. Freed slaves, if listed in the next census, in 1870, would have been reported But as time passed and the situation worsened, relief of the; destitute became an impossible task. can be viewed to find out whether the ancestor was a holder of a fewer number of slaves or not a slaveholder at all. The first attempt in Dec 1862 was largely unopposed. Most businessmen in Houston and Okolona signed up for the National Recovery Act agreeing to pay a minimum wage, set specific business hours, etc. States that saw more significant increases in colored population during that time, and were therefore more . The Chickasaw people, for whom the county is named, left marks on the area that endure to this day The word "Chickasaw" means "Rebellion" or "He-Who-Walks-Away" and is supposedly a derivative of the name of the Indian leader, Chicka. Most families in the county had suffered losses of loved ones and material goods during the war and Reconstruction. Home Values by ZIP CODE. The Chickasaw Indians became known as one of the Five Civilized Tribes. Palmyra Plantation: Quitman, Turner Poplar Grove Propinquity Plantation Providence Plantation: Veazie River Place (near Ellis Cliffs): Wolcot River Place (near Natchez Island): State Senatorial districts were gerrymandered to favor black candidates where possible and black districts were in the majority in MS. Chickasaw and Monroe Counties each formed one of these black districts. 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In 1930 Chickasaws population of 20,835 was almost evenly divided between white and African American residents. LandWatch has hundreds of rural properties and land for sale in Chickasaw County. COUNTY: COUNTY: Adams; Leflore; Alcorn; Lincoln; Amite; Lowndes; Attala; Madison; Benton; Marion; Bolivar; Marshall; Calhoun; Monroe; Carroll; Montgomery; Joel Pinson donated a plot of ground to each of the four denominations represented in Houston at its founding. The plight of the newly freed blacks was more serious than that of the county's white citizens. After the treaty was signed in Paris at the close of the French and Indian War, the land of the Chickasaws was passed from the French to the British. Under the 1831 Treaty of Pontotoc, these lands became available for purchase from the Chickasaw Tribe and were quickly incorporated into the United States. The major manufacturing industry is upholstered living room furniture. Orleans County in Louisiana saw an FORMAT. was Henry R. Carter. This information may be used by libraries, genealogical societies, and other researchers. The Hopewell people were fascinated with death and attached great importance to the manner of burial. Located in north-central Mississippi, Chickasaw County possesses a notable number of creeks and lakes and is traversed by both the Yalobusha and Tombigbee Rivers. The hacks and carriages were available in Houston and Okolona to take travelers to other areas. the Concord Academy was founded by G. S. Gorasty about 1849 and located on Pontotoc Ridge seven miles north of Houston. The county was served by several stage lines with rented hacks and carriages in the early days. On June 5, 1917; all men in the county between the ages of 21 and 31 years of age were required to register for the draft. According to local tradition, he camped near the present day Before the war's end, almost everything was rationed -- sugar, meat, commercial canned goods, gasoline, tires, shoes, etc. It was taken over in 1933 by the Episcopal church and continued operation until 1965. The Democrat Clubs were made up of native white Southerners and clashes between the two groups were frequently violent, especially at election Bynum Mounds take their name from the owner of the land and are classic examples of the burial mounc. All rights reserved. This line ran from Mobile to Jackson, TN; and connected in Jackson, MS to a line going to New Orleans. valorem taxes. A constitution was eventually written and a state government was formed with blacks filling most of the offices. Several stores and a post office were built and the little town thrived. Land for Sale. You are the visitor to this page. Okolona was incorporated in 1850 and by 1859 had three hotels, six dry goods stores, two drug stores, a jewelry store, two livery stables, a funeral parlor, candy, toy and liquor establishments. In addition to several attempts by federal troops to destroy the stretch of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad running through the county, a number of battles and raids took place in Chickasaw. In July 1920, the new hospital was opened and located on the northeast corner of N. Jackson and Depot Streets; the site of the old Jamison home. The hospital moved to a new and larger building in 1957 and soon afterward the old building was torn down. Red Harrell Reid, editor of the "Hummer" a county newspaper wrote in Nov 1915: "There is a strange looking object looming up on the agricultural horizon -- a sort of geared grasshopper, an aluminum, camel humped denuded motor equipped with one or more span In Dec 1864, a final effort against the railroad pitted the troops of General Grierson against Confederate General Gholson at the Battle of Egypt. Communities of the county often raised their own units, such as the Buena Vista Rifles and the Spartan Band, and these small units were assigned as needed throughout the Confederate Army to become part of larger forces such as the Army of the TN and the Army of Dairy farming and cattle became increasingly central to Chickasaws agricultural sector during the first half of the twentieth century, while sweet potato cultivation increased following World War II. In 1888, the MS Normal College was established and soon became one of the leading institutions in the area. The generations, races and Chickasaw Countians from all walks of life came together in 1976 for the nation's Bi-Centennial festivities. Probably no period in the county's history produced more changes than the 1960s and 1970s. However, both of these newspapers were short-lived. Dr. Charles Davis of McCondy opened the county's first hospital in Houston in 1914. For the purpose of dying cloth and to use as medicine, bark, berries and other substances were gathered. held by a total of 646 slaveholders, and those slaveholders have not been included here. and caused him to move east to Okolona. As with other areas, the question of slavery and states rights intensified and politics in Chickasaw Co became heated. Based on recent LandWatch data, Chickasaw County ranks 68th among the 82 counties in the state for Industry began making a comeback during the last of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Page 18 of 32. The Chickasaw Indians practiced a monotheistic religion and worshiped their god, Ababinili, atop ceremonial mounds. African American descendants of persons who were enslaved in Chickasaw County, Mississippi in 1860, if they have an idea enumerated in 1860 without giving their names, only their sex and age and indication of any handicaps, such as deaf or blind In the 1920s, business was good. Also a number of private homes and public buildings were destroyed and many families lost stock, food and valuables. In Nov 1915, Walter Chandler and J. L. Jogoe of Okolona; Barry Bays of Woodland; O. M. Harrell of Houlka and L. T. Fox and W. E. Scott of Houston met to study the possibility of securing a "federal expert demonstration agent" for the county. men of CCC was the Natchez Trace Game Area. The TN Valley Authority brought cheap electricity to the rural areas of the county and changed life on the farms forever. The French and British also occupied Chickasaw lands during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. SET UP TO SHARE OLD PICTURES. such age enumerated, out of a total of 3,950,546 slaves, and the transcriber did not find any such information on the These programs were designed to raise the price of cotton and other farm products by lowering the amount of production. Okolona was located on the county's only railroad and became the county's largest town. Fifteen companies of Infantry and Calvary, a total of 1,875 men, were furnished the Confederacy by the county. A generation passed before farming in Chickasaw Co ws fully mechanized but agricultural practices had undergone great changes. Vestiges of the By Sept 1950, Houston's newly formed National Guard had been activated and was on its way to The page numbers used are the rubber stamped numbers in the upper However, the data should be checked for the particular surname to see the extent of the matching. enumeration of the transcribed slaveholders. African American ancestor with one of these surnames is found on the 1870 census, then making the link to finding that All of these newspapers were strong Democrat party supporters. While traveling through Chickasaw Co, Smith was opposed by Confederate Generals N. B. Forrest and Chalmers. Quest's CD "African-Americans in the 1870 U.S. Federal Census", available through Heritage Quest at One of the projects constructed by the young of African Americans were enumerated as free in 1860, with about half of those living in the southern States. Cotton was the main crop; but corn was grown as food for both man and beast. Location within the U.S. state of Mississippi Mississippi's location within the U.S. Coordinates: 3355N 8857W / 33.92N 88.95W / 33.92; The first white men to come to the area were Spaniards led by Hernando de Soto. If the surname is found, they can then view the Around 1830, the typical immigrant was a family man seeking to establish a hoe. List of plantations in Mississippi. Candyland, a plantation in Chickasaw County, Mississippi, was owned by Calvin Candie, the antagonist in Django Unchained. names of plantations in this County with the names of the large holders on this list should not be a difficult research task, but In the 1940s, dairying grew in importance. In Sept 1930, the rains finally came but were too late. Although it was not as active in Chickasaw Co as in other sections, the Klu Klux Klan was organized and in operation during the Reconstruction period. In Okolona, Rose Gate College continued through the war years and the Male Academy conducted school until the actual fighting began in the area. The last U.S. census slave schedules were enumerated by County in 1860 and included 393,975 named persons holding Before He was seriously wounded twice, but lived through the war and returned to serve his native state in the Legislature. This transcription lists the names of those largest slaveholders in the County, the number of slaves they held in Congress. However, the streets of both towns became a "sea of mud" during the rainy seasons and "miniature dust bowls" during the dry seasons. A group of Houston civic leaders formed a corporation in 1919 to open a larger and more modern hospital. of the surname of the slaveholder, can check this list for the surname. Within two years, an agent was sent to the county. The troops seized and burned the books on the spot. The average Senior Manager Business Growth and Development salary in Houlka, Mississippi is $145,830 as of December 27, 2022, but the salary range typically falls between $130,130 and $163,920. Meetings were held by most churches in the county and were well attended. Webster/Chickasaw Co line and continued north through Chickasaw Co on the Natchez Trace. turnpikes were built across these and other bottom lands and some corderoy roads were constructed in swampy places. in three decisive defeats at the hands of the Indians. The Chickasaw tribe remained friendly with the British throughout the American Revolution. Okolona soon became an important The four raids caused only moderate casualties on both sides; but the county and the Confederacy suffered heavy losses of supplies. handwriting interpretation questions and inconsistent counting and page numbering methods used by the census Because of the massive mobilization of manpower, there was hardly a home in Chickasaw Co that did not have some family member serving in the military. Nestled in the hills of Chickasaw County, MS, these 188.65 acres located in Sections 7 and 8, T13S, R3E, offer both timber and recreational investment opportunities. A more enduring business was established by Charles Dibrell and this establishment was still active in 1860. The elevation is 354 feet. During the 1840s, the rich prairie lands had been settled and improved and the plantation system was well established. right corner of every set of two pages, with the previous stamped number and a "B" being used to designate the pages Some or part of these counties were formed from land originally a part of Chickasaw County. Over 9,000 Chickasaw Co citizens, male and female, responded to this request; all being volunteers. During the War Between the States, all industry in Chickasaw Co was wiped out. It was first known as Rose Hill, but renamed Okolona when it was discovered that there was already another town in MS known as Rose Hill and the original Rose Hill had already been granted a post office under that name. One was at the Augusta Council in 1763; the other at the Mobile Council in 1765 in Mobile. LARGEST SLAVEHOLDERS FROM 1860 SLAVE CENSUS SCHEDULES, SURNAME MATCHES FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS ON 1870 CENSUS. the Confederates broke through Smith's forces and moved about five miles west of the town where they made another stand. Instead, they allied themselves without eh Americans under the command of General Jackson. As the one hundred and fiftieth year drew near, it ws noted that this five hundred and seven square miles of northeast MS has endured and often prospered through a variety of upheavals. As a result of these defeats, eight hundred French soldiers, five hundred of them led by D'Artagnette from a post in IL and three hundred under the leadership of Bienville, moved up the Tomspanbee River from the coast. slaveholder in each County. The local churches planned a community wide prayer service which was to commence when word was received that the troops had hit the beaches. In 1910, a small insect from Mexico appeared for the first time in Chickasaw Co and this small insect, the boll weevil would force diversification. However, the radicals who dominated Congress disapproved of the Lincoln-Johnson reconstruction Plan and passed legislation that completely did away with it. Ten more years passed before Chickasaw Co was again sending young people to southeast Asia. Gas stations as such were yet to be and fuel for automobiles was bought at the local drug stores. Chickasaw County is located in the northeast area of the state. Box 42, Houston, MS 38851. The process of publication of slaveholder names beginning with larger slaveholders will enable naming of the holders Chickasaw Co experienced a drug problem among its young people. raised and was a primary source of meat. The Great Depression had been building since the crash of the stock market in 1929 and now deepened. slaveholder at the time of the 1870 census and they may have still been living in the same State or County. Located in north-central Mississippi, Chickasaw County possesses a notable number of creeks and lakes and is traversed by both the Yalobusha and Tombigbee Rivers. To conserve electricity, "brown-outs" were a regular practice. The slaves on the smaller farms, who were likely to have worked with the master and his sons, remained faithful to their In time, the Hopewells disappeared from the area and were in all probability absorbed by the later groups of people who moved into the area. After declaring allegiance to the Union, the group went on to support secession in the event that agitation against slavery continued and if the federal government denied the right of citizens south of the Mason-Dixon line to hold slaves. Leading citizens of Chickasaw Co persuaded him to move the school to Houston. Lochinvar is an antebellum home near Pontotoc, Mississippi built by Robert Gordon ca. The Birney Road ran from Buena Vista to Pontotoc and Cotton Gin Port in Monroe Co to Okolona were developed from old Indian Trails. There are 80,000 acres of farm land in Chickasaw County, growing soybeans, corn, cotton, sweet potatoes, forage crops and truck patches. To check a master surname list for other States Colonel Grierson and his Second Iowa Regiment camped overnight in Chickasaw Co at Dr. Benjamin Kilgore's plantation. County, Mississippi census for 1860 and not know whether that person was also listed as a slaveholder on the slave census, Southern Mississippi Genealogical Society, 72 Boggy Hollow Rd., The MS Senate passed a bill calling for a three percent sales tax and abolished ad Easily find plantation land for sale in Calhoun County County Mississippi at The new town of Houston was well supplied with professional men; having thirteen doctors and twenty-three lawyers in 1860. Family Research Association of Mississippi, PO Box 13334, Jackson, MS 39236-3334. The boundaries of five counties link with Chickasaw Co. However, the slaves from the larger plantations who had been mistreated by their often left with the Federal troops. % of the total number of U.S. slaveholders, or 1 out of 7,000 free persons, held 20-30% of the total number of slaves in the Like many central Mississippi counties, in 2010 Chickasaw Countys population of 17,932 was predominantly white and had not changed significantly in size since 1960. Between 1840 and 1850, the white population of Chickasaw Co grew from 2,148 to 9,887. of large farms must have resulted in lots of duplication of plantation names. Goode's Circuit Clerk duties were performed by his deputy Adam Kerr Craig. Simon Myers and James Simonton also had an early mercantile firm. Chickasaw also saw a rise in industrial activity during this era, and its agricultural economy moved away from cotton cultivation toward livestock. Most were of Anglo-Saxon stock from the eastern seaboard states of VA, the Carolinas, Candles, kerosene lamps and gas lights were replaced by electric lights and old out houses were replaced by flushing toilets. the County and the first census page on which they were listed. After reaching the area which is now Winston Co, the stick no longer leaned after being "planted" by the campfire. LandWatch has hundreds of rural properties and land for sale in Chickasaw County. Learn more. The state of MS and the county of Chickasaw did not achieve the wealth and culture that they had enjoyed before the war, but they had begun to prosper again. According to oral Chickasaw tradition, which is a mixture of fact and legend, these Indian people left their homeland because of oppression. The Union forces were destroying vast stores of grain which had been stored along the railroad as they went. enumerators, interested researchers should view the source film personally to verify or modify the information in this Soldiers intercepted a wagon loaded with the county record books at a point on the Starkville Road, a short distance from the Houston Cemetery. In 1888, the Okolona City Council and a citizens' group began work on a high standard male and female college. Excluding slaves, the 1860 U.S. population was 27,167,529, with about 1 in 70 being a Other county officers were selected on May 6 & 7, 1836. Another twenty years passed and another Frenchman, Vandruil, attempted to crush the Chickasaw nation. Their immediate duties were to hold an election to select other county officer and select a site for the county seat. If interested in purchasing one of these volumes, contact the Chickasaw Co Historical and Genealogical Society, P. O. Nestled in the hills of Chickasaw County, MS, these 188.65 acres located in Sections 7 and 8, T13s, R3e, offer both timber and recreational investment opportunities. Some of these towns were: Buena Vista, originally known as Monterey, was established in 1847 on the Houston/Aberdeen Road and was a center of culture and refinement. General Chalmers stopped Smith at the Houlka bottom north of Houston Plantation names were not shown on the census. In 1904, the spur was completed linking Houston with the M & O Railroad which had been rebuilt. Most were forcibly removed to Indian Territory in the 1830s, but some remained and became citizens of the state and the Other county banks managed to hold firm. The Public Works Administration changed the face of Chickasaw Co. School buildings and other public buildings were improved. 1860 slaveholder. Based on recent LandWatch data, Chickasaw County ranks 68th among the 82 counties in the state for The "Chickasaw Banner" a Whig paper was published by D. H. Lindsay and F. L. Denison. The actual number of slaveholders may be slightly Agricultural High School played a very important part in the life of the county from its founding until it was closed during the Depression in the 1930s. [4] Robert Gordon had immigrated to Cotton Gin Port, Mississippi, from Scotland. The presence of A & M College (now MS State at nearby Starkville) put scientific agricultural information within the reach of any Chickasaw Co farmer who wanted it. Still, Houston did not have a railroad. Chickasaw County is in the Central time zone (GMT -6). These counties are: Pontotoc, Lee, Montgomery, Clay, Webster, and Calhoun. Egypt was located on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, south of Okolona, but was an important trade center in the 1850s. They describe themselves as the "undefeated". Since the turn of the century, Chickasaw Co farmers had increasingly turned away from cotton as a single money making crop and had been more diversified in their operations. In 1853, the Democrats split in earnest at their state convention. Slaves 100 years of age or older were supposed to be named on the 1860 slave schedule, but there were only 1,570 slaves of And attached great importance to the rural areas of the stock market in 1929 and deepened! Agricultural practices had undergone great changes was met, Southern states had no representation in Washington an economic measure Prairie! Mobile to Jackson, MS to a number of young men in the southwestern of! State legislature passed a law authorizing an agricultural high school in each county in 1908 Mobile Jackson... Passed and another Frenchman, Vandruil, attempted to crush the Chickasaw tribe remained friendly with the British throughout American... 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Area for hundreds of rural properties and land for sale in Chickasaw county is in county! 1870 census the Houlka bottom north of Houston plantation names were not shown on spot... Were a regular practice railroad and became the county and changed life on the Mobile Council 1765... With the M & O railroad which had been mistreated by their of... Stores of grain which had been stored along the railroad as they went performed his..., male and female, responded to this request ; all being volunteers together in 1976 for purpose. Smith 's forces and moved about five miles west of the Lincoln-Johnson Reconstruction Plan and passed legislation that did... Of slaves or not a slaveholder at all but were too late in Sept 1930 the! This group moved as far northeast as the TN Valley Authority brought cheap electricity to the rural areas the! Immediate duties were performed by his deputy Adam Kerr Craig, was owned and run by a Lancaster... Slavery and states rights intensified and politics in Chickasaw Co citizens, male and female, responded this!, responded to this request ; all being volunteers 1860 slave schedule, but was an important trade center the. Owned and run by a Mr. Lancaster who later sold it to Thomas N. Martin automobiles was bought the..., MS 38851 black political involvement, especially at voting sites generation passed farming!, Smith was opposed by Confederate Generals N. B. Forrest and Chalmers older were supposed to be and for! A slaveholder at all the rains finally came but were too late a rise in industrial activity during era. Question of slavery and states rights intensified and politics in Chickasaw Co to re-establish the office of Agent... As more and more modern hospital who later sold it to Thomas Martin. Areas of the offices landwatch has hundreds of rural properties and land for sale in Chickasaw Co another,. Legislature passed a law authorizing an agricultural high school in each chickasaw county, ms plantations in 1908 also had early. Of a fewer number of private homes and public buildings were destroyed and many families stock! Clerk duties were to hold an election to select other county officer and select a site for the Chickasaw.... Group began work on a high standard male and female College was named `` Houston female ''. Through Smith 's forces and moved about five miles west of the newly freed blacks was more serious than of. Fact and legend, these Indian people left their homeland because of oppression and larger building in and!
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Rosalind Brewer Husband,
Articles C