Its pretty remarkable to see, so thank you. Some things have done amazing but they still have not even come close to equaling the power of the human mind. Andrew is an expert in the law of attraction. Now the ego, as I define it, way stronger than the conscious mind, but nothing matches up with the subconscious. It gives you room for that curiosity. And so, I see a number of different ways that somebody in this space could do that. This isnt a one and done. All of a sudden, you notice people in the office are talking to you a little bit better. Im seeing you manifesting your success. I turn on the recorder app. In other words, I believe that a huge part of this is the universe, energy, and vibration. When you acknowledge that negotiation as a conversation about a relationship and you stop trying to win at a relationship, the doors of possibility open up crazy, which is why the Law of Attraction is so important in how we negotiate. So what I've actually got a WORLD EXCLUSIVE for you today. Its going to be over the top. Thats why Ive got the YouTube channel. And I think Ive built in the ecosystem that demonstrates it. Tracing the answers to this question throughout history allows us to understand the development of cosmology and its effects on moral imagination. One person can say, Ill take some of this yoke because were supposed to get an equal amount, when they only care about the shell and the other two people dont care about the shell. I have with me, Andrew Kap. Your email address will not be published. So, weve got this list of past, present, future. Give me some feedback on how the book has made a difference in your life. Its a wonderful opportunity for an awareness to notice it and if they do notice it and they dont know why ask themselves the questions why. It started with an apple falling from a tree in 1666. I had three kids when I was doing it. Get somebody on your team that has those experience points that can help move you forward more readily and more successfully than if you tried to do it yourself. Well, thank you asking. And by the way, I love how you mentioned certain things, when you feel good about certain of the same things, you can use the same list every day. Whether you are the little guy or not, when youre encompassing that role or taking that role or fitting that role upon yourself, youve got to understand that youre always valuable. But whether its the YouTube channel or its the book or anything else, Im just grateful for anyone that checks it out. You could have created a completely different and more amazing relationship if you stopped looking at only the list. Gravity Falls is an American mystery comedy animated television series created by Alex Hirsch for Disney Channel and Disney XD.The series follows the adventures of Dipper Pines (Jason Ritter) and his twin sister Mabel (Kristen Schaal) who are sent to spend the summer with their great-uncle (or "Grunkle") Stan (Hirsch) in Gravity Falls, Oregon, a mysterious town full of paranormal incidents and . Barry Taylor, who was a professor of mine when I was at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, bought $200 worth of groceries one time for me and my daughters. Not to be negative, but theres always those get-rich-quick schemes and the person is like, Heres my new system and all you have to do is X, Y, and Z. They need you for something, whether its paying or whatever it might be. Now, he got a new job. This exercise lets you acknowledge as the negotiator that you are indeed setting precedent and youre taking ownership of that precedent. I talk about an egg. I am a composer. I was checking today; its the number one bestseller today. After having been unemployed for a few months, he was nervous about needing to get a job. Ms . Its like a self-fulfilling prophecy, so to speak. Were not beating up the other person, youre owning your own power but also it dictates or governs your decisions on other things in your business. The reason I have the luxury of not having to do that extra stuff is because, again, Ive already built in my ecosystem of value, which I think helps with the volume. Yeah. There are no rules. Whereas when you do the method for the sake of enjoying the method and basking in either the feelings or the images, or whatever it might be for your unique experience of enjoying that piece without worrying about how its going to come, when its going to come, why its going to come, youre indirectly opening that energy up for the thing to come. Everything across the board keeps getting better and better and better. In my book, Im meticulous about making the exact step-by-step instructions so people that want to follow that can. Then you make improvements. Lets talk a little bit about gratitude because you do a lot of work in gratitude. Now, is that the one that you use or is that a primary one for you, personally? I was on Andrews podcastand Ive been trying to figure out how do I bring Andrew on? Its just the one method of many. And they really want something. Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. And when you do that, depending on your beliefs, youre feeding thoughts to your subconscious mind, or youre extending that vibration out to the universe, or maybe a combination, which is what I believe because its all connected anyway. Theyre listening to your ideas more. Love it. Yeah. Ive got social media and stuff but for the most part, I usually point people towards that, because these days, you cant hire me for marketing consulting anymore. Obviously, The Last Law of Attraction Book Youll Ever Need to Read. I think by nature, most people, theres an innate part of us that theres this spiritual connection, whether its a piece within us that we feel like is missing, and theres something higher that we look to. Yeah. Until then, have a great day. That same enthusiasm and energy is going to carry over into the gratitude when youre reading the future items as well. Youre myopically focused on one item at a time because youre not thinking about the possibilities as it stretches out across all of the list or beyond the list because youre not even exploring what value is possible outside the list. Hearing you say that is so exciting. Andrew learned about the Law of attraction in 2004 and four years later he had an epiphany about it. Everything around us is a vibration, including our thoughts. We understand human nature. But then, I took the action of grinding it out, of writing it, of spitting it out on paper. First of all, whether its my book or anyone elses book, thank you for acknowledging it because thats where the gift is in it for you. But yeah, its not a first go. You see his book, if youre watching this on video, youll see his book in the background. Did the universe magically reach out and touch them? Helping Consultants, Coaches, & Entrepreneurs Become Best Selling Authors and Get Featured on TV and Radio GUARANTEED! When you sent it to me and hearing you say that it made me come up with the word when you facilitate a different perspective, you create a different result or you invite at least a different result and you invite more possibilities. When he decided he was ready to leave and move on, he wanted to figure out how to recover because he never was able to recover what he gave up to take that job. There is a myriad of ways of doing this that goes specific, tailor-made to your situation that you could get a lot out of. Youve got one egg and its raw and its in a shell. So, to start with, in my opinion, any law of attraction book worth its salt is hopefully going to explain the law of attraction in an easily digestible way. And if you give people the opportunity and express it the way you have, then youll get more referrals for your business than you are right now, for those that are listening. I dont think theres any doubt about that. Now you have three separate and distinctive parts of an egg that now three people can share and get value out of. What can you do better than that? About Andrew Kap I mean, Ive never had this kind of level. In the Law of Attraction space, not that people are necessarily and intentionally doing this, but its almost like a fad. Rob, thanks so much for having me. To hopefully get them the best bang for their buck here, lets talk about the elephant in the room and the fact that people think it doesnt work. Thank you for sharing that with the audience. Im seeing it in my business, too. Itll come across naturally through how you behave because youve got that mindset and thats how youre looking at things. It keeps you stuck in place. It was about putting her in her future state and getting her to think about what you want when youre in your future. This sounds simplistic and this is personal. I appreciate the two people who brought us together and who introduced us. We have another great guest for an episode of the Publish. Im probably more excited than you. The pageant system was previously owned by former US president Donald Trump. Before I did this road, I was a marketing consultant and I did copywriting for other people. So, people know that if they recommend this book and their friend asks a question, Im going to take care of them as well. Yeah, look. Sometimes we feel it, which you and Ive talked about because Im not a visual person. And five are things that you want in your future. I went through a divorce. Being able to accept that opens the door for better things, which opens the door to stronger, more efficient, more useful communication thats going to result in a lot of cooperation in those negotiations that youre doing. It did. Its a beautiful thing and its also a challenge in the sense that if people read a standard book, theyre supposed to experience something. I feel things. Im not going to take your money and run. Theres always like, Ive got to meet that standard. Its what you think about and what you focus on manifest into your life. So, Im assuming that this is your first book. So I took that book and I meditated on it. It doesnt have to be very expensive. And heres the cool part. Is that the idea? We understand burnout. So, this part of your mind, the ego, it loves you. This is my true honor to be on the show. And I gave this like 10 passes because I understood that sometimes people can misinterpret. So, it just reaffirms and reminds me of, when youre giving that value through the book, through your presentations, through everything, I dont care about how it comes back because I am at a point now where Im so confident it is coming back. Anything that you can, I guess, to include other people, have a partner, have a buddy, someone to help you and keep you accountable. But also, Ive been very intentional about creating an ecosystem of value, you might say. Andrew Kap is an entrepreneur, facilitator, and #1 best-selling author of the book, The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read. They were not thinking about the job promotion. I do understand that when I designed this cover, it was with the understanding that people are scrolling through Amazon and its going to be really small. Yeah. In 1916, Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational wavesvibrations in spacetime that travel at the speed of light and are produced by the most cataclysmic events in the universe, such as the collision of black holes. Imagine youre trying to manifest a job promotion and you focus on it every single day. Yeah, no, I love that. I appreciate that. When you have more confidence in yourself, it gives you that runway to be more curious. Well, you said a couple of things that I wholeheartedly agree with. Im much more focused into this. I dont visualize very much. The thing that Ive seen, though I havent always loved, about law of attraction is the disconnection between the doing and the believing that Ive seen in some elements of the teaching. How do you want this to look in the future? In truth, if youre getting any positive experience while thinking about what you have or what you want or both, youre doing it right. I love it. But theres a link where you can get bonuses, where I will email more value to you. My apologies to all of my amazing Harvard professors. I learned a ton from Eben Pagan called Wanting Attacks, where sometimes you want something so badly that youre going to act in contradiction to your interest because you think that you need that thing, which is a fancy way of saying scarcity thinking. Im not in each persons business but I would argue that abundance thinking is so brilliant and beautiful, because it bleeds across so many different ways. Maybe. That was one that I used a lot. Im paraphrasing you already, but whatever you said was brilliant, and I love it. Of course, you have a YouTube channel. Youre going to have a baker whos going to glaze some baked goods and you can still make an omelet out of the egg whites. As he watched the apple apple, Newton realized that in order to make the apple move, the Earth had to apply a force to it. They might be stuck paying wanting attacks, and they might be stuck in scarcity thinking. When a fascinating chaos has been observed enough to reveal patterns that allow prediction, the human mind is ready to ask, "Why?" So it is with the cosmos. Weve been doing it for three and a half years. The billionaire Thai media mogul bought the rights to Miss Universe, Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA for $20million. Rob Kosberg here. Therefore, the gratitude that you experience and feel for it, its going to have a certainty and a confidence and a level of enthusiasm and power that you just cant manufacture. Theres no rules to this. I feel pretty safe, and this isnt live anyway, so Im not going to waste, but I feel pretty safe that Andrew isnt going to be a boring guest or hes not going to care about delivering value. So, I think the book has done a great way of setting a precedent and setting an expectation, that my job isnt to set the expectation, its just to live up to it, because its already done that for me. Blackwater Skies Astronomy & Astro-imaging from East of the Meridian We think about it as, If you win something, that means Im losing something. Versus it being an overall relationship and you cant win a relationship. Well said. And then you give yourself 20 to 60 seconds to feel gratitude for whatever that thing is that you read. So, I do lend a lot of my skills and tools towards doing what I can to the best of my ability to communicate the value that Im offering through the book. Now Ive got my feet to the fire that I better deliver in that way. So long story short, I dont do very much right now, even though I always have means by which I can flip a switch and do the copywriting and do the marketing consultant again. This book does something that no other law of attraction book has been able to do by going the extra mile of finally addressing why people who get excited about trying it still cant manage to get in the habit of using these methods. Youre supposed to do the method to enjoy the method. Your order cannot be located - please contact the vendor with your details and request that they manually restore your access. He was right there. Lets shift gears again and talk a little bit about what the book has done for you. This negotiation that a person is listening to now, not only is the negotiation valuable in the sense of what youre doing then, but its when that becomes good, and I hope Im not butchering this, you gain experience points. Its an important question and people can ask, not only in negotiations but in many aspects of their lives. Its been this weird thing where it, again, because I was so intentional about making it over-deliver, it very easily clears the pathway where if I reach out to a podcast, Im not sure what happened with you specifically, but if I reach out to a podcast and I tell them about the book, well, they just got to go on Amazon and see the reviews. Its a good thing to have that recognition of no ones going to spend any time with you if they dont have anything perceived or real to gain from that interaction. All it knows now where you are in your life, in your business, in your health, and everything. I truly enjoyed this conversation. We need to worry about the negotiation, our business, or another paycheck. I think thats probably a good place for us to end. Or itll play on fears. So, Im about to enter the monetization state of that and see where that takes me. Lets say Im wrong about that, Im lying, Im deluded, or who knows what. It gives them the comfort and the space to engage with you and get a deeper and more profound, important, long-lasting, resilient negotiation and arrangement thats going to be healthier for a lot longer time hopefully. Andrew Kap, The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read: The Missing Key To Finally Tapping Into The Universe And Manifesting Your Desires 1 likes Like "We're all "magnets." And what we focus on is magnetized to us. What about your heart? She split it in half with him. Shes all freaked out and we got them to the point where he essentially gave her everything. Rather than taking lack-full action, you take inspired action. Ive had several people tell me, The thing I learned the most in your presentation was that I need to think about my counterpart. I do know that people dont do that but Ive not had anyone ever say that to me. Through IBC (Interblockchain communication), many different cosmos based projects can connect and use the bridge to access ERC20 assets, like dai or usdc, without having to operate the gravity orchestrator on their own chain. Were going to list all these things out in the present tense, where, if you read your list to someone else, a stranger, theyd have no idea what the truth was, what happened, whats going to happen. Its not a loss, because within a year I was at that financial goal, not really with their help, but I believe through my intention, through the energy I put out, through the investment that I put out there, I did reap the reward. And oftentimes, I am thinking about the same things over and over and over again and feel this incredible gratitude for those things that have to do with my wife of 30 years, my children, the business that I have, the things that I enjoy, et cetera. And for me, understanding this, or at least this being my understanding, what do I do to fix this, address this, to bypass the ego and access that more powerful subconscious mind? He changed how he saw the value that he contributed as well as what was possible. Its amazing. But more in the context of people, they get those big ideas when theyre in the shower, not when theyre pulling their hair out, trying to force it. Which means, I know if they get the program and they use it and they feel better, just as a social creature, this is a selfish thing that I noticed about myself, they are going to attribute some of their good feeling towards me. Yeah. Thank you for the update. Also, how you dissolve that partnership and that marriage. Obviously, weve got a really bold title here. People will buy from you. And then I send that message to my friend across the country. Yeah, were going towards a hundred thousand copies. She knows her stuff. Thats the part I like about your book. I lost my business and my girlfriend of three years all in the same week. But how do you give value? If you dont believe me, try it as an experiment. Its got two letters in it, an N and an O, at least in English, but its a short word in every language. Meaning, if you can look into any selfish nature, any nature of biases or things of that nature and say, okay, let me, not maliciously, but let me leverage this towards my business, towards sharing my product or my service, then youre always going to win because youre taking into account the obvious human knowledge and human understanding that if people go to an event, theyre looking for a solution maybe, or theyre looking for an escape, depending on the event, or theyre looking for both. If the outcome is not what I want, but Im still safe, is it that bad? You could read it aloud. He could start seeing himself. xYn5?OMdzP@J RT~PT That makes so many more dynamic possibilities and such a stronger more efficient when, for lack of a better term, for both parties as you continue to move forward with longer, better, more productive, and efficient deals. Plus, I have the YouTube channel thats in support of this. You said that when youre talking about win-win. Christine, thank you so much for having me. You did your own spin, your own version of it. I did it by waking up at 7:00 AM, maybe. Its a powerful exercise. I even say it in a couple of products because it almost keeps me honest. Ill acknowledge that. What it usually does is, it usually creates an opportunity or an opening to ask more questions in a different way. Theres always something more for you. I know were probably going to go in a different direction than most other scenarios. Ive just started that. Thank you very much. John Carlton used to use the word spooky for this kind of stuff like things just happen. Not the element of gratitude itself, but the concept of what it means to people. Whatever it might be, youve got to step into your own and it all begins with doing what you can do to feel good about that situation. And then the other one, I just call it gratitude blitz, where youre just like boom, thing after thing, after thing, after thing and let the enthusiasm carry you. Its already working.. But you have other ways and bonuses that they can receive. This isnt a weight training book, this isnt a nutrition book, its a law of attraction book. I know the importance of writing a book, obviously, its what my business is. Thats the formula right there. Whatever it is, it is going to impact you. That can andrew kap gravity of the cosmos taking lack-full action, you said was brilliant, and Miss USA! Actually got a really bold title here system was previously owned by former us president Donald.. 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