I married my husband two years ago and we now have an eight-month-old daughter. Youre contemplating the reasons for his actions and even if the two of you have a future together anymore. Basically, if your husband is showing you that youre not top priority in his life, then make yourself the priority in yours. That is not done. Instead of arguing, try to be a team player with your husband. Except a zombie would actually acknowledge your existence. Take the example of Meenu and Rajesh, who are both well in their 50s and have been married for more than two decades. If you dont, then you could be alienating him from you. One of the quickest ways to destroy your marriage is to leave your wife alone. The good news is that it can be learned for sure. News . Include your own parents in your family holidays and when he is buying sarees for his mom, buy the same ones for your mom too. When youre struggling to come to terms with the signs your husband puts his family first, know that healthy and honest communication is the key to solving any relationship issue. Speak to him honestly about your feelings and emotions. Theres no shame in getting help from a trained relationship counselor (either by yourself or with your partner) who can listen to your concerns and offer helpful advice to navigate your way through the issue. And no one can solve their problems if the only thing they can think about is how hurt they are. So what happens when, whether in times of conflict or otherwise, your husband chooses his family over you? Problems arise when you leave the house early, barely speaking to or connecting with your wife before you dash out the door. You have to take a step back so he can figure out that he needs to change. He wants to keep the peace between everyone, 3. And so did he. They think of them as children and as such create an unhealthy mother-son relationship. He may not have even questioned it. You should never criticize your husband for something hes done. It can seem that your marriage is falling apart and that your husbands spending more time with his family than with you. Even if you're determined to respect his guy time, you're only human. He vowed to stand by your side for better or worse, and now hes reneging on that vow. The biggest mistake that you could make is to involve other people in solving your marriage issues. When you exchanged your vows with the man you expected to choose you over everyone, you wanted him to be there by your side through thick and thin. They have more finesse when handling such circumstances because they belong to the same gender, they have more experience while dealing with their own mothers, and then they are more in tune with themselves than the male counterpart. I (26f) got into a huge argument with my boyfriend (38m) last night. Lisa Marie Wilson, Contributor. Their motto is, "Once family, always family." By. As a consequence of them maturing early, they usually learn how to be independent from an early age and get married sooner than men. "I wasn't allergic," she says. If your husband puts his family ahead of you and your children, communicating in thoughtful and direct ways is an important first step in helping him change his priorities Your Wife, Your Priority If your husband constantly chooses or sides with his family over you, it is time for the two of you to take a hard look at your priorities. Yes, that includes your spouses attachment to his family. Else, continuous in-law conflicts will cause a significant rupture in your relationship with your spouse sooner or later. Furthermore, there may be instances when a husband has choose his family over his wife a variety of unforeseeable family emergencies can develop, requiring a son's attention. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. When Team Bonobology puts a story together be sure to find strong research-based content. Send an equal amount of money to your parents and start visiting your cousins more, just as your husband does. My family's tradition of 'matching-matching' names is so obsessive, it's against the order of nature. If my dignity is being squashed by your own parents, you will choose to stay silent. Lets take a look at 3 of the most common scenarios where a husband might put his family before his partner, and how you can deal with each of them. The problem isn't your job. Unlike when in the UK or US where mothers often stop to have a drink after work before heading home, you would always see an Indian mom rushing home from work to help her child with homework or toss up delicacies for them. Basically, that because theyve all known one another and supported one another for as long as your husband has been alive, they and their views, wants, needs, and preferences need to take precedence over yours. If a part of his income goes to his family, ensure a part of your income goes to your family too. And as well all know, Indian mothers do not let go of their sons even after marriage. This is the kind of relationship where his mother smothers him with calls and text messages and hes always there to answer them. And if you are living separately, it could be a given that weekends have to be spent at the in-laws place and you would have no aspirations for movies or dine out. Their partners rely on them for that. No relationship is worth tolerating abuse and disrespect for. Here youll find some tips that could help you deal with this issue. Relationships . And your so-called partner wont stop anyone from hurting you. We suggest that you learn to pick your battles. Living with his mother (at the time of her death) was his 26- year-old younger sister and 25-year-old Accept your husbands strong relationship with his mom, 9. Or will he accept the fact that he overlooked your emotions? Thats impossible. Everyone is living under the same roof, 4. It's always a good thing to see your husband spending time with his family and . Dont let your emotions govern your actions and dont let them turn into resentment. You cant force him to change. . Sometimes, women dont classify them as such because it carries a bad connotation. Your husband might be deeply attached to his mother or is completely influenced by her but do not ever let her put you down. This is a rather difficult one to recognize unless you directly ask him. When you stop looking at the relationship dynamics from an us versus them prism, half your woes will dissipate. You might get annoyed when he's at that darn video game again or watching the Walking Dead marathon until he starts to resemble a zombie himself. 1. You two are a united team in a world that can be incredibly difficult and hostile to negotiate. You never mentioned that your promise of protecting me comes with *Terms and Condition. Manage Settings Does your husband choose his family over you? 3.) He has to choose to do things differently if he wants to have a future with you. You comfort them because they know you're safe and secure and that their grandchildren are well cared for. Start visiting your parents more often and spend more time with them, just as your husband does. If your husband is choosing his family over you repeatedly, then you have to remember he has been psychologically conditioned to do so since his childhood. If I come last for you, then you dont deserve the right to come first for me.. In Indian families, the son is expected to prioritize his parents and siblings even after he is married and has his own family. I'm more of a take sides kinda gal. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Little do they know that it is an act of protection on the part of their husbands; but because it is seldom communicated, the women think the worst. I didnt leave my parents and my home to be treated like an educated maid. all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. My husband chooses his family over me. Tell your husband that if you are traveling twice a year let one be with his family and the other one be with his wife and kids. You can change your city from here. Couple relationshipsthe pains and pleasures, the anxieties and comforts, the craziness and calm. #relationships #relationshiptips #marriage What to Do When Your Husband Chooses His Family over You? It's completely natural that one person might need to take a back seat to something critical the other is going through, like a grueling, busy period at work or a health concern with a family. What to do when your husband is too attached to his family and considers it his responsibility to fulfill their needs and desires? In many cases, it has also happened that a husband has relocated his entire family abroad because his parents wanted him to stay near them. That way your husband does not get to choose his family over you. Talk to husband about his mother. Or, if he goes away to get help at a rehab facility, this will give you and your girls sufficient distance from his struggles. And, in case you find yourself helpless to protect your wifes honor and dignity at least dont stop her from protecting herself. Can You Match Actresses To Their Movies Based On Saree Looks In This Quiz? He had told me, throughout our marriage and the last month, that he wasn't changing. Prioritize yourself. Because respect is a two-way street. You can sort out your feelings by talking. The attitude starts to shuffle, the ideas are different, the future plans are different, and their responsibilities shift. Sadly, many women believe that they can read their partners minds. And so, it remains a constant battle for a married woman to get her husbands attention over the in-laws. Second, by allowing him to. Spend as much time with your own parents or visit cousins as much as he does. If they think an American college is a waste of money but you have always aspired for one for your son, put your foot down. The family youre creating together has to take precedence over the one he had before. Trust me, youll feel instantly better when you open up to him. He has always been prioritizing them in small ways and does not realize how much he is hurting you by giving you a second-citizen treatment. Find out about the latest Lifestyle, Fashion & Beauty trends, Relationship tips & the buzz on Health & Food. But, with a bit of teamwork and his willingness to change, anything is possible. Ask for his perspective on things, so he doesnt feel like youre barraging him with a volley of issues about the people he loves, and allow for the possibility that there might be some situations in which theres misinterpretation. It is not that he loves his own family any less but he is unable to do the balancing act because of his mental conditioning. He's not even your boyfriend! Your husband could be a mamas boy or he could be having a strong bond with his mother but that does not mean you will resent it and keep on cribbing that your husband chooses his family over you. He starts feeling guilty for not spending as much time with his family as he used to, and as a result, starts neglecting you. Well, those moms have a difficult time seeing their sons grow up. Have an honest and open conversation with your husband, 3. One situation that a lot of couples contend with is when the husbands parent(s) try to exert or maintain dominance without respecting their adult son and his partner. Remember, marriage is all about teamwork. The inevitable distance between two people in love, the restless neediness of love. My Family Picked My Ex Over Me. Thats simply not true. Husband and wife both, have to take responsibilities and sides, when needed, of their partners. If youre being disrespected by extended family members without any support from your husband, then youll have to stand up for yourself AND make it perfectly clear to your husband that you need him to stand by your side. But take a deep breath because fighting with your spouse wont solve your problems. Why is it that we only hear about women being difficult acceptors? I didn't have to explain myself differently he understood me. Those potential awkward situations are bound to happen. What he is doing comes naturally to him. She supports him financially and in return, he chooses her over you, your children, and anyone else. Do you want to stay with a man who will bend to his familys will at your expense? 2. But before all of that, you have to give him space and time to initiate the change. Your husband may even be pretty cheery when relatives come, but he can also be oblivious about you getting stressed attending to the entourage. Why is it that mothers find it that difficult to see their son be happily married? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. When children are socialized in India it is drilled into their head that your parents will always be your priority and even now when sons want to have a separate residence after marriage there is severe criticism not only from parents but also relatives and the neighbors who keep saying: there goes the son tied to the wifes pallu. But not choose her publicly. The famous mamas boy. Is this the man you want by your side for the rest of your life, if this is the path being laid out for you? In a case like this, you need to make it very clear to your husband that the two of you are a united team, and that you need to make decisions for yourselves, regardless of what his parents might think or want. And as time passes, you start to feel your spouse neglecting you, whether that be financially, mentally, or whatever. Tell him while you will ensure that you are not overshooting the budget, he has to ensure his parents are doing the same. Simply, How To Deal With A Husband Who Wont Talk To You About Anything, 7 Simple Tips To Be Happy In An Unhappy Marriage, 13 Sad Signs Of A Selfish Husband (+ How To Deal With Him), 5 Reasons You Feel Trapped In Your Relationship/Marriage, 16 Surefire Ways To Get Your Marriage Back On Track, 14 Signs Of Emotional Neglect In A Relationship, How To Deal With Someone Who Repeatedly Disrespects Your Boundaries, How To Get People To Respect You: 7 No Bullsh*t Tips That Actually Work. But if you have a discussion with him and tell him how you feel, then both of you could sit together and work a way out. It's pretty adjustable once or twice a week, but when it becomes a frequent affair, it can be a burden on you. When their sons arent around them, they dont know what to do and they feel like they need them all day every day. Related Reading: 5 reasons why the Indian family is killing the Indian marriage. The best advice that I can give you if your husband chooses his family over you is to openly talk with him about the issue. Be careful to always approach him with respect and try to be patient. Will he just ignore it? Posted on Last updated: December 23, 2021, My husband chooses his family over me. Should he balk at that idea, or insist that you back down and accept abuse and ill treatment for the sake of maintaining familial harmony, then youll have some tough decisions ahead of you. He simply disagreed. "My husband always supports his mother" - the more you let this thought fester in your mind, the harder it will be to accept their bond. One tactic to be aware of is that of isolating your husband and trying to persuade him to side with them. You need to constantly work on your team-playing skills as youre not born with them. Some people might be absolutely okay with older family members making decisions for them and ruling their lives so they dont have to adult, but if one of you is okay with this and the other isnt, then theres going to be conflict. Rachael Pace is a noted relationship writer associated with Marriage.com. Maybe when you become a daughter-in-law, you will realize how much it pains to handle those hurtful comments that make you feel like an outsider even after four years of marriage. One excuse that's commonly heard in situations where your husband chooses his family over you is "they've been family to me longer than we've been a couple." Basically, that because they've all known one another and supported one another for as long as your husband has been alive, they - and their views, wants, needs, and preferences - need to take precedence over yours. We can only ever process situations through a filter of our own experiences, and what one person considers normal and acceptable might be absolutely appalling to another. Those nights you cancel on me to go get drunk, please think about what is more important. Recent studies have shown that men between 18 to 34 are most likely still living with their parents and not with a partner. How could you act like everything is normal? You sure wont have your happy-ever-after if you do. Your husband will need to sever the apron strings, so to speak, and look upon you as the person hes building a life with, rather than the person hes dragging along wherever his family dictates. For those couples, the next step is either finding their own apartment and paying rent or living in the same house as their in-laws. One of the pillars of a healthy relationship is having good communication with your partner. The Bonobology Team comprises expert writers who have been writing on this specialized subject of relationships for a long time and have a deep understanding of couple relationships and its ramifications. You hardly have the guts to stand for the person, who left everything for you her family, her home! Dont normalize the toxic behavior just because they are your parents or siblings. They claim to be their knight in the shining armor. Because change starts within. 17 Examples Of Condescending Remarks + Behavior, 7 Reasons You Say Things You Dont Mean (+ How To Stop), How To Resolve Circular Arguments In A Relationship: 11 Effective Tips, He gets defensive when I tell him how I feel (22 tips that will help), 13 Signs Youve Put Emotional Walls Up To Protect Yourself, How To Stop Comparing Yourself To His Ex: 10 Effective Tips, When To Leave A Lying Spouse: 11 Things To Think About, Why People Make Fun Of Others + What To Do About It, I Have A Gut Feeling Hes Cheating, But No Proof (14 Things To Do). Neither you nor any of his relatives can have an influence on his decisions. Get expert help figuring out a plan of action if your husband chooses his family over you. Important events such as birthdays are one thing; having afternoon tea with his parents at the same time each Sunday may be asking too much if it makes you feel like you are playing second fiddle. Dont taunt him for being a mamas boy. Life & Culture, About Us. I'm not saying he doesn't love you and that you are not important to him. Marriage is all about give and take. But if theyre hurting you and making you feel disrespected, then yes this is a big deal indeed. Being with such a man is a real struggle. Once your husband receives help for his addiction, he will . Men, at times of conflict, either run away or take their mothers side. If he is not there, you could say, "I need to talk to my husband about that. Tell him to have the weekends for such visits. Healthy communication with your partner means you always talk about everything with him and make all of your decisions together. Instead, show compassion and understanding. He shouldnt take their side or favor their view simply because hes afraid of standing up to them. Consistently choosing their mom over their wife and children. Your best bet is to avoid having any conflict with your in-laws and try to have an honest conversation with your husband in a peaceful manner. Even more so when and if your husband sides with them rather than you, and expects you to go along with things to keep the peace. Suggest spending more time together as a family. The problem was, he loved them more than me." 5 ways in which marriage turned out the opposite of what I imagined, 7 Tips For Men Who Are Stuck Between Wife And Mother In A Joint Family, 12 Ways to Deal With a Jealous Mother-In-Law. How To Make Him Fear Losing You: 17 Effective Ways, 11 Daily Struggles Youll Face While Dating A Mamas Boy. In such cases, the men are stuck in between the mother and the wife. Psychologists have explained that when a baby is born, they look dotingly and in a loving manner at their parents, especially mothers. It breaks my heart that when I was insulted, you never stood up for me. Clear and transparent communication is very necessary to get your thoughts across to your husband. Just know that the more you and your husband can stand up and stand firm, the more his parents will eventually get the message. At times, mothers-in-law deliberately start to distance the daughters-in-law, or at times they would taunt or tease, or they would still invite their sons ex-partners to the events. If you see that your husband is prioritising his family and spending time with them more, then you can also start doing the same. The partnership I envisioned was not the one he wanted. Dont try to argue with him about why hes choosing his family over his wife. So if he has money to buy one Kanjeevaram saree, he will buy it for his mother. Try to take positive steps through communication and creating boundaries and not keep resenting the fact that he is choosing his family over you. It means that youre willing to give and take to make things better. But thats not what I mean. 4. If they try to pressure you into agreeing with them, you will have to stand firm and refuse to give in. Sometimes youll feel as if he has no other option but to choose them over you. I want the line in the sand, and I want my people on my beach. If hes not willing to cooperate, then theres not much you can do about it alone. Ask him to ensure that his parents dont overspend a lot, the same way you maintain a strict budget. Make it clear to him that you do not take kindly to his mother's interference in small things like this. But, I refuse to become a victim of toxic behavior anymore. Even by those he loves. You honor your children when you put your spouse first. Eventually, you feel less worthy and as if you have to compete with them for his time. Most of the time he is not realizing the pressures he is putting on his wife by having an entourage of relatives always at home. If you try to find a compromise with him, he wont be forced to choose between you or his family. Sit with your husband and work out a budget as to how much should go to your husbands family and how much should be kept for your own. We all know one and your man might be one, but you failed to see it before getting hitched. So, what to do when your husband is too attached to his family? Some people who have been immersed in this kind of family dynamic all their lives might not have any other perspective other than their firsthand experience. We've detected your location as Mumbai. Youll either need to establish dominance in this hierarchy, making it absolutely clear that this awful behavior wont be tolerated, or leave. You didnt mention that your promise comes with an exception that you will not protect me if I have been attacked by your own family. 1. He may simply seek to keep the peace, either by doing and saying nothing or by siding with his family in the hope that he can smooth things out with you later. Who knows in the process hed probably realize a few things and will be able to create the boundaries. You have to show him that this little thing is bothering you. In most Indian families, especially in joint ones, sons are expected to be there and fulfil every need of their parents, even if it means prioritising them more than their wife. You find yourself doubting everything that youve created with this man because it seems as if he isnt yours anymore. The dynamics of a house changes when a new person comes in. The theory is that without a strong marriage and loving home, kids won't thrive, so you're doing them a disservice by putting your spouse on the back burner, which can lead to marital trouble and even divorce. Our vision is to become a supportive community where youll feel that theres someone out there who gets you, supports you in creating and keeping strong bonds between your families and friends. If you cant respect me or my family, please stop demanding it. You girls need to be a in a stable home without substance abuse or constant fighting. Instead, consider it a way of filling up the time when your husband is unavailable to you by surrounding yourself with people you love. He compares your cooking to her cooking. His daily routine changes and hes confused since his priority list has changed drastically. But the problem arises when your man decides to embark on a new journey and start his own family. Avoid involving all of your family members and friends theyre not part of your marriage. In this situation, you have to compromise. Men have the tendency to live with their parents longer, 2. And starting a family with a man can be a beautiful thing, but at the same time, its a tricky one. The way to approach situations where his parents feel that it is okay to force their views and wishes upon you is to do so tactfully and respectfully. Media Kit. Show him that you know how he feels. We share subjects that impact your daily life and we primarily discuss and write about all things related to relationships, breakups, mental health, astrology and much more. Rather than fighting for my dignity, you will tell me to ignore things or maybe try to justify their toxic behavior towards me. I know that youre hurt now. It could be that your in-laws and his siblings are always included in your family travel plans. When you call me at 4 a.m. please remember that unlike you, my priorities do not consist of getting drunk. ETimes is an Entertainment, TV & Lifestyle industry's promotional website and carries advertorials and native advertising. The attitude starts to shuffle, the ideas are different, the future plans are different, and their responsibilities shift. Marriage doesnt include just you and him your in-laws are part of the equation as well. Health . Feeling second best in a relationship can be difficult to cope with, so what is the best thing to do if you feel your husband puts his. After all, if a man respects and treats his mother the same way, he is more likely to appreciate and treat his wife. It may seem like he loves them more than he loves you. Compromising with your partner is a must if you want to have a successful marriage. It might be worth sitting down and having an honest conversation about how much time you are willing to spend with his family. I think you are making the same mistake a lot of step-parents make instead of accepting the reality of the situation. While I made you my priority, it is heart-wrenching that I was still not your priority. On top of that, if your husband accepts he has a problem and hes willing to cooperate, that shows you that youre still his priority. Every holiday, every family gathering, will likely be excruciating. It is scientifically proven that men cannot handle stress well and would duck whenever they would have to select between the wife and the mother. So its time to act as such. My husband has always catered to his family. This is a reality many married women face in India. First, take a step back and breathe. This is a tricky situation, and one that can easily be made worse with the wrong approach. However in the past three years, it has gotten worse. Thats no way to have a healthy marriage. In the second case, men generally think of their mothers as vulnerable weaklings who need protection much more than their wives who are young and strong. As a consequence, your man spent a significant amount of time with his family, be it family dinners, gatherings, or game nights. I will always protect you!. Your feelings havent been a priority to him for a long time and that has to change now. Why is it that mothers find it that difficult to see their son be. We dont get to choose our family members, but we do get to choose our life partners. Husband. If you cant make me your priority; then stop expecting me to make you my priority. It is up to them as a couple how they work through it. You could be living with your husbands family or you could be living in a separate residence but when your husband chooses his family over you then its a constant battle that you have to keep fighting in your life. Take a class that youve always wanted to delve into. The truth is, its very hard to break this pattern. Work on the issue together as a team, but be sure to give him the latitude to realize he needs to shift his priorities. Everything is going to be alright. We serve, Reduce import duty to curb gold smuggling: Malabar Group Chairman MP Ahammed, By subscribing to newsletter, you acknowledge our, Find out about the latest Lifestyle, Fashion & Beauty Trends, Relationship tips & the buzz on Health & Food, Live: Gulshan calls out nepotism in south industry, SRK's fanfare could give Pathaan a 35-cr opening, Take cues from Janhvi's saree, lehenga looks. They have to make space for them all on their own, and this process can be tougher than it has to be if the upbringing and the family structure of the two are completely different; and if people are not willing to budge or make room. You can work on a budget accordingly and make a list of the activities you would want to do. Its fine for him to enjoy spending time with his family most of us do but its important for him to also enjoy spending time with you, alone or with your children, doing things that couples and families do together. 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