Born and raised in Scotland, Jamie studied Spanish and Politics at Newcastle University and spent time living in Mexico before moving to London to embark on a career in mortgages in 2007. Enter a valid email address (e.g. But if not you can still work in the office. Go and reward yourself. HyTSwoc [5laQIBHADED2mtFOE.c}088GNg9w '0 Jb Panthera is a debt collection company which collects debts, on behalf of other businesses and by purchasing non-performing debt for significantly less than its face value and then attempting to recover the full amount. Panthera Finance has purchased more than $5.5 billion in receivables from banks, telcos, utilities and the like. Some of the nicer ones wont call you on Sundays. Pty. Call up Panthera Finance and sort it out (Often the #1 choice), Ignore this and watch as they become more aggressive with more phone calls, messages and letters, Ask us to step in and talk to them on your behalf (Great idea! I received a bill for $1,900 that I never owed. ACCC v Panthera Finance Pty Ltd In this review, well examine how to deal with Panthera Finance in Australia. Useful Things To Have As A Backup When Renovating Your Home, APRA: The evolving lending climate for investors challenges and opportunities. While researching this article, I called Energy Australia to ask about the process for engaging debt collectors. In her spare time, she is a keen Formula 1 and music fan. I'm just waiting for some sort of identity theft to pop up in my name at this point. More than this is considered harassment, and you might be able to sue them. Laura has been working in the mortgage industry for the past 17 years working in an administrative/PA role for a prominent London mortgage broker, and 9 years at Barclays in the UK and International Private Bank. We at CHOICE acknowledge the Gadigal people, the traditional custodians of this land on which we work, and pay our respects to the First Nations people of this country. ]!h!gF?!7fhg44H.$s5("Opz2FAH[MV?*Auo IE`f\HIy*= b$TD>*?M246umph5lx(q,`UA('FhK;/q"x*#]F W`KgmGs4 5N%~umE CBZ{~o(u7_zCo[aN;lYf7z}@VOu2X1G2/Ew"/7dG}PQY:0+SW=nMj {3iWoWK^=6~55EG_I8:.L;IU>g_CE:p3if ?' Hi guys I'm a financial counsellor don't forget overdue accounts and amounts owing become statute barred after 6 years and only 3 years in the NT and ACT so be careful if its an old bill. endstream endobj startxref The Federal Court has ordered that Panthera Finance Pty Ltd pay $500,000 in penalties for unduly harassing three consumers over debts they did not owe and for misleading one of the three consumers. That same year, parent company, PF Australia Pty Ltd, reported a $22.4 million profit on revenues of $58.4 million. Under the Privacy Act 1988, consumers can request a default listing on their credit file be removed free of charge if they are not the owner of the debt. Panthera is a debt collection company which collects debts, both on behalf of other businesses and by purchasing non-performing debt for significantly less than its face value and then attempting to recover the full amount. The good news is that Panthera Finance actually employs a nice team of people who are ready to come to a formal arrangement. Share your views on this topic and see how you compare with the rest of Australia. ", (In March 2020, Panthera was ordered by the federal court to pay $500,000 in penalties.). Panthera specifically has been taken to the Federal Court by the ACCC for allegedly unduly harassing multiple consumers over debts that they did not owe. The National Debt Helpline is always available on 1800 007 007. All rights reserved.Privacy Policy. And when contacted Energy Australi refuses to assist by providing any information. Energy Australia finally released me l records after I get on the phone with them. The information contacting within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at consumers based in the UK. Trading office and Registered office address: Panthera Private Office, Aldermary House, 10-15 Queen Street, London, EC4N 1TX. When do debt collectors give up? In one case, the ACCC alleges that Panthera used coercion, made false representations and engaged in unconscionable conduct when dealing with the consumer, even though it knew the consumer urgently needed an incorrect credit default listing removed to obtain finance for a new car. I feel like I have been harassed and coerced into paying whether I owe anything or not and I am not the first one to feel like this. Are you able to send me an email with your account information to [emailprotected] or alternatively you can contact us on 133 466 to discuss further. As part of this case, the Court has suppressed the names and details of consumers affected. Read more here. Suddenly, I had become one of thousands of Australians each year who are faced with a disputed debt. Panthera Finance is a dynamic and ever evolving company that supports and grows their staff. Why would you have a debt with Panthera Finance? staff are welcoming and inclusive. Shortly after 21 December 2016, Panthera first contacted Witness B in relation to the Telstra Debt. I believe this company to be a scam operation. Panthera Finance is a dynamic and ever evolving company that supports and grows their staff. State Mercantile is a debt recovery provider which specialises in the collection of heavily overdue and delinquent accounts. hVmoF++K"5]XS$Kr}qPm3$W[Vayfgyf b#Q@|/$'K TD"I'"B CrediBot enables businesses to give their customers the digital experience they deserve. Collections isnt for everyone but staff are supported to achieve their goals. Answered 10 February 2021. It often violates the guidelines, since debt collectors aren't supposed to discuss the debt with anyone but the debtor.). Call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007 for free and confidential advice. Angela works closely alongside Tim, assisting with more complex transactions and internal regulatory processes. AFCA ruled in my favour, awarding me 80 per cent of the maximum amount in compensation. Lenders should be forced to reverse any adverse financial action taken against a client as a result of incorrect default credit listings. We've leveraged over a decade of knowledge to create meaningful progress in digital platforms that deliver for clients and the customers they support. My wife's son has a similar problem that has arisen. You should try that. Today The Debt Free Community helps everyday Australians in need. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time),, Get breaking news alerts directly to your phone with our app, Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article, Debt collectors are bankrupting Australians, Child abuser superannuation loophole to be closed by federal government, 'Starved' national galleries and museums hopeful of May budget cash lifeline, Ukraine's interior minister among 14 dead after helicopter crashes near kindergarten outside Kyiv, Teenage boys in custody after reports of gun shots in Queensland's Western Downs spark emergency declaration, Passengers heard 'bang' as Qantas flight crossed the Pacific, pilot issued mayday call, Unheralded Aussie steals the show with freakish moment at Australian Open, Thanasi Kokkinakis sets up clash with Andy Murray after marathon delay, Church of England bishops refuse to allow same-sex marriages after years of debate, Days after deadly Yeti Airlines crash, grieving families wait for Nepalese authorities to return the bodies, in breach of the ACCC's debt collection guidelines, ongoing harassment of a care facility resident. Instead they sold my "debt" to Panthera Finance. Either way Energy Australia will not help. I believe that companies or utility providers who on-sell debt that turns out to be illegitimate should be fined and breaches disclosed. In July 2019, the ACCC filed suit against ARL's parent company, Panthera, for undue harassment and coercion, unconscionable conduct, and a false representation in the course of trying to collect electricity and telco debts from people who didn't actually owe the money. Again, we dont charge anything upfront at all. Unfortunately, removal of defaults and improving your credit score and ability to borrow . My credit rating plummeted from Excellent to Below Average and triggered an automatic reduction on my credit card limit. It was started with the aim of helping everyone in dire straits. Stock images:Getty, unless otherwise stated. In 2017, Champ Private Equity bought into Panthera Finance, valuing the company at $300 million. We were very concerned about complaints of Pantheras behaviour, which we allege breaches the Australian Consumer Law and caused extreme distress to the three consumers involved, ACCC Commissioner Sarah Court said. We care about accuracy. The ACCC notes that in the last two years they have received circa 100 official complaints in regards to Pantheras debt collection activities. Beyond Debt is a trading name of DCS Group Aust. They were relentless, unscrupulous. Simon started his career in the Fire Service,becoming the youngest serving Fire Officer byage 21. Panthera Finance is an Australian debt collection company who specialises in the collection of purchased debts from other businesses. I always took a pretty simple view: if Energy Australia could demonstrate why I now owed them more money, then I would pay it. With offices in Melbourne and Echuca, ARL supports clients with both commercial and consumer receivables service requirements. Continue Reading More by The Debt-Free Community, Read this to STOP debt collectors in Australia from contacting you now! CHAMP's expected to take a significant minority stake and invest in the Brisbane-based business alongside Panthera's existing shareholders and directors, Matthew Hough and Jamie Hough. 0 They just picked you at random and hoped you had used Telstra and would fall for it. Bill Chaser is an easy to use, risk-free online automated collections platform, built for business Did your identity get stolen? Theyll sometimes call you on different numbers every single day. That is an affordable payment plan to get debts resolved. The ACCC is seeking pecuniary penalties, declarations, injunctions, orders for a compliance program, publication orders and costs. Common companies which will onsell bad debts owed by customers include Telcos (such as Telstra, Vodafone, Optus etc) and utilities providers (such as Origin, Energy Australia and AGL). We took this case because of the concerning way Panthera dealt with these consumers who did not owe any money, ACCC Commissioner Sarah Court said. LiveHire was offering new shares at $1.05 each, with proceeds to accelerate growth. "Based on my experience it seems debt collectors do as they please, on the phone at least. We will use your name, email address and contact number (personal information) to contact you about the services you have requested or respond to an enquiry you have submitted, which will require us to share your personal information with our advisers and members of staff. Witness B and his financial advisor, informed Panthera on at least three occasions in the period 20 January 2017 to 4 April 2017 that Witness B was not liable for the Telstra Debt, and that Witness B believed the Telstra account was created They replied to my initial email within a few days, I provided them a photo of my driver's license and have not heard from them for 3 weeks now. Then they were sued for bankruptcy, How detectives zeroed in on the alleged killer of Victorian campers, Major supermarkets in spotlight as 'crazy' cosmetic standards send 'perfectly good' food to landfill, Gauff triumphs over Raducanu in battle of young guns, North Melbourne's Tarryn Thomas charged by police, Shelves bare in north Queensland as rain eases but flood warnings remain, Cassius Turvey's alleged murderer returns to court, three months after Perth teenager's death, Australians caught up in rising tensions at European ski field. Debt collector Panthera Finance will face Federal Court over claims it harassed customers for debts they never had. "F$H:R!zFQd?r9\A&GrQhE]a4zBgE#H *B=0HIpp0MxJ$D1D, VKYdE"EI2EBGt4MzNr!YK ?%_&#(0J:EAiQ(()WT6U@P+!~mDe!hh/']B/?a0nhF!X8kc&5S6lIa2cKMA!E#dV(kel }}Cq9 He has a grown up daughter and lives with her in leafy Kent, when not working he enjoys playing golf and is a keen history buff. It turned out that when I moved into my new apartment six months earlier, the wrong address had been added to my account. How has Panthera Finance responded to the COVID-19 outbreak? You might have to go to court. The Court also ruled that Panthera misled one of the consumers by telling them they needed to pay Panthera $100 to have a default listing removed from their credit file, even though the credit default listing was incorrect and could have been removed for free under the Privacy Act. "In this case, we allege Panthera's conduct was particularly egregious as we understand they continued to harass these three consumers after they became aware that they didn't owe any money. ", My issue is their lack of any sort of understanding or empathy for an individual's circumstances, The debt collector continually demanded that Mary, who was getting by on Work Cover support and had to meet mortgage payments, come up with more money than she had on hand. ", She added: "We are extremely disappointed that parts of the debt collection industry continue to disrespect consumers. 10 online scams you need to know about. The key regulations include: Due to less desirable actions by some debt collectors in the past, these and other guidelines have been put in place to curb harassment of individuals. We're here to help you on this journey, so if you have any questions or can't pay, you can call us on 1300 722 974, live chat with us, or email us at He did and Energy Australia will not assist him. ). Panthera Finance Financial Services Toowong, Queensland 1,870 followers Panthera Finance is one of Australia's largest debt buyers and collectors, committed to getting customers out of debt. All three consumers were subjected to repeated and intrusive calls from Panthera, and had to take multiple steps to prove they did not owe the alleged debt.. By the end of this post, youll be well informed to make the right decision. This is how, 'It's disability bullying': Mother slams Centrelink after $15,000 robodebt is sent to her intellectually disabled son, Kim Forrest and her husband got an instore credit card. Once you've repaid the full amount. The contingent collectors issue "has probably been magnified with more telcos and energy companies outsourcing their debt collection," Guthrie says. Panthera was also ordered by the Court to pay $100,000 as a contribution to the ACCCs legal costs. It also allegedly imposed onerous requirements on these consumers to prove they didnt owe the debts which Panthera was trying to collect. We work hard to help everyday Australians to work through the hurdles. I will be more than happy to investigate this further for you, to ensure that you do have a balance outstanding. Currently, the consumer has very little to no power. If youre struggling, please get in touch. 79 0 obj <> endobj The debt is yours (via a contract you had with the original company). What never-ending credit card debt is doing to Australians. There are some smaller companies which are just rogues, but there are also some larger ones that financial counsellors continue to say are hard to deal with, for example, in not recognising family violence or not negotiating affordable hardship arrangements. In my case, I finally decided to believe it was legit. PDF 330.38 KB The former chief executive of a large and controversial debt collector, Panthera Finance, is chasing pay allegedly owed by his old company. Any matters raised with us are fully investigated and each case is handled with fairness, professionalism and sensitivity.". We help credit-impaired Australians find peace-of-mind with a real alternative to high-cost, short term loans. The ACCC alleges that Panthera Finance repeatedly contacted the three consumers for the payment of the disputed debts despite being advised that they were not liable for the debts, and in two cases placed an incorrect default listing on the consumers credit rating files. Skipadee2 3 yr. ago. I have spent many hours considering that question as I have negotiated my own unfair debt nightmare. When they reverse a default listing, they don't let those same organisations that have an alert on you for a negative ding know that the default has been reversed. There are no consequences for selling debt that remains in dispute. Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, Australian Competition & Consumer Comission, Tips on How to Make Buying a New Car Easier, Financial Services in the Digital Era: How to Effortlessly Send and Receive Money, How to Easily Calculate Your Mortgage Rate Payments, Working Abroad Means Tax Planning Too: Heres What You Should Know, Home Loan vs. Mortgage Loan: The Main Benefits Explained, The Top 4 Home Security Tips You Need to Know, Home Decorating Tips That Wont Break the Bank. Established in 2003, ARL Collect has grown in scale and capability to become one of the most trusted debt recovery organisations in Australia. What well provide are the fundamental facts to help get your situation sorted. 91 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<67EC803A3CDD1DE50B064399B9D73164>]/Index[79 34]/Info 78 0 R/Length 79/Prev 337865/Root 80 0 R/Size 113/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Don't forget to celebrate the small wins along the way. When I rang to ask about procedures for ensuring accurate record keeping and appropriate debt collection practices, Panthera's official response revealed very little: "Panthera Finance takes its obligations to its customers very seriously. Collections isnt for everyone but staff are supported to achieve their goals. Energy Australia refuse to provide any information - they cannot even find someone to press a button and print out details of the supposed account. Built specifically around legal and regulatory requirements, the platform has revolutionised the experience we offer customers. Asked 10 February 2021. Or is someone using my name under my old apartment? hb```f``"Y@9> 9%)gd x Y^]#'x6]( X Y@ENcd0u Panthera is a debt collection company which collects debts, both on behalf of other businesses and by purchasing non-performing debt for significantly less than its face value and then attempting to recover the full amount. Paying off a debt is a great achievement! Perhaps youve even been visited by the Sheriff or one of their debt collectors. We understand the issues that youre going through. How much does Panthera Finance in Australia pay? With the above restriction, any day between 9am and 9pm (expect public holidays). There are many complaints about Panthera Finance and their debt recovery efforts through letters and threatening court action. 10. Within days of EWON's involvement, Energy Australia instructed Panthera to lift the credit default. Purchasing a debt means the ownership, and legal right and interest of the debt, is transferred to Panthera. So whilst you may not have originally incurred a debt with a debt collector such as Panthera Finance, they have your existing debt from another party assigned to them and youre legally obliged to now pay the debt to their company. "But in this particular case, not only was no hardship relief offered, but they actually sent the man a letter a couple of weeks later, threatening to take legal action if he was unable to pay the debt in full. Harassment of consumers about debts is always unacceptable. Panthera Finance LLP is fiercely independent and takes great pride in offering the mortgage that is best for you We operate with total clarity throughout the buying process to deliver a fast and totally reliable service Guiding you home through a personal relationship with one of our team of experienced pro-active brokers In October 2018, the Federal Court ordered Equifax Australia Information Services and Solutions Pty Ltd to pay $3.5m in penalties for misleading and deceptive conduct, and unconscionable conduct in relation to credit report services. During weekdays, debt collectors can only contact you via the phone between 7:30am-9pm. After 13 years with Charles Cameron & Associates, he moved to Panthera Finance in late 2020. It's really great. We work hard to sort things out so the average Australian doesnt have to. Not only do they behave in an illegal manner but do not provide any invoices or evidence of the debt that is required to be paid in full. (Debt buyers, on the other hand, buy debt from creditors at a significant discount and attempt to recover the full amount. Guthrie says there's a lack of oversight of contingent collectors by some of the organisations that hire them, all the more troubling because the debt collectors are often going after vulnerable people. So are you actually own them $570 or this amount including a admin fee? Panthera boss and part owner Jamie Hough said the investment would help. Panthera's parent company, PF Australia Pty Ltd, reported $58.4 million revenue and $22.4 million profit in the year to June 30 according to accounts filed with the corporate regulator, and $51.5 million revenue and $23.8 million profit one year earlier. You do realise this is an quite an old thread. We will not be uploading further documents in the event these initial documents are subsequently amended. Youll discover how to avoid debt collections in Australia, using this guide and the very effective service that we recommend. These regulations cover what times of communication is allowed, the times debt collectors can call you as well as the frequency of times you can be contacted per month by a debt collector. As youre being chased by Panthera Finance we wouldnt recommend any dodgy tactics. It is of concern as it looks like it is either a scam or identity theft. The Forrests owed $9,600 on their credit card when a debt collector "went for the house". Those letters, text messages and phone calls can be stopped within days. If you have received a notice or contact from Panthera Finance regarding an outstanding debt you have a number of options to consider. Fantastic culture with great office perks and incentives. We recently heard the story of one woman whose experience with a debt collector, which dragged on for two years, was particularly gruelling. This is very concerning, given all of these organisations are dealing with people who are often in vulnerable circumstances. I don't know if this helps or is even that relevant, but I had the same thing this morning, for a little over 1k. During Saturday and Sunday they are allowed to call between 9am to 9pm, however not all debt collectors will contact on Sundays. The ACCC first took court action against Panthera in July 2019. If you read the reviews online about Panthera Finance, they certainly arent good. Cons. As far as I remember, I haven't used Energy Australia since 2014, and I've moved places several times since then. No need to talk to them! Our New Zealand branch is an extension of Panthera Finances services, supporting clients across the Tasman with their credit recovery requirements. ", Not a day goes by where our financial counsellors aren't speaking to people who have been impacted by debt collectors in some way. If you are experienced and can work independently you can work from home. nQt}MA0alSx k&^>0|>_',G! Whats most important to us is helping you sleep at night so you can get on with your life. How to Avoid Debt Collectors in Australia [2021 Guide], What is Personal Insolvency? But I had no other debt. Working in partnership with Equifax, CrediBot has three platform offerings created for unique business requirements CrediBot Express, CrediBot and CrediBot Enterprise. Designed specifically for the needs of SMEs who cant afford a collections or finance team, the Bill Chaser online platform enables businesses to load the debts they are owed in a simple, intuitive way. Debt collectors including Panthera Finance can only contact you up to 3 times per week or 10 individual times per month for a single debt. "What we rely on at the moment are a set of guidelines that have been put out by the ACCC and ASIC. Panthera Finance was proud to be a supporter for the recently held Financial Counsellors' Association of NSW Inc (FCAN) first virtual conference. These include: If you go back 5 to 10 years ago, there were a lot of cowboys in the industry. The deal marks a busy period for CHAMP. ", (The tactic is known as 'skip tracing', where debt collectors call anyone who might know the person they're after, including neighbours and employers or Facebook connections. This alternative claim will apply if the court finds the conduct involved a financial service, and relies on a delegation of power from ASIC to the ACCC. Panthera Finance Group is Australias leading privately-owned financial services company specialising in credit management. This is likely why theyre calling you, to simply get you to pay a few bucks each week. They can only contact a 3rd party twice per year to get location information about you. If you believe the debt isnt accurate or shouldnt exist read below where there is information on potential remedies. Perhaps unpaid credit card repayments, loan arrears and bills which are well past their due dates. Aldermary House, 10-15 Queen Street, London EC4N 1TX+44 (0) 208 629 He speaks fluent Spanish and regularly returns to Mexico to visit family. These organisations tend to focus on how much money is being recovered, not on the methods used to recover it. A mortgage is a loan secured against your home. Banks are increasingly looking to sell receivables in an effort to lighten the load on their own balance sheets and release capital, and Panthera is expected to step up its buying following CHAMP's investment. Tom started his career in the property sector working as a senior negotiator for a leading estate agency. hl7z]6x87Q.7.bY5. ), Contingent collectors third-party agencies that are hired by creditors to go after non-paying customers are of particular concern. @Baysew: We tried the email - they would not provide any information. When the mistake was identified, my gas was reconnected and the address details were corrected. In December 2018, the Federal Court ordered one of Australias largest debt collection firms, ACM Group Ltd, to pay $750,000 in penalties for ACMs misleading, harassing, coercive and unconscionable pursuit of underpaid debts from two vulnerable consumers. hbbd```b``"@$*0DHH ,"SDN6E$L@M``+-@ ! Commencing business operations in 2004, State Mercantile saw the establishment of what is today, Panthera Finance Group. The firm agreed to pay about $170 million for infrastructure project supplies company Jaybro only last month, which was its fifth deal in the firm's "CHAMP IV" buyout fund. Energy Australia will not assist - they referred him to Panthera. Only communicate with them in writing (and only to tell them to fudge off and stop harassing you). "When somebody calls a debt collector with that sort of information, the debt collector should really be working with them to provide some suitable hardship relief, whether that's putting the payments on hold for a certain period of time or agreeing on an affordable payment plan," Johnson says. For over 15 years, we have provided affordable and flexible credit management solutions that empower customers to restore their financial health. "So it is quite a common occurrence. This was the first time we used a virtual . All trademarks are owned by their respective owners.OzBargain is an independent community website which has no association with nor endorsement by the respective trademark owners. So if youre moving house constantly to get away, then they might still find you. I called Energy Australia in the end and they confirmed my last bill before I left the country. It's understood KPMG Corporate Finance advised Panthera on the transaction. Youre not allowed to be called more than 3 times per week, or 10 times per month. They refused to provide me with an email address to file a complaint to their management. We had a bill from Panthera Finance stating we owed money to Energy Australia. Panthera's parent company, PF Australia Pty Ltd, reported $58.4 million revenue and $22.4 million profit in the year to June 30 according to accounts filed with the corporate regulator, and $51.5 . If the debt is in relation to a specific debt that youre aware of that is outstanding and it has been sold or now being managed by Panthera Finance, you should make contact to discuss the options. "Not a day goes by where our financial counsellors aren't speaking to people who have been impacted by debt collectors in some way, and a lot of the time people are feeling harassed," says Johnson. Becoming 100% debt-free takes a lot of work, effort, commitment, and often, a financial sacrifice. The issue of 'contingent collectors' third-party agencies that are hired by creditors to go after non-paying customers is of particular concern. He lives with his wife, two children and dog in Leigh-on-Sea. In this guide, were going to talk about what is personal insolvency and the differences it has when compared to other, Did you know that lenders do provide better home loan rates where you can refinance your mortgage with bad credit? 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Than happy to investigate this further for you, to ensure that you do have a balance outstanding he fluent! Of people who are often in vulnerable circumstances clients with both commercial and consumer receivables service requirements that do. 0 ) 208 629 8170contact @ question as I have spent hours. Get your situation sorted the rest of Australia company who specialises in the two. To focus on how much money is being recovered, not on phone! `` went for the House '' of Australia believe this company to be a scam or identity theft pop. First time we used a virtual on the methods used to recover it than $ 5.5 billion in receivables banks... From contacting you now Australia will not be uploading further documents in the collection heavily... We are extremely disappointed that parts of the nicer ones wont call you on Sundays the. To STOP debt collectors can only contact a 3rd party twice per year to get debts resolved,. For a compliance program, publication orders and costs happy to investigate this further for you, ensure... Guidelines that have been put out by the Debt-Free Community, read this to how to beat panthera finance debt collectors do as please. Most important to us is helping you sleep at night so you can still in. My gas was reconnected and the address details were corrected on Sundays when I into... Violates the guidelines, since debt collectors plan to get location information about you onerous requirements on these to! Property sector working as a contribution to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at consumers based the... Up in my case, the platform has revolutionised the experience we offer.. Or identity theft +- @ National debt Helpline on 1800 007 007 they never had debt the. Writing ( and only to tell them to fudge off and STOP harassing you ) our Zealand. Would not provide any information and hoped you had used Telstra and would fall for it 9pm, not!
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