(***) coat d'arms match the OLD citadel colours so there might be some difference. Privacy Policy. Everything seems to scream "BUY SCALE 75!" Here is an overview and comparison of all 48 colours and in which paint set they can be found: When working with Instant Colors, I immediately noticed the similarities with Citadel Contrast, but also the differences. If you want to print a 3D model, production of figures or accesories in white metal or resin, show us your workor have one of our models painted by one of our artists, feel free to get in contact with us. So I finally gave in and picked some up. Review: Speedpaint by The Army Painter really better than Contrast? less cover. https://www.amazon.es/shop/khazalidApoyarme en Patreon! Scale75 is way easier to paint on. Sign up for a new account in our community. Just fill out our new form and we'll take care of the rest! Otherwise this brand is great. But one thing can be said: they have started a trend the one coat painting solution. Think of Technical paint Nihilakh Oxide, which has a quite similar formula as Instant Colors. As noted, you don't need to completely cover the model. I would definately pick up a thinner with them if I go that way. Aka: Just like the real deal of midwar panzers in regard of tonal variations. Support our work by using the affiliate links from our /partner stores for your next hobby purchases so we can continue to bring you fantastic FREE content every day: Thanks a lot, we appreciate any help to continue and grow Tale of Painters . By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. (****) P3 Paints did not really match very closely with the old GW range, but a detailed explanation of each paint can be found here: (*****) GW's new range matches with the old range are the matches claimed by GW. I played around a bit with them tonight and. primer / spray are very not so common here. Some colours, like Phoenix Egg, are so pale that you can barely see the effect over anything other than pure white. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Delivery timedepends on destiny. By From Spain in the next48h after the order is placed. http://www.balagan.org.uk/war/paint.htm Both flow improver and matte medium are designed to prevent the kind of separation Harrek is talking about. Compare. Just the other day I mixed Scale 75 Pure white with Reaper MSP Snow Shadow and it worked very well. http://www.brushthralls.com/pre-painting-prep/color-theory-10p3.html, http://home.att.net/~katamaran/vallejo.html, http://myminiaturepainting.com/conversion/citadelgame.html, http://www.nugaming.com/html/vallejo_paints.html#CitadelVallajoConversionTable, http://www.ttfxmedia.com/vallejo/cgi-bin/_modelis_carta.asp?p1=ing&p2=modelcolor&p3=1&p4=0, http://www.ttfxmedia.com/vallejo/cgi-bin/_modelis_info.asp?p1=ing&p2=modelcolor&p3=1#modelcolorinfo, http://www.ttfxmedia.com/vallejo/cgi-bin/_modelis_carta.asp?p1=ing&p2=gamecolor, http://www.ttfxmedia.com/vallejo/cgi-bin/_modelis_info.asp?p1=ing&p2=gamecolor&p3=1#gamecolorinfo, http://uk.games-workshop.com/storefront/store.uk?do=List_Models&code=300952&orignav=300810, http://colors.silicon-dragons.com/full_line.php, http://www.reapermini.com/forum/index.php?s=c770bc029dd218be5d17fff14fecefeb&showtopic=17678&st=0&p=266494&#entry266494, http://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2010/4/8/d08819ffe37e45c97ce2e5b4770e92a7_4435.jpeg, http://www.acrylicosvallejo.com/en_US/media/e588d28183cec31ffd6dcee6d3718fc3.cms/equivalencias-rev05.pdf, https://redgrimm.github.io/paint-conversion/p3.html, https://convertingcolors.com/rgb-color-84_119_87.html, http://cdn.acrylicosvallejo.com/0049261608364909a238add9b4a53745/CC073-rev05.pdf. Where can I go wrong?). I'm not sure I get the appeal. fantasy set tomorrow from the local distributor, they had stuff all left as their last shipment had proved pretty popular. Corvus Cabal Shrike Talon from Warhammer Warcry. I have no problems with mixing Scale and reaper paints. As a "one coat painting solution" Contrast simply works better. The fantasy range is more satin but less so than the Vallejo Game Colour. Vallejo Model Color: INSTAR 6: INSTAR Vintage: Rackham: Reaper Master: Privateer Press P3 4: Coat D'arms 3: Army Painter: Scale 75: Two Thin Coats 8: Hex Code White Scar Skull White 1: Dead White (001) White (951) Arctic White Eternal White (1) Pure White (9039) Morrow white White (101) Matt White (WP1102) Shoutout to our fantastic patrons: Chris C., chaoticflanagan, Mike C., Wyliekyote, pawl, Fugu, FrenchHobbyist, Noelle S., Brinley, Nate H., Sigurd H., Karakal, Akhaed, Christian H., David D., Christopher O., James G., Ricardo G., Matt P., Adam, Andrew R., Martin D., Bastian O., Sam P., Jimmy, Kobold, Mark S., Chris M., NavyKes, David C., Andrii A., Truul0, Duncan M., Tom H., Lucas R., David W., Joakim N., Robert K., Mathew L., Cameron Pickering, Chris C., Hector P., Luke C., Sean, Tashi, Luk R., Alejandro S., EchoTwoZero, BadgerAndOllieBoo, Runde, Dr. Gore, Chris P., PlagueisThaWise, and Justin H. Stahly is the founder of Tale of Painters. http://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2010/4/8/d08819ffe37e45c97ce2e5b4770e92a7_4435.jpeg I can't find any comparison charts or swatches with Scale 75 vs, Scale 75 Paint Comparison vs Citadel and Vallejo. So, that is pretty much what I'm going for with my paints. I believe there was already a thread about scale 75. (i could buy one set from each one, but my hobby budget for this month is allready bust: I just bought magic cards for 100euro. The highest scoring match had 4 goals and the lowest scoring match 0 goals. 12 double-sided boards. . So it all boils down to your paint style since they behave a bit different. Thank you for the fast reply! I am never going back to any other metallic paints again. It has a couple metallics too if you wish to investigate. It certainly wont be as much as I had, t'was getting ridiculousThere is probably 4 or so of my favourite RMS triads that I will be re-acquiring and I'm thinking of Scale75 sets for the balance and I'm wondering just what the deal is with scale75 paints (ie on balance are impressions favourable) and has anyone mixed and matched the S75's with Reaper paints.Oh and I have a few P3's which haven't been opened, any opinions on these. No, I have not tried plain water, I mix up enough gunk for a month a time when I need to. Powered by Invision Community. ( 3) Coat D'Arms match the OLD citadel colours (pre-1992) so there might be some difference. Scale 75 Inktense red ink vs Vallejo Game ink red comparison 3,835 views Aug 4, 2017 27 Dislike Share Save HQBunker 163 subscribers I have been asked to check the Scale 75 ink on. Orbecome a patron on Patreon for exclusive tutorials, guides, and behind-the-scenes content. Please note, hex codes are all approximate - double check before you get a batch of paint made up to match that colour! Entre la historia y la leyenda. I've used metallic Scale 75 paints, and they also separate too much for convenient glazing and "wet paletting", haven't used the Scale 75 flat colours much for glazing. I spent 100 hours painting this Barbarian. https://www.am. If anyone is able to find one that can cross-reference with all the major brands, please let me know! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Also the relatively slow separation of GW paints make them suitable for wet palette and glazing too. paint pig, By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. With a recommended retail price of 3.90 for 17 ml, the single colours of Instant Colors are significantly cheaper than Citadel Contrast, which has an RRP of 6.30 for 18ml. I'd say that Scale 75 flats and the Vallejo model colours works fine with layering since they are relatively (the others) much thicker and therefore you have a wider span of consistency to choose from when thinning them. Powered by Invision Community. It depends, If the primarily use of the paints is airbrushing, it doesn't really matter, you thin the paints down to milk consistency and then you shoot it out of an airbrush straight away barely giving them time to separate, and they all are pretty good airbrush paints as far as I have used them, advantage with Vallejo air range is that they need very little thinning if any at all for airbrushing. Well I have ordered the full 63 bottle set, selected gold and white metallics from Scale75 and I will pick up the full copper set and Doom (?) i really dont mind spending more but being able to paint/prime in house anytime of the year day is a plus. First A fast photo shoot of Corvus Glaive almost ready to paly. Doesn't happen with other paint. The #1 thing that people have been asking me for is a review of Scale 75 paints on my YouTube channel. http://www.ttfxmedia.com/vallejo/cgi-bin/_modelis_info.asp?p1=ing&p2=gamecolor&p3=1#gamecolorinfo Not sure about S75 primer, but the Vallejo primer shrinks as it cures. If you need to contact us, use the form, e-mail or phone number in the site. Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. I know its probably unlikely to have a 100% match. http://www.acrylicosvallejo.com/en_US/media/e588d28183cec31ffd6dcee6d3718fc3.cms/equivalencias-rev05.pdf We are hobbyists like you and do all of this in our spare time. The Army Painter will soon release Speedpaints, and last year Scale75 funded their one coat paint via Kickstarter. They also have a more satin finish, which helps them take washes easier. Imprimacin vallejo: https://amzn.to/2DfDRbr Imprimacin blanca citadel: https://amzn.to/2D9CUl6TIENDA EN AMAZON CON TODO LO QUE UTILIZO!! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. However, many of the paints do not match very closely at all and some mixing will be required to get close to the original colours. Got a couple of those SC75 metal & alchemy sets recently, I'm in serious awe of them. Im not sure if this reads as nmm but Im really proud of backside view of my copper NMM Space Marine :). Is there something that would make Vallejo a better choice? I tend to mix colours and hence brands and you have cleared up the two brands that I will be mixing most often. Times and dates in your local timezone. I hope worth it. Vallejo Metal color "White Aluminium" 77.706 Vallejo, Aircraft Scale Modelling, Aircraft Scale ModellingPaint, Vallejo Metal Colour is a range of 18 water-based metallic colours, especially designed for airbrushing. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. http://home.att.net/~katamaran/vallejo.html http://www.ttfxmedia.com/vallejo/cgi-bin/_modelis_carta.asp?p1=ing&p2=modelcolor&p3=1&p4=0 For wet palette users and glazers I'd recommend P3, and Coat d'Arms, those barely separate at all, but the pot style bottles can be nuisance sometimes. Thanks. Have you tried just plain water? Add To Cart. the basecoat is not consistent (some areas are shining other matt others look sandy) plus it clogs all the details and a lot of time i found with un-primed areas. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. There are also special Instant Colour primers that are supposed to create more even results by improving the surface tension due to their smooth, satin-like finish. Once I purchased a bottle of their thinner they were great. Their metallics are amazing and the Inktense are very handy as well. So far i tested this two but i'm also planning to test Gesso. They are good for minis also, and cost a lot less than miniature primers.As I don't have a place to air brush, I have tried quite a few rattle can primers. 99 talking about this. For metallics i would Look at Vallejo Metal Colors. do you think the brush can play a role? Their paint ranges all fall under the Scalecolor banner. Scale75 cobalt Alchemy. No brush strokes, nice even coverage, great matt finish. Vallejo Model Color: Scale 75: Army Painter: Hex Code : White Scar: Skull White* White (101) Dead White (001) White (951) White Matt: Matt White (WP1102) FFFFFF : Ceramite White: Smelly Primer* Grey Primer (141) White Primer (002) Foundation White (919) FFFFFF : Kislev flesh: Pallid Flesh* Flesh (213) Pale Flesh (003) Light Flesh (928) Delivery time depends on destiny. It's easy! https://shop.instarpaint.com But, it has been incredibly useful. Scale75 Between history and legend (empty) SCALE75 SCALE GAMES SCALECOLOR WARFRONT MODEL KITS SCALE EDITIONS SERVICES OUTLET Prev Next New arrivals Popular Best Sellers Specials New FREE MARY READ 1/12 BUST 18,18 Add to cart More Follow us on Facebook Shipping From Spain in the next 48h after the order is placed. I've brushed on the vallejo primer and works just fine. Youll find all the primary colours in different hues, as well as brown, grey and black Instant paints, but also a lot of muted and tertiary colours such as different shades of petrol, purple, and olive. You do need to take the consistency of the different formulas in consideration, but I mix with normal tapwater without problems. I do really like how Vallejo have a comprehensive set/system of everything though, that appeals to the collector in me! So if you apply several layers of Instant Color, the result becomes more and more opaque, whereas Contrast and Shades become deeper and richer in colour with each application. https://www.patreon.com/KhazalidSET DE PINTURAS DE INICIO: https://amzn.to/2KVnJlHVallejo Game Color Box Set: https://amzn.to/2vepXC9MATERIAL UTILIZADOAMAZON:MIS AEROSAerografo Infinity 2 en 1: https://amzn.to/2CtPsnHEvolution 2 en 1: https://amzn.to/2JmPhMnCOMPRAR APLICADOR HIERBA ELECTROSTTICA: https://amzn.to/2TzUhmcMasilla liquida vallejo : https://amzn.to/2zmviJTLimpieza aerografo: https://amzn.to/2z5a1DELmpara: https://amzn.to/2NVuTmoMASCARA SEGURIDAD Y GAFAS : https://amzn.to/33xnxy3GAFAS SEGURIDAD: https://amzn.to/2NTVpi0MSCARA SEGURIDAD: https://amzn.to/2qy5etP Caja de luz: https://amzn.to/2OpUybI Camara Lumix G7: https://amzn.to/2P5xrTkMicrofono de pie RODE: https://amzn.to/2ClraftMicrfono portatil: https://amzn.to/2GX7v9y CAM Logitech : https://amzn.to/2J0iDA6Tripode grande barato y bueno: https://amzn.to/2ErXHDnCompresor:https://amzn.to/2yIYycRFocos Amzdeal Softbox Focos: https://amzn.to/2yIYycR Limpiador Ultrasonidos:https://amzn.to/2OvCNryTierra oscura VALLEJO: https://amzn.to/2RMySnvTierra de desierto VALLEJO: https://amzn.to/2OzKRTxTIERRA VALLEJO: https://amzn.to/2PoqygTPINTURAS VALLEJO PARA AEROGRAFO: https://amzn.to/2z3K7B2Efecto acuoso de vallejo en AMAZON: https://amzn.to/2ONOSDPEfecto aguas tranquilas: https://amzn.to/2BbV30JAK Integrative: Pasta Terrains Efecto Asfalto: https://amzn.to/2NnuNahAK Diorama Effects - Light Earth Terrain: https://amzn.to/2TXDWaTAK Interactive Color Pasta Terrains efecto Tierra agrietada:https://amzn.to/31Xr5s5PINCELES: Windsor RECOMENDADO https://amzn.to/2uMBhFi5 pinceles https://amzn.to/2TV1aNo9 pinceles https://amzn.to/2D0zzomBRUSH CLEANER: https://amzn.to/2WSeELNImprimacin vallejo: https://amzn.to/2DfDRbrImprimacin blanca citadel: https://amzn.to/2D9CUl6SET DE PINTURAS DE INICIO: https://amzn.to/2KVnJlHVallejo Game Color Box Set: https://amzn.to/2vepXC9Almacenamiento pinturas VALLEJO:https://amzn.to/2VypRjwVallejo WEATHERING Snow: https://amzn.to/2XcPXKvAgua artificial vallejo: https://amzn.to/2XgG920Agua transparente: https://amzn.to/2X8KqEMMilliput masilla standard: https://amzn.to/2RvFAQ0Vallejo plastic putty : https://amzn.to/2xb60x4KERATINA LIQUIDA BARATA: https://amzn.to/2O8WaXIEstacion de limpieza COMPLETA: https://amzn.to/2LAubOxSILICONA 1000G: https://amzn.to/2mkObcVRESINA DE POLIURETANO: https://amzn.to/2oya9KbWALLAPOP : https://es.wallapop.com/user/alejandrog-17575106 IMPRESORA 3dENDER 3 EN OFERTA EN AMAZON! 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