Pages in category "18th-century ships" The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total. Both the Biographical File and matching microfilm of the original county records are available in Special Collections. fever, dysentery, headache, heat, constipation, boils, scurvy, cancer, mouth These pages may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion Try an Free Trial All rights reserved These records have not been digitized. Phillip Reid, author of The Merchant Ship in the British Atlantic, is an expert in the history of the British Atlantic World and maritime technology. Few of this class escape with their lives; many a mother is cast into the water with her child as soon as she is dead. He was a passenger on the 2nd Voyage of the English ship Hopewell, which sailed from London in Sept, 1635, bound for New England. over 3,500 totally free The 9-night roundtrip departs Dubai on November 16th, 2023, with prices starting at US$7,200 per person sharing an inside cabin, while the 33-night cruise to Cape Town . If you choose to use this information or copy this page, please have the courtesy to include an acknowledgment that the work, research and compilation was done by Anne Stevens of Today, the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean by ship takes seven days. "Passage To America, 1750," EyeWitness to History, (2000). Today, Oudong is a place of pilgrimage for Cambodians. Frigate: (1) a large sloop of 16 or 18 guns, (2) any small cruising warship. History of ships. Island New York Ships Passenger Lists 1894-1927 & Naturalization Many are available in published, transcript, and photocopy formats. Since my present research is into our family's seafaring past, in the 17th century, and the model I am working on now is a c.1650 New England coasting vessel, I will start there. This is a timeline of the world's largest passenger ships based upon internal volume, initially measured by gross register tonnage and later by gross tonnage. document.write("to:"); Smith's Quit Rents of Virginia. I compiled all of what I found into an archive. Please contact RE-PA for further assistance with these records. //--> The parents grieve all the more since their children find no resting place in the earth, but are devoured by the monsters of the sea. Have students complete the worksheet Sailing Through History. It often happens that whole families, husband, wife, and children, are separated by being sold to different purchasers, especially when they have not paid any part of their passage money. Copyright 1996-presentThese pages may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my written consent. Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. Hospital Ship: an old warship or merchantman converted to serve as a floating hospital, usually to accompany a fleet or to be moored as a hulk. & Ships Passenger Lists Mailing Lists, Find Immigration & Naturalization Records, Census Records for 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, Search Ships Passenger Lists on other Sites. Participation in Bacon's Rebellion in 1676 is slightly better documented than for other conflicts. Information on Ancestry may be helpful it that they have an alphabetical list you may recognize a name on it. I maintain these pages alone (I have no staff and I'm not part of a library) and can always use help. See the following publications: Once a county of residence has been established, a researcher may look for surviving legal and church records, deeds, wills and probate records, inventories, court orders, parish registers, and vestry books from that county. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 16th of July please use the following link and you will find the details and all events of. 1 - 1819-1825: St. Please send Give each student a copy of the worksheet. them transcribed along with the source, and a copy, For instance, the series, Transcripts of Passenger Arrival Lists, ca. ", Ransome, David R. "'Shipt for Virginia': The Beginnings in 16191622 of the Great Migration to the Chesapeake. I also do not have any information on any of the ships You can not post a blank message. James, of 450 ton (bm), was launched in 1777 in France. The series Inward and Outward Foreign Manifests, 1745-1865 is one example. In the early 1700s, French Huguenots arrived, followed by Germans. His diary was published in this country in 1898: "during the voyage there is on board these ships Im trying to locate ship records for the Maryland colonydoes anyone know where to find these? The money was there: profits of 218 percent were recorded over five years, and even 50 percent profit could be earned in just 20 months. The Battle of the Java Sea in World War II left a graveyard of ships off the coast of Indonesia (like the above 17th century Dutch East India Company shipwreck), as well as the remains of British, American, Australian, . I have had success with the former and a failure with the later. The maps in the three titles by C.F. e9 = new Object(); husband or myself. Scow schooners carried the bulk of cargo in North-America during the 19th century. The Dutch became the innovators in the second half of the 17th century and maintained that status until the outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars. 1890-1960, record the names of passengers on all ships leaving the United Kingdom for places outside Europe, but not within the Mediterranean Sea. document.write(""); Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1981, True, Ransom B. South Ships to New Jersey in the late 17th Century: Ship Victory, October 2, 1860 to New York City: Bremen Bark Laura, October 18, 1860 to New York . The source of the index is uncertain and it is difficult to determine how comprehensive it is. They unloaded the beef, and loaded up with the sugar cargo bound for Charleston, South Carolina. But lost in this effort for security was the operating efficiency that a sound mercantile marine should seek. "The waves ran mountain-high and threatened to overwhelm [the ship] at every roll," wrote one passenger on an 1849 voyage rounding the tip of South America. Port of Entry, Baltimore, in the Records of the Supreme Court of the United States (Record Group 267) that includes. I witnessed such misery in no less than thirty-two children in our ship, all of whom were thrown into the sea. I read somewhere that records before this, just the ship's name and important people are recorded. An early attempt to locate them and to index the ships' names was made in 1938 by Harold Lancour, who compiled A Bibliography of Ship Passenger Lists, 1538-1825 containing about 98 sources; a third edition, including some 243 sources, was revised and enlarged by Richard J. Wolfe (New York: New York Public Library, 1963). In the early 1700s, French Huguenots arrived, followed by Germans. County and parish boundaries changed over time as lands were settled further inland, so a family might be recorded in several different counties without ever moving. Set in 17th-century England, "Forever Amber" tells the story of a young woman who seeks to improve her social status by sleeping with and marrying successful and important men. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? EAST INDIAMAN Designed out of the experiences gathered from long and arduous voyages to india. 2 series and 4 items related to ships and Maryland in the 18th century. Children from one to seven years rarely survive the voyage; and many a time parents are compelled to see their children miserably suffer and die from hunger, thirst, and sickness, and then to see them cast into the water. He remained in Hingham, and was made a freeman in 1645. document.write("mail"); Look-up sites &c. St. Island, See also Jamestown Colony Ships and Province of Georgia, Passenger Ships. 18th Jul 2025 Friday. for information about and access to them. Thanks. Records, The Olive Tree Genealogy family of websites and blogs is dedicated to bringing you resources such as ships passenger lists, muster rolls, church records and more, FREE of charge. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. The VCRP, available in Special Collections, is a microfilm series of early records obtained from institutions and records offices in Great Britain and western Europe. These were the ships that Cabot used to reach Newfoundland and Drake, Frobisher, and Raleigh sailed over the worlds oceans. You also may wish to review other series created by the Department of the Treasurys Customs Services, Collection District of Annapolis, Maryland. that extraordinary group of half-naked figures reaching towards the distant ship, that his writing really takes off. When the Hansa declined in power in the 16th century the Dutch, just then beginning to gain independence from Spain politically and from Portugal in trade, gained a major part of the English carrying trade. There are over 2,500 photos in this growing genealogy collection. google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; Crammed into a small wooden ship, rolling and rocking at the mercy of the sea, the voyagers - men, women and children - endured hardships unimaginable to us today. URL: 1843 Ship Voyage Passenger List of the Marianne (L.H. Cooke Shipping Agent Records, Castle Use this link to donate with Paypal (no fee to you for using this link) and M. Kohli, Frequently Ships Passenger Lists Index, 1500s-1900s -arrival information for approximately 3,530,000 individuals who arrived in United States and Canadian ports. 3 volumes plus annual supplements. Geographic knowledge gained economic and political value in these conditions. During the 1730s and 1740s, many Scottish and German settlers migrated from Pennsylvania into Virginia. Captain Wiggin was not "at the helm" of the James. It was in the 17th century that the Dutch, the French, and the English began trying to fill out the map of the known oceans. Try an Free Trial every page, to help you find your way around. consider a donation, no matter how small, to support Olive Tree Genealogy websites. the big arrows). This was particularly true of oceanic navigation, because larger crews were expensive to pay and to provisionand the large amounts of provisions necessary were sometimes critical on long voyages. Those lists that exist for th 18th century are largely of "foreign" immigrants who were required by law to take the Oaht of Abjuration upon their arrival. Between 1700 and the beginning of the American Revolution, approximately 250,000 Africans, 210,000 Europeans and 50,000 convicts had reached the colonial shores. The ship James of London sailed from Southampton on April 5, 1635 and arrived in Massachusetts Bay on June 3,[5] 1635 with master William Cooper at the helm. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. on NARA microfilm, Castle Available now on and, Step 2: Check out the Genealogy Books written by Olive Tree Genealogy! Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1981 You can buy this on CD: On Maryland Records, Vol. Lists / Immigration Databases, Libraries, Maps, Newspapers, Census, The original European settlers came to Virginia in the early 17th century from England. 1630-1640. "Maids for Virginia in 1621 as Described in the Ferrar Papers. The James was described as a relatively small but sturdy ship, carrying 100 Pilgrims along with horses, cattle, goats and provisions landed at Salem on October 10, 1633. Armed civilians, organized into the militia, were the colony's only protection against Indian raids, internal revolt, and the threat of Spanish and Dutch invasion. 2. When one has served his or her term, he or she is entitled to a new suit of clothes at parting; and if it has been so stipulated, a man gets in addition a horse, a woman, a cow.". Passengers who Came to the United States and Canada in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries. Hollands Golden Century was the 17th, and Englands overtaking of France as Europes seat of industry also occurred then. In 1652, Van Riebeeck built a fort at the Cape of Good Hope as a halfway station for the ships to and from the East Indies ('The Inn of Two Oceans') that later grew out to Cape Town. Oslo, The capital of Norway is situated at the head of Oslo Fjord surrounded by forested ridges. She had left Liverpool with 28 crew members and she suffered one crew death on her voyage. Episode Summary. U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s, database, Ancestry ( : 1 Nov 2020), Elizabeth Wheeler, 1672, Maryland. . He was in Hingham, Massachusetts Bay, in November, 1638, on the arrival of his mother from England, in the ship Confidence, from the port of Southampton. 2) A dataset of historic coastal sailing routes. 1640-1670. Clyde Spencer . . Pages in category "17th-century ships" The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total. In the 17th century, naval tactics switched to using a ship's firepower to sink an enemy vessel from afar. Few of this class escape with their lives; many a mother is cast into the water with her child as soon as she is dead. If you still can't find your ancestor in free ships passenger lists, try ships Luggage was usually restricted to two trunks per passenger, although they . Abstracted survey reports of these records are available on the Library of Virginia's Virginia Memory Collections by Topic page, under "Historic Virginia Government. TheShipsList - (Swiggum) All Rights Reserved - Copyright Passengers who Came to the United States and Canada in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries. Cabotage was a legal principle first enunciated in the 16th century by the French. document.write("

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