Lionel Messi is known as the best soccer player of his generation, but there's one dream he's never achieved: winning a World Cup for Argentina, the country he left decades ago. [Laughter] Because I'm sure there will still be some residual feelings. Aprendi castellano a la vista del pblico, y los errores que cometi se convirtieron en algunos de sus momentos ms famosos y entraables. In this episode, Maria explores why Selenas Spanglish seemed so revolutionary for its time, and yet so familiar to many fans who also struggled with the language of their heritage. character in the story until we started getting into the editorial conversations, and I started sharing with my editors, sort of like mine, my feelings, roundup episodes and why they meant so much to me, and I had editors who told me like you know. Subscribe now so you don't miss it! Through the lens of the life of iconic performer, Selena Quintanilla, and the impact she had not just on Marias life, but on tens of millions around the world, even decades after her tragic passing at a young age. what led to that end, the lake late fierce resistance from her dad the illegal tell really powerfully in the pond cas but her huh, during this whole winter time, and you knew, when and found him and were able to arrange a sit down with them, and this was in the middle of the endemic at this point. The show is produced by Andrea Asuaje, James Trout, and John Perotti at Rococo Punch. So why is Selena still relevant 25 years after her death? Selena is often called the "Queen of Tejano music." In the 1990s, she brought this underdog genre to international heights. Subscribe to get an email every time this podcast publishes a new episode. But when Selena died, Tejano went from boom to bust. When I was in graduate school and I needed some motivation, I would listen to Selena, and I realized that there were all these milestones in my life where she was there. yeah I mean I think the episode ear alluding to is episode for which is called big, but politics. how telling you the lands that I'm looking at it through, and that is completely shaped by growing up in this. Plus,. sixteen seventeen. She was the queen of the hand of music of this roots genre in texas. In the 25 years since her murder, Selenas image has taken on new meaning. Selena Quintanilla may have built her career singing Spanish songs, but she didnt grow up speaking Spanish at home. American networks and Mexican programming aired the same top story. It's terrifying. I want to unpack that personal side a little more. But a forgotten culture war following her death painted a different picture. I am, you know. It has also permeated white culture, with Kim Kardashian breaking the internet and butt selfie queen Jen Selter. The podcast examines the Tejano Queen's impact on race, politics and the cultures she inhabited. how little maria that was deep inside of me, ok like it's ok to be yourself. In this episode, Maria shares her theory about how large butts went from a white girl taboo into a mainstream obsession. She wants a grammy for best mexican american art is she was traveling internationally filling stadiums and latin america, and. About his own marriage to Selina and relationships and love and heartbreak, You know what to. Think about where we were as a country in 1995. 00:38:34 - Episode 5. It's interesting also right because you knew your incredible, cancer is virtual dive into anything. You neeeeddddd to listen. Las ceremonias de premiacin de la msica tejana eran eventos glamorosos y los DJ de estaciones de radio dedicadas al gnero eran vistos como estrellas de rock en Texas y el resto del sudoeste de Estados Unidos. And Selena helped change that. Accuracy is not guaranteed. You have been subscribed to WBUR Today. connection with the land. Twenty five years later, Maria is on a quest to understand what it means to love, mourn and remember Selena. sound, didn't you read the narrations end it. I smell creosote bush, which is one of the oldest living organisms on the planet. every year on the anniversary of her death and on the anniversary of the day she was born, there's a floor. Selena was on the other side of the border, Selena had been afforded a whole new life, but at the end of the day, there was this disregard--the same disregard--for her life, too. And so I knew that I had to bring the personal, the authentic--and I don't take over the story, but I'm definitely with you on this journey, or you're with me on this journey. As you said, it is Mexican-Americans just saying like, "Hey, we're here and you're hurting us. The first. NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Maria Garcia, host of "Anything For Selena." The podcast tells the story of Selena Quintanilla's life and Garcia's childhood spent on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Now? This week, Nick speaks with Maria about Anything for Selena, her new series from WBUR and Futuro Studios, which revisits the legacy of Selena, with an ear to trying to unpack how, exactly, she changed culture. without us, even realising a causing a certain amount of stifling or harm yeah, absolutely I mean it stayed with me for many many years I I could switch, all my life. Selena devotees of all ages have turned to Instagram, TikTok and YouTube to restore and remix Selenas memory. It's like boulders. I love that you know because, of the story that you can see from the position in the, of that. that the story was just about, like oh mainstream b, The ideals changed because Selina had a big, bad and jailer played her, then, J low ushered in this revolution of big buds and that's the story. Relatives in Mexico and the States wanted to know if Marias family was watching, too. This is every kid while, an idea is fit in your leg. . And this sort of harsh refusal to do that. This is such a safe place in part because, the place of immigrants. She learned Spanish in the public eye, and her mistakes became some of her most famous and endearing moments. But I got, show them to you, because you gotta know where I'm coming from, for you to understand how much I love Selina and why I love selena, then you kind of, gotta understand me a little bed and I think a lot of people. Poverty is often disguised. and who are we leaving behind or who are erasing or like is the harm being caused by this beyond. As an undocumented immigrant for over 20 years, Juan Diego decided to focus his works on communities that reflect him. He attends Baruch College where he is working towards a journalism degree. I feel like I learned to read at the same time that I learned to code switch on either side of the border. Even The New York Times called it the fastest-growing Latino genre in the country. In my whole life, and ever since her death, or left. I tall buildings in new york city, there's something so powerful that draws me in to just, even if I'm not out. I thought there was a really interesting moment also at the very end you added in a couple of bonus episodes, one of them being. Sort of like a shared experience between the Latino community and the broader white American communities, basically. And then, now, as an arts and culture editor and critic, putting on my journalism hat and thinking about Selena not just from my heart, but as a journalist, and thinking, I'm not alone. And that's the gift. They that to the listeners that, like this journey, was Selena that were about to go on it comes from a very specific place. beyond you know the man made border and what our past. Have you have to follow your gut, you know, and there were moments when definitely dead, follow my guide and not take. Es tan grande Es que ella es tan negra! Tres dcadas despus, la obsesin con los traseros grandes en la cultura del hip-hop se mantiene slida gracias a dolos como Cardi B y Beyonc, pero tambin se ha impregnado en la cultura blanca. Subscribe now so you don't miss it! think that comes out in in the episode a bad, the idea. And I don't think we've changed all that much. It was like not a desire, a ball body part two, and I remember noticing this when I was young and how odd it was that, like this feature, can illicit these there. She became a role model for how Latinos could achieve the American dream and find acceptance. [Laughter], I mean, I grew up in a whole other country. Codebreakerwas hailed as the first completely bingeable podcast, pushing the envelope of the medium with embedded secret codes in each episode, requiring the listener to unlock subsequent episodes by cracking codes. how did he was a kid and ensure that you have a bit of a different ones like, rather than not, really feelingly. Don't spend too much. We shall television where it's like it falls pray, citizens, you know, especially because it so like you said constrained by like the form and, the time limits. So incredibly, in the twenty seven years since salinas death, her legend, only grown. "It has this unforgettable smell when it rains," the voice says. She was on the cusp of mainstream success, ass. She was already a big star in my world, but she was about to become a big star in everyone's worlds. In the premiere episode of "Anything for Selena," host Maria Garcia explores how Selena helped Maria find her own place in the world. February 16, 2021 A quarter century after her death, Selena is breaking the internet. [Laughter] That's what it is, Nick! She was somebody who I think, the, first form of authentic representation. of separate what was going on in my life and yeah, Think that comes through in the episode. But I realized how much I did it at the cost of not confronting pain, and drowning myself in work to sort of not confront these very personal, emotional battles that were going on inside of me. what it means for you. Maria Garcia Twitter Managing EditorMaria Garcia was WBUR's Managing Editor and the creator of "Anything for Selena. Twenty twenty two limited to qualifying purchases exclusions apply not valid on services discount applied in store only before tax shipping and handling canopy, combined with coupons visit ikea dash, usa, dot com, slash family for more details. The phone kept ringing. En este episodio Maria le sigue la pista a las razones por las cuales Selena se convirti en smbolo de solidaridad y resistencia mientras conversa con Curly Velasquez de Pero Like. But what I am saying is that I do think, here was this brown woman who celebrated her, nerves. sent one him over, but also how it brought it brings up you're really. I discovered Selena when I was 7 years old. 1997 Chelly thanks you from the bottom of her heart. I'm curious as to why you decided to attend to that moment, Howard Stern as the avatar of that kind of friction in that episode. Visit Our Sponsor Page For a Complete List of Vanity URLs & Discount Codes. Instead, we tried to make meaning of Selena's life and legacy, she says. It's such a part of my life, I'm always trying different recipes and supplements. But I'm here, it's a gift. Este viaje a la poltica de los traseros en Estados Unidos es a fin de cuentas una exploracin de la raza, y nos conduce a una conversacin largamente postergada sobre la anti negritud dentro de la cultura latina. I was 9 years old, the the daughter of Mexican immigrants, and so Howard Stern was not in my world. Selena es usualmente descrita como la reina de la msica tejana. En la dcada de 1990, fue ella quien elev este gnero del pueblo a niveles internacionales. En este episodio, Maria analiza por qu la tez morena de Selena es parte crucial del legado de la reina del tex-mex y reflexiona sobre cmo su exploracin de la raza de Selena la condujo a revelaciones acerca de su propia identidad. And it's about my theory that there's a direct historical lineage from Selena to the big butt culture of today, 25 years later, and it's a deep look at how we went, as a country, in a quarter-century, from aversion to big butts to obsession with big butts. Do you feel anxious about any of it? was constantly crossing the border? I want you to know where I'm coming from Sweden, framing these things are why I'm asking these questions, but, It was also used you effectively say like I'm a character in this story, and, That was the original intention, not that's what. And I don't think I'm alone. And so we argue that Selena has come to represent Latinidad: what it looks like, what it sounds like to be Latino, and that's great. heard in the kind of feedback I received. Marias quest takes her to Abraham Quintanilla, Selena Quintanillas notoriously guarded father. Ninety seven starring jennifer lopez which kick started jailers career, it's been a quarter of a century plus later, I'm her legacy is still as alive today as it is as it was, then you know Netflix, She wasn't just a pop star. They would say you know what we really. So, Anything for Selena, how I like to describe it to folks, it's like if Dolly Parton's America and California Love had a baby. I couldn't separate myself as a person, from my role as a journalist here and I had to sort of clean with the listeners, and I think that, parts of myself that are scary for me to show you. the day before you leave, if you love this episode, safe bet, you will also love the conversation we had with Samir nasri about food and belonging culture and connection you'll find a link to simeon's episode in the show notes, and of course, if you haven't already done so, please go ahead and follow good life project in your favorite listening app, and if you found this conversation interesting or inspiring or valuable and chances are you did since you're still listening here. He is a multimedia producer and journalist based in New York. In the end, its really a story about belonging, which we all need more of. A 2016 video that Tesla used to promote its self-driving technology was staged to show capabilities like stopping at a red light and accelerating at a green light that the system did not . Yeah, I have a large rear, I guess, for the norm, but for me, it's normal, 'cause I grew up. On her podcast Anything for Selena, Apple Podcasts Show of the Year of 2021, Garca, who most recently served as Managing Editor for Boston public radio station WBUR, combines rigorous reporting with impassioned storytelling to honor her legacy. Your new and improved kitchen can be completed in weeks, not months. Such a beautiful podcast. Juan Diego Ramirezis a production assistant at Futuro Studios and Latino USA. was desirable in the main stream and then, of course, her spend this huge evolution since then. the foundation for that really starts with the place that I was raised and which is on the? In this episode, Maria explores how the internet has become a place where fans celebrate and remember Selena, as well as grapple with the void she left behind. It was the early 1990s and she was 7, watching the Tejano star perform on television. March 2, 2021 In the series finale of Anything for Selena, Maria reflects on what her year-long examination into Selena's legacy reveals about La Reina's humanity. The phone kept ringing. Not even. And so this has the cultural analysis of that, but it's also just a love letter from me to Selena, it is personal. Tras el debut de la serieSelenaen Netflix, algunos fans sealaron que la cantante haba sido blanqueada en ese show. Ok, let's dive into this conversation, you know-. But I knew I wanted more space to tell stories, and I knew that I I wanted to do the opposite of simplifying them, said that lead you is, as you share, you end up going back to journalists in school and then, from there, unless I'm missing a step, you end up in Boston. In the end. Mara sabe que para entender verdaderamente a Selena como persona y no solo como un cono, necesita ir a Corpus Christi. Thank you so much. Tell them to listen, then, even invite them to talk about what you've both discovered, because when podcasts become conversations and conversations become action, that's how we all come alive together until now. Copyright 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. March 11, 2021 Un cuarto de siglo despus de su muerte, Selena est arrasando en internet. Of harsh refusal to do that a shared experience between the Latino community the... Chelly thanks you from the bottom of her death and on the cusp of mainstream success,.. Quintanilla, Selena est arrasando en internet safe place in part because, the, of border. The new York Times called it the fastest-growing Latino genre in texas the man made border and our. And this sort of like a shared experience between the Latino community and the creator ``! Aired the same time that I 'm here, it 's such a part of my,! A whole other country cusp of mainstream success, ass journalist based in new York called. 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