Yes many of my patients are on a combination of T3 + NDT or T3 alone. Thank you very much for this site and information,it is very usefull. We offer here an overview of current research about the induction of anti-SARS-CoV-2 memory CD8 T cells by vaccination, in the context of prior knowledge on vaccines and on fundamental . Or make sure its in your daily multi-nutrient. I am so tired of being so extremely tired!! I am iodine deficient but when I supplemented, within a few days was then taking too much and my thyroid was inflamed. I am almost 36 years old. I was on Levothyroxine 175. My Free T3 is 2.9, my Free T4 is 1.1, so very similar to yours. R3 = 13 I do not have a thyroid .15 months ago I have it surgically removed due to Papillary Cancer.I have been extremely tired and have gained a lot of weight since then..All my blood test are normal but I continue to tell my Dr my symptoms and want her to treat me with T3 medication but she will not do it..I saw another Dr for a second opinion and she would not treat me for T3 will your recommendations be what I need to try and see if I do get better?..i ask because I do not have a thyroud..I take 150 mcg of Levothyroxine once daily.thank you. Although I convinced my doctor to put me on something to help with the Symptoms. I kind of feel like Ive hit a wall as Im doing whats recommended and I seem to progress and then it all goes pear shape and I cant work out why? She told me to keep an eye on my body temperature, to get it up to 98.6 as a sign my thyroid is functioning well. Soil depletion of nutrients, avoidance of sea vegetables, and a preference for using non-iodized salt have led to reduced ingestion of iodine. Also, CRP is at less than 3 on a scale 0-5. Avoid eating saturated fats such as red meats, fried meats, or chicken with the skin. I have been following a great food and exercise program fir 10+ years. Hi Doctor Childs, I hope you will consider making a blog or video to help someone with a newly hyperactive thyroid nodule to make the best choice. Can you Be Hyperthyroid & Hypothyroid At the Same Time? Natural Dye Beetroot is used as a natural dye to colour hair. If youve tried all of the options listed above or youre feeling stuck then your next best move is to find a new physician who specializes in the sort of treatment discussed here. Molecular Pathways: Next Generation Immunotherapy Inhibiting Programmed Death-Ligand 1 and Programmed Death-1. If you're tired of the flavor of papaya, look for papaya supplements at natural health food stores. Chen DS, Mellman I. Oncology meets immunology: the cancer-immunity cycle. 1.Wang T, Yang F. A comparative study of chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate for directing three-dimensional chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells. 2x B12 spray daily These same principles apply to post thyroidectomy patients. Im on medication of Levothyroxine and Liothyronine. Thank you great articles. All that to say, I am back at bootcamp as of mid April, weighing 138.2lbs, heavily modifying then and have increased what I can do now. I am so frustrated I started zinc. Raw fruits and vegetables are the best way to get a maximum amount of these nutrients. No, after your thyroid is removed you are reliant upon T4 medication which your body must still convert to T3. My surprise wasnt that my thyroid was an issue. Supplement wisely. But yes, I have low sex hormones, amenorrhea, and adrenal fatigue. I just had a major blood workup. All doctors want to do is cut down T4 medication (unfortunately none treat with T3 as well.) Thank you for the compiled educational articles on your website. If an elevated rt3 is the issue, would a diet change correct it (considering it was a diet that brought me here)? Now that I am looking closely at your conversion factors, it is obvious that before I was not converting enough T4 to T3. Scientists think that they help quickly degrade stressed cells - such as tumor cells and virus-infected cells. Please Doctor can you do article about overactive thyroid (Graves disease ) thanks .. The therapy didnt work for everyone and some patients experienced toxic side-reactions and died. I had a lot of issues with twitching and stiffness and pain in muscles, joints and tendons, among them plantar fascitis (I do think it is connected to hypo, I have heard the same problems frpm other hypopatients) . Just wanted to say THANKS for all your articles. Scientists have repeatedly found that Vitamin C availability is associated with increased circulating lymphocytes, at least once confirming that Vitamin C promotes proliferation of T cells specifically. I had a surgery which led to a C. diff infection, which led to Reactive Arthritis. I only need to lose 6-10kg and occasionally when the plumbing is working well I shift 2kgs and then it suprisingly comes back! Yes, perfectly safe to use T3 conversion booster with all T3 medications including liothyronine/Cytomel. T3 only med. Hi Dr Childs, Im on the 22nd wk of my pregnancy now and I have had 3 tests so far for TSH, FT3 and FT4 with the ff results: Result#1 Dr Advise take 25mg tablet of PTU-Propyltiouracil everyday for 3 weeks then test again I want to treat my hypothyroidism all naturally. FT3 meds are not sold in Bulgaria and, even if I bought them from abroad, I doubt that I will find a doctor who can work with me and fix an appropriate dose. The bone pulled away from the plate in the 1st week or recovery and I had revision surgery 11 days later. Dr. Westin Childs, When is the best time to take supplements?, Slowly got well, over MONTHS. Im seeing a naturopathic doc who helped me get estrogen and progesterone back on track, adrenals are being supplemented with organs and adaptogens, which has given me enough energy and mental clarity to go about life feeling alive. I am a thyroid cancer survivor, so I have to monitor my T4, free T3 levels often. Because of that, you want this guy as low as possible. It optimizes the environment for stem cell function. The two together work marvelously. 2022 Dr. Westin Childs | Thyroid & Health Supplements That Work Built withGeneratePress and powered by Kinsta. Leafy green vegetables, fruits, and protein can help maintain a robust white blood cell count. Aerobic activity, in particular, has been shown to aid stem cells convert to bone rather than fat. I get a sore bloated stomach after each meal, and am either constipated or more recently have been experiencing a lot of gas and diarrhea. I am skinny (BMI 20.5), just not producing quite enough insulin. Everyone wants to have normal free T3 levels because thats how you optimize thyroid function and feel better. You can look at these posts for more information about balancing hormones with your thyroid: #2. I am suffering from a myxedema state of being. #4. Ive written about how important iron is to thyroid function here, but I will point out some of the most important parts in this article: When you are evaluating your serum ferritin youll want to look for levels in the 40-60 ng/mL range. You probably could have helped me and I wish I found you sooner. Try eating some ripe fruit, dried fruit or even drinking some papaya leaf tea. My Endocrinologists does not want to check my FT3, least of all my rt3. The list doesn't stop there. Ethyl acetate extract of licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) enhances proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Im not taking any thyroid meds. I have Hashimotos and I think perhaps conversion issues as a result of elevated liver function. Extreme sensitivity to the cold, mental fogginess and poor memory being just some of the symptoms. Hey, I loved this article! Rachel. Im a bit confused by your question. You can think of Reverse T3 as an anti-thyroid metabolite that your body creates under certain conditions. I might add that since Oct. I eat alot of salads and vegies, little fruit. Having healthy and high levels of T cells is very important in staying healthy as these cells form the foundation of a healthy immune system. For hypothyroid patients, nutrient deficiencies in zinc, selenium, and vitamin B6 tend to be more common than deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins (5) such as vitamins A, D, and E. Yes, vitamin C and vitamin A are important but for the most part, people arent commonly deficient in these (though you still may want to ensure that you are not before you skip supplementing with them completely). I purchased: Im not quite sure I understand the question. Eur Radiol. If you wish to join the group, email me and I will provide you with the group info. My reverse t3 is high. I have no appetite and have to make myself eat and/or what I eat bothers me and I am severely constipated. Some physicians dont believe that using T3 thyroid hormone is necessary so you may need to seek out a second opinion if your doctor is unwilling to prescribe this medication. rT3 302 (pmol/L). I quit taking it, and cant seem to lose weight, despite eating a really strict Paleo diet. Dear Dr, thanks I talked with my Dr, and sure I can try this nt, so he sent me a prescription which I had to,pay for as insurance doesnt pay for. The same therapies and principles apply but in a slightly different way. 3 years ago I was on 80mcg of Synthroid and 10mcg of Cytomel which the Synthroid made me feel horrible. and I'm proud to say that over 80,000+ people have used them over the last 6 years. Researchers with UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center have discovered a way to amp up the power of killer T-cells, called CD8 cells, making them more functional for longer periods of. Would T3 have any possible bad combination with my adderall medication? So its a start I know stress is not helping me as Im stressing about not losing weight so its a bit of a vicious cycle for me at the moment. Because T3 is the active thyroid hormone in your body, it does all of the heavy lifting when it comes to thyroid function. Watching a funny movie, listening to comedy recordings and practicing laughter exercises may all be ways to help build up your body's T cells. NK cells work by triggering apoptosis . All rights reserved. I also read that the pulse is a good thing to check for thyroid function as well your thoughts on that? Thanks . This is not a good thing! Stem Cell Res Ther. Is there really danger in increasing it? You will have symptoms if you have too much. Surgery was 45 years ago and I have never been able to find a doctor that knows enough. In direct increasing white blood cells and indirect increasing blood flow ways, exercise improves your immune system. :tsh0.01 freet3: 5.77(3.6-6.5)freet4: 11.6(9-19) 3 March 2009 blood test results:TSH was :1.5(0.35-4.94)freet4: 12.2(9-19.1)my CK was 3944u/L (0.200) doctor said muscle problem or too much PTU (propthyuracil) 17 March 2009 blood test results:TSH was 0.04 (0.35-4.94)freet4:14.3freet3:6.45(3.6-6.5)28 April 2009 : CK :268 TSH 0.06 freet3: 5.35 freet4:11.6(9-19) 27 July 2009 blood test results TSH 0.01 freet3: 8.09(3.6-6.5)freet4: 17.3(9-19.1) 6 November 2009:freet3:9.04pmol/L freet4: 20.2pmol/L (9-19.1) TSH was 0.01 (0.35-4.94) 19 April 2010 blood test results was:TSH 0.01 freet4:21.3freet3: 9.19pmol/L (3.6-6.5) nhs uk 22 February 2011 :TSH 0.01 freet4: 11.8 (9-19.1)freet3: 7.52 (3.6-6.5) same dose 300 mg PTU I refused the RAI treatment 2011 ( I dont know why ? My Total T3 is 93. I am all they have. I have low T3 2.3 (2.4-4.3 range) and a long history of hashimotos. Free T3 2.80 Low Dose Nalterxone, it is not priscribed by any doctor, but digged dip and found one who did. FT4 10.6-19.4. Free Shipping within contiguous United States, 25 million to 1 billion different T cells, 42% of the US population were deficient in Vitamin D, Vitamin A supports the differentiation of T cells, Vitamin C promotes maturation of T-cells,, Ignaz Semmelweis drastically lowered the mortality rate, 7 ways exercise supports your immune system, 9 ways to have better health and happiness. 2015;21(22):5047-56. doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-15-0685. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, Immunology; Regulatory T cells in human disease and their potential for therapeutic manipulation; Leonie S Taams et al. Large nodule on thyroid, however, it is benign. 7. It also helps in preventing hair loss and promotes hair growth. Eating a diet that's rich in protein, powerful antioxidants, and vitamins will help your body naturally fight off infectious bacteria and keep that blood cell count where it should be. My question is whether you are aware of any studies or opinions on the relationship between higher dosages of thyroid hormone/corresponding low TSH and exercise/physical activity specifically in women? Phentermine is expensive and I dont want to take it. Farah Khan, MD. For my part I am now alternating WTE with Thyrovanz and will see if the FT3 levels drop. Please advise me :diagnosed Graves disease 2008 my TPO was 269u/mL my first symptoms was right hand shake my first blood test results was TSH 0.01 freet3 19.39pmol/L (3.6-6.5) FREE T4 = 1.12 I go to great lengths to help my users better understand their health; however, the content you see here is not a substitute for medical advice. Register for free on and do a provider search in your area. I am trying to Kickstart my thyroid naturally before trying the medication route. Wilsons Syndrome is people who have symptoms of thyroid issues yet normal thyroid blood tests; and the main symptom is low body temperature consistently (around 97.8 or lower). But there are so many forms of zinc like gluconate it is confusing which one to take. You may be suffering from acid reflux or GERD. Ive been adding necessary supplements. Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos late last year. I take selenium, zinc, Vit D, raw adrenal from standard process, magnesium at night. As far as I know, there is not a relationship between low TSH and exercise capacity, though you might feel more energy with a lower TSH which may account for increased energy/exercise on a personal level. Your gastrointestinal tract does much more for your body than just absorbing nutrients and food. I have put on 20kgs of weight in the last 2-3 months without changing diet and mostly on my abdomen. Board Certified Allergist & Immunologist. Could I have a point there and should I consider doing a blood panel abroad ? All tested. That and my vitamin D was low. Since I have gained 50 lbs. National Cancer Institute. The sources cited below consist of evidence from peer-reviewed journals, prominent medical organizations, academic associations, and government data. Thyroid is shrivled as well. No help from the doctors. Some estimates put it as high as 60% (20). On Result#3, she told me to stop the medicine and have the test after 3 weeks because I need to be within the normal range (as indicated above). Vitamin C helps increase the amount of interferon in your body, which helps your body fight off viruses and protects the blood cells that you have. I excercise, walk and do yoga. Helper T cells help killer T cells proliferate, so they can take on more infected cells after the first has been destroyed. You can find information on how to help in each area in various places on my blog including which supplements to take and what foods to eat, etc. Do you have any thoughts on how helpful Tyrosine is / would be in this situation? You need to fix your calcium levels first and manage your thyroid medication both are more likely causing your symptoms. How can I increase my stem cell count? I had a thyroidectomy in 2007, followed by RAI. OK, I guess I will just follow the instructions on the bottles. Have only palpitation feeling rarely now. Would you recommend the same treatment for just fT3? 5 January 2022. fighting the onset of Covid-19 than other antibodies. Published 2015 Nov 18. doi:10.1038/srep16827. Let me know if you have any other questions. Free T3 3.0 (3.0-4.7) Should be 4.275? Very frustrating!! Been to an endo and was told by one endo then the weight gain and fatigue is ME (how) and the other endo told me that my fatigue is to do with my weight as I am now 103kg and 5ft 4in and very over weight. This lack of T cell diversity means that older adults are not equipped to naturally fend off as many pathogens. In your blog you mention checking your levels but do doctors supply you with your own lab test when checking your thyroid levels? Learn how this powerful compound supports the cells that keep you healthy. I think a lot about walking off into the woods. Do you have any knowledge about this and perhaps links to relevant articles? The first time I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism was 27 years ago. Regardless of brand, I seem to require a lot of NDT for complete symptom relief (I am currently taking 7 grains which means 266 mcg of T4 and 63 mcg of T3 daily). I'm Westin Childs D.O. And in this case, may result in decreased free T3 levels and increased reverse T3 levels. I was reading your comment and what you were going through with your pelvic bone is what Im going through now. To improve your t-cell count and responsiveness, eat a healthy diet full of fresh produce and lean protein. FT4 8.11, Normal Value based on hospital's form: I am seeing a naturopath and she had me do a hair strand test that shows what triggers inflamation for me and she has been helping me with adrenal fatigue and liver tone. For free on and do a provider search in your area suprisingly comes back T4. Your thyroid medication both are more likely causing your symptoms can think of Reverse T3 as an anti-thyroid that! You sooner have led to reduced ingestion of iodine yes many of my patients on. Suprisingly comes back on how helpful Tyrosine is / would be in this situation there are many. 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