The words reverberated through my brain. How can this man do this to his wife and it seems as though she respected him, is loyal to him and gave him sexual pleasure. that He creates love and compassion between them, and helps each of them to When we wrote our nikkah, I ask this to be added. If the wife has a genuine reason for not meeting the husbands needs then she will be forgiven inshaAllah. Thanks. Reality, not being idealistic. He chats with this girl on a daily basis. Although I did very much appreciate zuhrAs story. No man can do justice with all wifes its impossible thats why that line was put in their therefor it is not allowed but Allah will forgive you if you seek his forgiveness. He would say his family is who give birth to him and he grow up with Im just woman he marry. It seems shes expecting some fatwa & if she is then tough luck, knocking the wrong door. @Marij Usmani For some women, polygamy is a deal breaker no matter. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. MY FELLOW MUSLIMAHLETS GET CLOSE TO ALLAHSO WE CAN GET OUR HUSBANDS TO BE CLOSE TO US..INSHA ALLAH.. Im in agreement with the comments however one thing i feel is never addressed is what if the husband does not fulfill his basic duties as a husband/father? What is the reward, "ajr", for the first wife having patience ,"sabr", when her husband takes a second wife? So many women (same goes for men) just take for granted that their husband knows how she feels for him and dont ever say anything. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". i wouldnt state this if i honestly didnt believe it. Most of comments are pointing to second marriage and bla bla. Sounds like a rough deal, I dont see how any of this would make a woman feel proud. He told me the coworker was jealous because I liked him. From your question, it may be understood that Allaah has There is no other religious book that instructs men to have only one wife. It should not be a form of abuse. I was in shock for days. Will Allah still be angry with me if I stop having any feeling for him? Although, a male, I would say about the 3rd point that it much more depends on the condition: 1) Now if a man is having sex with his wife for 3 consecutive nights and if the wife does not want it on the 4th night then I dont think she will be cursed for it. Allah commands us in the Quran to lower our gaze, which is to prevent us from having improper thoughts. All of these are virtues and standards of character in Islam. I know what this marriages can do, my father married many wives and the out come was not good, the wives ended up hating each other and we the children did not get olong with each other. But there is an entire SURAH! I dont understand why man cheat on wife so much. know where his interests lie, so he prays istikhaarah asking that Allaah Does he have a good understanding of his own wifes anatomy and psychology. We were happily married that is at least what I thought. All he used to do was he was busy in his own world. I could not imagine myself in a plural marriage. How to live and continue being pacient with a husband who text other women, hides his phone, go out for shishaetc. Muslim girl, read the brothers comment carefully then make your comment. I think thats why they go to islam religion. will question you on the Day of Resurrection? love you or does he love himself and is only looking out for his own I am not hurt by your comment but I believe this article only wants to be as realistic as possible. But if she denies him for no valid reason then and only then will it be a sin. Releases natural antidepressants. If he is willing to risk our marriage, our life, our children for another woman, then he must go ahead. As salaam alaikum, Does that mean I can demand a sandwich? Instead of focusing on starting up a business to impress your wife and to give her more, how about reading the Quran to understand and asking Allah to truly get what you want. He Thinks About Other Women Then he came to him a second time, and he forbade it. If it dont kill you then it can only make you stronger!!!! My husband gets alot of inbox messages from facebook from different women all the time. That should really be the last stage. the second wife got baby. Am I not good enough? what he wants and you were to get divorced from your husband Allaah forbid Im sorry but I will have to disagree. And dont be so quick to nag him about the things he doesnt do right. good points you wrote, but in reality, you havent married. Bravo.Mashallah.this is the thoughts of a regular muslim guy. refrained from establishing a haraam relationship even though there is a My husband and I are both Catholic, he converted to the faith fairly recently. If I would get to know about a special reward, things would be easier to accept. unfortunately not every Muslim man is that way these days and maybe that leads to most of the negative feelings women have about multiple marriages, etc. desires appear attractive. It is his conduct with his wives and living a life according to Islam that will determine where he ( and all muslims) will end up. You said it !! But how different the circumstances. I am not Muslim, however I respect/support his beliefs and the teachings/love of Allah. Your words reminded me of my faults and short comings and that i have caused many of the problems in my marriage. Many Hindu religious personalities, according to their scriptures, had multiple wives. This idea is put forward in the Quran where Allah says: Men are in charge of women by what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend from their wealth. What happens if you hate his touch or being intimate with him n never look forward to it ever. Asw Allah also gave rights to women also if she dont except his husbands second wife she can ask for divorce and do marriage again. same does not apply to husband my dear.. thats what I hate about the whole thing.. there is not a word said particularly as an order like it is said to a woman through ahadith and verses of Quran to say yes to her husbands needs. And the wrongdoers will get their due punishment as well. Its HARAM to look at other women to begin with so how would it be ok for them to be attracted to other women.I dont look or think about anyone but my husband!! One fills in what the other lacks. Just because man is ALLOWED to take a second wife, doesnt mean he should. I feel that he is not having any love for me. Actually, that is false. I rather not have a car or smartphone from my husband but have his LOYALTY. This takes deliberate words, a soft touch, and careful action. He fears he will become schizophrenic. All Rights Reserved. Here is the complete explanation of hadith below. Men are always looking 4 sex..thats y they go to other provide him a good sex.he will never ever go to any other girls, You should consult a muslim islam its is forbidden to do sex without marriage. Quran (33:36) It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision.. If the real purpose was of sexual desires then they would go for it in their prime youth. your husband goes ahead and takes a second wife then you have to be patient dis is remainder to our dear sister, jst vice-vasa may ALLAH c us tru.tanx, InSha Allah. All of these factors and many others apply to the istikhaarah Its about consent on both sides. Women crave respect and most definitly deserve it, communicating with your wife is a form of respect. Alhamduliallh. jazakallahu khayr. form a relationship with a non-mahram man. As far as the sex thing.the qaran does tell us this.hopefully our husbands are understanding and considerate of our feelings.but it is our obligation ..Overallthis article was very usefuland it helped me understand my husband a little moreas I am a revert from a western culture and my husband is north biggest concern in our marriage has been that he doesnt talk and share with me as much I felt he should. Surah Nisa verse 129 says: It is very difficult to be just and fair between women. (interpretation of the meaning): Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in continue to befall the believer, man or woman, concerning himself, his child It is not wajib brother it is merely a choice/optional for Men. I will never accept a second wife! Prophet Muhammad also often experienced it, below is the prayer of the Prophet Muhammad SAW to Allah taala. For the women here, i want to say that most of the times human never foresees the results of allahs commandments. 660. You can decide to divorce him. May be it is not looking good for you but it would be good for the society as a whole. The matter of the fact is men are only permissble to marry when there is a geniune reason exists along with prerequisites. Maintenance for Woman under Muslim Marriage Law Daeef al-Jaami al-Sagheer, no. Great article, although I think number 4 needs to go. Have taqwa women! big deal, a wife isnt happy about her husband being a man and being polygamous by nature, and men arent happy with women in many regards either. JAK for this comment! Or is wrong, Sister, can you please rephrase your question so we can give you the correct answer? reward for being patient in the face of a trial, as Allaah says Below is one of the verses of the Quran that explains this. I recommend you seek marriage counselling to help find a solution to your problems as this is a complicated matter for which we cant give exact advice. The practice of polygyny continued till Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah. The Quran does state that the husband is allowed to take up to four wives but only if he has the means to provide for them. Men who do polygamy should be wiser in the face of jealousy of their wives. My husband went to Egypt to visit his family as usual. Not all Muslim are same, you are talking about a handful. i love him more than anything else. my husband love me lot of. 2. family life, and the man wishes for a wife with whom he can live in peace, Informative article. Its true men think about other women, but that doesnt make it right. Husbands who have more wives, They are obliged to provide a decent wifes life. It really bothers me. But for the sake of all our good, call it truce and take care of each other, and dont resort to these extreme rights. Source :, Hi, Nice article. After an argument or disagreement over certain issue women may be adamant and come up with excuses not to have sex whereas men are usually easy to ignore what has happened and can easily get involved. Jazakumullahi Khairan. So permission from his first wife would be SHIRK.Proof Please. (2) The lady is trying to get her daughter married. How about us woman looking at other man at some point in our lifes?.. I have updated the question to add this generality. If your husband has a busy routine, dont bother him with small quarrels of the day. Sex releases stress. its really really nicely you explained thanks for the post may ALLAH give you the reward. I have to agree with you 100% on that. (Abu Dawud). This reward is in addition to the womans reward for obeying Q. and at the end of the Day his new wife will hardly hijacked the 1st wife position Meanwhile, steadfastness to beautiful attitudes is d key to attract attention. My husband never show or say any love words to me. Its NOT more rights which you have over us. OK, he won't cheat because it will be a legitimate marriage instead of an affair, but isn't it still really bad? bestowed all these blessings upon you, so what you should do is be grateful Sister Sabeeqa, this life is a test for us to be rewarded in the life hereafter. The point which most of the people ignorr is that sahaba and prophet Muhammad saw gone for multiple marriage after the age of 50. Allah knows best, Are you kidding ME????? Did your family find out details on him before marrying you? so tell me what are my rights? the guy has duty to keeping his wife well comforted before he even thinks selfishly about his own satisfaction. You need to make taubah and try to learn more. Well the perception of people is different . i understand now whyand hope that we can adjust to each other more. (ITS LIKE HIS SAYING ITS OKAY TO BE A LAZY MUSLIM-WHEN ITS NOT)Brothers should do the utmost best to emulate the life of the prophet and their should be no excuses brothers are too busy lecturing sisters on how to be a good wife when their forgetting about their own individual selves. Bespectacled before it was cool, I. Good advice, but zowji doesnt like sandwhiches! Why is a man allowed to marry more than one wife in Islam? it wasnt until 1 month before we married the he drops the bombshell on me, he tells me, I am married, have been 4 yrs now and I have 2 kids, Mind you we were together for 3. Jazakallahukairan, am really insppired by this post. That plus the fact that a good human is what one needs to strive to be, not a good muslim. And I absolutely adore our baby, more than I ever . And always remember if MAN is not just amongst his wives, Allah is watching him. If you are fortunate enough to find a man who is of good character and is religiously committed, then you have been blessed with something good. Its a designated duty of the wife to comfort her husband, and protect him for indulging in something unlawful or from being distracted from his own responsibilities. For anyone who is not fair to his wife, there will be consequences on the Day of Judgment. We must gave been in our friendly relationship stage about year and half when a coworker of his contacted me, asking me out. How could ones condition change so drastically? This is what I am afraid of. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husbands] absence what Allah would have them guard. both of you. May Allah give you peace in heart and in this life and in the life hereafter. Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings. If I am correct, the correct reference is that the angels will curse the wife who refuses her husbands request for sex. May Allah help you get the right understanding and stand firm on the Straight Path! Men have distorted Islam to the point its unrecognisable. Almost at the same time as that of mastani two more women had also joined them to take the training from wasim, they were nadima and noor. I felt contrite, I felt that because I did not give another woman a chance, a space in my life, that Allah will punish me this time around. The problem is men hide their second marriage from their first wife which itself is a evidence of unjust behaviour which means he shouldnt go for second marriage as he is unable to do justice. I take care of myself, very physically fit, attractive and for being a westerner, I do not fit the stereotype of an easy american woman. Restricting each and every man to have only one wife is not practical Even if every man got married to one woman, there would still be more than thirty million more females in USA who would not be able to get husbands (considering that America has twenty five million gays). Then came the third time, and he said: Marry a good and fertile woman, for I am proud of your multitudes against the other peoples.(HR Abu Dawud and Shaykh al-Albani), Another factor that allows a man to make a second marriage is due to an illness suffered by his wife. The bottom line though is I like ur article. He was kind and gentle with them. Im tired of hearing these excuses that men make for themselves. arguments. We live in 2014 people, not 600 BC lol. Women are not to be condemned for this jealousy, for it existed in the best of righteous women, the wives of the Companions, and even in the Mothers of the Believers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Remember that Allaah allowed it and the Prophet (the best creation of all) peace be upon him, practiced it. lets come to nowadays situation, in any country you will see women that are affected for she couldnot get one to marry or she may divorce or widow. and one who does an atom weight of good will see it. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. At first, first wife would perceive it as sharing of his husband which is true at sight but not if you think deeply. You will be held accountable. His duty is to protect and provide for the family, even if the wife is stronger and wealthier. thats not the issue. However sex is the biggest right of man in marriage. I wanted to go out and enjoy my life like others do but my life became very dark n I started going into depression. very nice.. now all we have to do is FIND ourselves nice husbands worthy of all what u have written in the article above..but to add a point, women are not servants.. they are mans partners.. equal partners in life. undoubtedly this is a case of the shaytaan making following one's whims and When 1 or 2 months he lives with 2 nd wife I feel that I am not having any husband. If a man takes a second wife through lust, this goes against Islamic teaching. There are more than 100 comments about polygamy and everyone wants to put their input. He got emotionally attached to this lady. Why are men not told to concentrate on aakhira rather than just fullfilling their sexual desires in this world? i am conservative about my appearance and how I dress. deeds), and is patient, then surely, Allaah makes not the reward of the but why would some one care like a muslim wife cares coa she wants to save her aakhirah.. hey sista. Beware of what comes out of your months about the DEEN, it may end up against you some day & you find yourself BEGGING to be another mans 2nd wife. But if she refuses, only then will she be punished. Oh Dear how I understand you, my ex boyfriend, we were together for 5 years and hes Muslim. Things Ur Muslim Wife May Not Tell U. Only patience, repect and hard work from both spouses on mutual basis are few of the qualities that can make the marriage work. I could not fathom him holding her close and whispering loving words in her ears. Bottom line is this the wife was respectful to him. if a husband truly loves his wife then he will never leave her. You have given him all you can and he is still throwing it back at your face, be strong and walk away. There are a million and one articles online written by non-Muslims that say the same thing. There was an immediate connection between us. I came to my parents I told them and I told them I cant live with him please set me free. Many of the schools of thought also require a husband to fulfill his wifes sexual needs and this is not at all ruled out by this Hadith which I think some people feel it may be. For a single woman to dream that she is being loved by a husband is a sign that it is time for her to think of marriage. wife). honestly: 1.If this young man is righteous, I am a white English revert sister, who was raised Catholic my whole life before coming to Islam, so I know I am fighting my ingrained culture when I feel instinctively against it. when he want love with me, it is at day time at other place. We were both widowed. I have to say shukran and Allah barek feek, you have saved my marriage. It is still adultry. 3. And no man likes knowing a woman he wants to be with will surely bail out if he is not satisfying her. The only two options remaining for her are that she either marries a man who already has a wife or becomes public property. husbands rights and honour. I am a muslim man. To use the same rules for the current century really doesnt make sense. him if it is bad. There are no specific hadiths about many things. It doesnt apply to all brothers but these are the things in their mind that most probably they wont tell you about it (seeing the debate going on above, there is good ground why they choose not to tell us) cheers, Im much satisfied by this article it solved my biggest problemjazakallahu khaira, JazakAllahu khairan were happy to know this. I am again into depression and dont know what to do. Extracting your time from office hours and taking her on a long drive would surly affect her too. It's not just about love The Prophet, may Allah bless him and give him peace, said, "No believing man should hate a believing woman. I am in 2 minds about the multiple wives issue. interests and desires? So really, #4 about him thinking of other women is not bad, that is his right. When was the last time a man was questioned about his wifes happiness? WE HAVE BEEN STUDYING THIS SUBJECT ABOUT MORE THEN ONE WIFE. Allah, Most High, does not command that a married couple love each other. In the vast majority, the person either gets married or performs illicit sex or indulges in other sexual perversions. I will practice , When I get Maried.. Insha Allah , oh god, it was scary reading this and realizing theres an entire culture of people that think this way and live this way. I appreciate your responses! Please you deserve care, love, honour and respect. It would be something very difficult to come to terms with, I agree but this life is a test and through the difficulties we encounter and how we deal with them will determine our station in the akhira. Dont make things harms..where does it say men should ask their wives permission to many another???????? So the Prophet was married to one woman Sayyidah Khadijah until he was 54 and had 9 wives after that." (Professor Wahbah az-Zuhayli, VII, 169, 170) There are a lot of special reasons: 1. In Islam, we cant force anyone to do anything, as the Quran states: There shall be no compulsion in (acceptance of) the religion. (Quran: Chapter 2, Verse 256), SubhanAllah beautiful article mashAllah..may Allah reward u greatly in both worlds for spreading the knowledge peace.xx, Number 4 is rubbish..just coz the author deisres other women or thinks of taking another wife doesnt mean all men do .. most normal men are actually content with one wife..and same applies 2 women not just men many straight woman desire other men too but obviously der not gna tell their husbands LOL. We are a happy couple and have a beautiful family life. Pathetic. i have done all types of treatment but no result. It is up to the couple. We married women know you guys think about sex 24/7 and actually what you dont know is that we probably like it as much as you if not more. I really like your article however there are some contradictions in it. WELL, great job done there. "I was busy and studying. Hi,I came across this when googling about Islamic views on male fantasies.I have been married for the last 8 years and realised my husband not only think about other women (which you seem to agree that most men do,well most straight men at least) but what is recommended that I do should I realise that not only does my husband think about other women,he thinks about having sex with them as well.I find it truly disturbing and upsetting not to mention disrespectful but he seemed to be forcing me to accept this is what it really is.I am truly lost.Please advise. Btw if Muslim women want they can write a no-2nd marriage clause in their marriage contract during the nikah. It is also worth mentioning that the bride has the right before marriage to demand her fiance to agree in advance to certain conditions of hers, in case he is interested in pursuing another marriage later on. While it is completely understandable that you are shocked and hurt, provided the situation, you may still have the chance to improve your family life with him in South Africa and keep it separate from his parents and wife in Egypt. its not that you need to tie a pencil to it. Polygamy is a politically correct topic, yet it is a fact, it is allowed in Islam, also it is a fact that most women do not like it ( when it comes for the first wife) and it is a fact that a lot of the companions of the prophet did polygymy and most prophets as well, obviously it was a part of the life style back then for most men to have many women and if we look at it in a positive way, we would conclude that its out of the question that it is a noble thing to protect and respect many women and to make them wives rather than to have one wife and go to cheat with prostitutes as it is the case in many western countries nowadays including many catholic countries sadly. Similarly, its unfair for men to expect their wives to behave like Aisha (RA) and his other wives (RA) did. grow up and stop playing the victim. Search it yourself. There are several other reasons, why Islam has permitted limited polygyny, but it is mainly to protect the modesty of women. Just to forgive and make sandwich? He never read Esha namaaz that night, because he never woke up. that is the only aspect of islam which i never believed in nor i will. I TOO WAS NOT FEELING THAT AT ALL BUT UPON FARTHER STUDING AND PRACTICING AL- ISLAM FOLLOWING THE QURAN WE HAVE TO ACCEPT THIS PONIT BLANK, excellent article for the wives of all married men, and true, This is a good advise for sisters in Islam and also teaches brothers little on how to treat their wife in a right way, Assalaam all I have a lot more to say but I feel I have said enough. He was a good person, good akhlaq and very pious. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Our prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) just simply said that if a woman lets her husband have sex with her, then Alhamdulillah. (Ameen). It is with this layout of rulings that it is hoped that man and woman will come to love one another, hence making the marriage peaceful, fulfilling, and enjoyable. . so dont Quran is the only religious scripture in the world that says marry only one Quran is the only religious book, on the face of this earth, that contains the phrase marry only one. He will not got to hell for taking another wife. I am definitely not of the temperament that would allow me to share. I think I am going to leave him and allow him to go back to his home country to his Real Family (whom I truly love). so only it was said in Quran to marry more than one. but my husband love me also, he told me that he will not leave me. But we really would prefer to remember because we know it would make you happy. I have been divorced two times. What should I do if my has bansband doesnt tell me anything about the truth even very little things, Question, my fianc is muslan Im catholic, he dont want to do anything until we got married but we almost did everything is the right? In every hadeeth there is meaning and insight to be gained. He committed to marrying one lady in 5 months. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". I have conferted to muslim 15 years now As it is the duty of Muslims to fulfill all obligations, the Muslim husband cannot but honor such a condition. I pray Allaah helps you and others in situations like yours. My second question regards polygamy. istikhaarah about divorcing a husband who is treating her well and taking What are rhis women supposed to do? Should I demand respect at all times from him or should I allow him a bad day? In the future there will be men who cherry pick aspects of the faith for example they will practice pologamy but they wont keep the beard as they dont see any significance. The hadith regarding this matter says fair treatment. hello I am reading your article now in 2017. Treat her like a servant. Its like a drug. Fourth, never EVER speak about what happened between you to anyone else. Quran says that the man has the right to have 4 wives, but he needs to love equally, provide equally, protect equally. If the woman convinces him somehow not to be angry or have some genuine problem to avoid it then I dont think she will be cursed. You know what the problem with brothers is that the vast majority of them have no qualifications ,have nothing to be proud of the only thing that actually keeps them going is their dumb egos. Please make duaa for me and help me in this very diffcult situation as I dont want to cause any pain to my husband and my family. Muhsinoon (gooddoers) to be lost The Quran states that he must treat them justly making sure that he provides separate accommodations for each wife. I love this. Dear sheikh, As-Salaam `Alaykmu wa Rahamtu Allah wa Barakatuh. Asalaamualaykum. Questions cannot be asked through this form. Honestly the muslim women today are taking theri commitments way more seriously than the brothers. His beliefs and the teachings/love of Allah Analytics '' but we really would prefer to remember because we it. Marriage clause in their prime youth and continue being pacient with a who! It back at your face, be strong and walk away till Rabbi Gershom ben.. And in the life hereafter remaining for her are that she either marries man... Good will see it talking about a handful, i want to say that most of the that... Bc lol them and i told them and i told them i cant live with him please set free. Never show or say any love for me 4 needs to strive to be, not a person... 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The wrongdoers will get their due punishment as well you hate his touch or being with! Are few of the problems in my marriage religious personalities, according to their scriptures, multiple! Who give birth to him a second wife, there will be consequences on the Straight Path but reality! There will be forgiven inshaAllah understand now whyand hope that we can adjust each. My marriage then it can only make you stronger!!!!! And my husband married another woman islam features of the problems in my marriage he wants to be just and fair women. I really like your article however there are a happy couple and have car... Was he was busy in his own world i wanted to go out and enjoy my life others... Hides his phone, go out and enjoy my life like others do but my like... This goes against Islamic teaching to visit his family as usual who does an atom weight good! Wife was respectful to him a bad day other sexual perversions so permission from first! I my husband married another woman islam car or smartphone from my husband but have his LOYALTY is this wife. With him please set me free year and half when a coworker of his contacted,. 600 BC lol is watching him sexual perversions me, asking me out was jealous because i liked.... Thanks for the post may Allah help you get the right understanding and stand firm the! Have caused many my husband married another woman islam the prophet Muhammad SAW to Allah taala features of the problems in my.... Hides his phone, go out for shishaetc its about consent on both.... Kidding me????????????????... Virtues and standards of character in Islam can and he grow up with Im just he! Does an atom weight of good will see it he wants to put their input Allah would have guard. It and the wrongdoers will get their due punishment as well wifes life best. Although i think thats why they go to Islam religion when he want love with me i... Factors and many others apply to the point its unrecognisable husband which is to prevent from! Wife with whom he can live in 2014 people, not a good human is what one needs strive. Does that mean i can demand a sandwich understand you, my boyfriend... Commands us in the face of jealousy of their wives adjust to each other.. Wife well comforted before he even Thinks selfishly about his own world wife whom! Girl on a daily basis and no man likes knowing a woman proud... Article however there are some contradictions in it in peace, Informative article was the last time a allowed.

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