Sin is the killer of life's loveliness. As Trench has it: "Every man is lord of the house of his own heart; it is his fortress; he must open the gates of it," and he has "the mournful prerogative and privilege of refusing to open." For it is somewhat novel, especially in the New Testament. It may be that gold tried in the fire stands for faith for it is thus that Peter describes faith ( 1 Peter 1:7). Thus, besides what the apostle had in his ordinary relation with Christians, and his already lengthened tenure in the service of Christ, he receives now a new character of word and testimony. How came this? Besides, God's word is a supporting thing, and he who quits it leaves his chief helper. That is a work that God is going to do in bringing the knowledge to these people. I am far from saying this because I do not feel for them much. The word translated "sup" is deipnein ( G1172) and its corresponding noun is deipnon ( G1173) . Indeed, there is nothing more remarkable, especially when we bear in mind who the writer is, than the absence here of His proper relationship to the children of God. It was in an area where there was a very large Jewish population. Spiritually speaking, the Risen Christ declares that there was not a more poverty-stricken community. The Lord here contemplates these evil workers (which is what the criers of works come to) forming a distinct party. A church may have a very short muster-roll, and yet it may be very dear to God, who thinks more of quality than of quantity, more of obedience than of numbers. The real innovators were those who departed by slip or by will from the very words of the Spirit; and the arbitrariness now would be in maintaining what has not sufficient authority, against that which is as certain as can be. "Behold, happy is the man whom God reproves; therefore, despise not the chastening of the Almighty" ( Job 5:17). that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God." Let us see how the idea of discipline runs through the Bible. On this pillar shall be recorded all the services the believer did to the church of God, how he asserted her rights, enlarged her borders, maintained her purity and honour; this will be a greater name than Asiaticus, or Africanus; a soldier under God in the wars of the church. But those who loved the Lord showed their love then not so much by intelligence in His ways, as by unsparing and habitual self-denial. The address to Sardis also, although allusive to that of Ephesus, is nevertheless no less clearly meant to stand contrasted with it. It is "he that openeth, and no man shall shut." Here is a promise of the great favour God would bestow on this church, Revelation 3:9; Revelation 3:10. They had also little strength in the direction of talent. In each letter the Lord addresses "the angel." In chapter one, He was known as the faithful and the true witness. It [ Rev 3:10] is a promise, not to all the church, but to a certain clearly-defined portion of itthose who keep the doctrine of Christ's second advent, and its hope of rapture. It is a fact of life that the best athlete and the finest scholar receive the most demanding training. Revelation 2:10 c, 25; Revelation 3:4). But there is much more here. The reason is as solemn as it is instructive. No, all Christians will experience transformation at the Rapture (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). The revelation of grace is precisely what is not found in this book. They are neutral in principle and practice, being half-hearted about Christ. This is, I think, what is meant by the synagogue of Satan here. The white robes may stand for the reward of those who have won the victory. ], "In light of the concept of the imminent coming of Christ and the fact that the New Testament does teach His imminent coming, we can conclude that the Pretribulation Rapture view is the only view of the Rapture of the church that comfortably fits the New Testament teaching of the imminent coming of Christ. Laodicea, The Wealth That Is Poverty ( Revelation 3:14-22 Continued). It is now Christ Himself, and this as One that faith discovers in new beauty, not dependent merely on visions of glory which had been seen before, but Christ as He really is in Himself "He that is holy, he that is true." Revelation 3:10 is part of the Letter to the Church of Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13). 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. These foes claimed to be the true followers of God, but they were not, having rejected Jesus Christ (cf. Thus it is not without example elsewhere; but it is not what we hear when we have fairly entered on the course of the visions. They had here relaxed, but not in their works. Yet Smyrna was poor and Philadelphia was small. These were proper characters for him, when speaking to a church that had endeavoured to be conformed to Christ in holiness and truth, and that had enjoyed a wide door of liberty and opportunity under his care and government. "Because this period of tribulation will immediately precede the coming of the Lord to earth in power and great glory (cf. God was breaking down some of these barriers. This seems taken up here, and applied in a far larger way for purposes suitable to the Apocalyptic prophecy. This can hardly be denied to Jezebel at least; whilst "the remnant" represents those who, without being Protestants, form a witnessing company apart from popery, yet before the rise of Protestantism. If the Lord has rebuked you, then be thankful He loves you. to be of no esteem in the world? You have a little strength.We are not very strong. There is the most careful exclusion of His heavenly position from the relationships of the Lord Jesus that are here brought before us. Of all the cities Philadelphia receives the greatest praise and it was to show that it deserved it. They have the truth in a measure, but not so as to clear souls from bondage, or bring them distinctly into liberty, peace, and the power of the Spirit. May we not presume that it is for the express purpose of graciously encouraging His servants as well as to anticipate the doubts and cavils of unbelief? Pharaoh honoured Joseph by clothing him in vestures of fine linen ( Genesis 41:42). The Lord then warns the angel at Sardis, that if he should not watch, He Himself will come on him as a thief, and he shall not know what hour Christ will come on him. Warriors guard kings, and crowns, and thrones; but the living truth of the living God is infinitely more worthy of our watch. They may express either the reason why the door stands open before the Christians of Philadelphia or the reason why they will be given those who belong to the synagogue of Satan. The holy pilgrims were not so rude as to tell him to go; they only talked about heavenly things, which he did not understand, and he went of his own accord. Is it supposed that we shall cheer him on to do better by always finding fault with him? [Note: Beasley-Murray, p. Its purpose is to demonstrate the quality of those who "dwell upon the earth." And the way to "maintain the spiritual glow" ( Romans 12:11, Moffatt) is to live close to Christ. Exodus 28:36). And all of the enemies of God we are just going to subdue when we are manifested finally as the sons of God before the world. And this is seen to be the occasion of the letter to the angel of the church in Smyrna. 1:10 + ). The connection of the Son with creation is frequently made in the New Testament. He did not like spiritual conversation, neither do any of the breed. The church in Ephesus tried these pretended apostles, specially the angel, as one that helped them much by grace from the Lord. I counsel thee buy from me gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich; white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness does not appear; anoint your eyes with eyesalve, that you may see ( Revelation 3:18 ). However other Scriptures make it clear that God will catch up all Christians, faithful and unfaithful, at the same time (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; 1 Thessalonians 5:9). [Note: Thomas, Revelation 1-7, p. Dead Protestantism. I open and no man can shut. This does not mean that they would be actually kept from calamity of all kinds, but that they would be kept from the temptation of apostasy in calamity. The answer is given by the last clause when "and" is taken away: the visions that he was going to behold and record in this book whatsoever things he saw. If you have been vacillating and shifty and tricky, and have believed everything and nothing, nobody will take any particular notice of what you say, except it be to shut the door against your uncertain prattle. People do not care about knocking their heads against brick walls, or fighting against pillars of iron; and when they see that you are firm and unmoved, they will say, "We must let him have his own way." A certain Mardian soldier called Hyeroeades had seen a Sardian soldier accidentally drop his helmet over the battlements, and then make his way down the precipice to retrieve it. It is remarkable that after the greatest persecutions, when Christendom and even Christians had been seduced into accepting the patronage of the world, up to that point there remained real faithfulness in refusing all efforts to deny the deity of Christ Under the same Constantine, who was the instrument of thus casting the world's shield over Christianity, was the battle fought and won against the Arian foe. As for others it is all over with them. Shocks were an everyday occurrence. (1.) For every one that is in the first resurrection is destined to reign with Christ, as even will the Jewish sufferers, earlier or later, under the antichrist. It is the fulness of the Holy Ghost's energy as an overruling power. Such is the strength of the promise and the blessedness of it, that the Lord promises His own to be kept from the time. At the same time it is useless to blink the fact: energetic as he was and used of God largely, he was far behind in the understanding both of the church and of the gospel. (i) The Church at Sardis was untroubled by any heresy. When another subject is about to open, the first voice which he heard as of a trumpet talking with him said "Come up hither;" there is no question then of a voice behind. "You have kept my commandment," he says, "therefore, I will keep you." Old Testament prophecy dispensational truth is introduced now. "Who calleth herself a prophetess, and teachest and seducest my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed to idols." Deceived by Satan, they were his zealous instruments, so much the more actively deceiving others, because earnest and honest after the flesh. (5) The Spirit of Knowledge: A lifeless dying church or individual needs to flow in renewed revelation knowledge. They wanted everything that was precious: "gold" or divine righteousness in Christ "white raiment," that is to say, the righteousnesses of saints; "that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayest see." The Risen Christ speaks of "the shame of the nakedness of Laodicea.". (ii) Laodicea prided itself on its clothing trade. Here is the picture of Christ searching for sinful men who did not want him. "I have set before thee an open door, and none can shut it: for thou hast a little strength." The way and manner in which he performs these acts, and that is absolute sovereignty, independent upon the will of men, and irresistible by the power of men: He openeth, and no man shutteth; he shutteth, and no man openeth; he works to will and to do, and, when he works, none can hinder. [Note: See Renald E. Showers, Maranatha: Our Lord, Come! There was akratisma, breakfast, which was no more than a piece of dried bread dipped in wine. They have never embraced it, and to them no blessing can came through it. Loyalty has its sure reward. We all know of what small account He was on earth; and so it is with Philadelphia. Modern ideas do not affect me in the slightest. (a) He must have seen with his own eyes that of which he tells. One can understand their passing through the scene of his power, but to be dwelling there is significant. See, I am just a coming to relieve them under the trial, to reward their fidelity, and to punish those who fall away; they shall lose that crown which they once seemed to have a right to, which they hoped for, and pleased themselves with the thoughts of. [Note: See Stanton, pp. A greater trial appears now. They may have only a little strength; their resources may be small; but, if they are faithful, they will see the dawn of the triumph of Christ. (iv) Repeatedly the New Testament urges the Christian to be on the watch for the coming of his Lord. 10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Do you not in this merely sink to the world's level? Though few and small and weak your bands. True grace, though weak, will do more than the greatest gifts or highest degrees of common grace, for it will enable the Christian to keep the word of Christ, and not to deny his name. Once it was a question of not denying His faith, as was found in Pergamos; but here it is Himself personally. Sardis, The Imperatives Of The Risen Lord ( Revelation 3:1-6 Continued). "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants." In short He is carefully regarded as man on earth, as the sent One who lives on account of the Father in the gospel as a man on earth, in the revelation as a man most truly wherever He may be seen, whether in heaven or on earth. 7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; 8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not . John stands in a position analogous to Daniel; he becomes now the object of the communications of the Lord Jesus, not that which still bore the name of the Lord here below. Directly opposite Laodicea, on the other bank of the Lycus, and in full view, stood Hierapolis, famous for its hot mineral springs. The problem is that to so many Christianity and the Church have ceased to have any relevance and men regard them with complete indifference. What do the white robes signify? The exact meaning of the words is to be noted. Here again it is all comprehensive. "Withhold not correction from the child; for, if you beat him with a rod he will not die. (a) Christ is looking for something from us. (iii) Jesus Christ will write upon the faithful Christian the name of his God. It is not "from the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." At the same time it is manifestly He who is God and Father instructing, comforting, and admonishing His own. Writing ones name on something indicated ownership in Johns day, as it does now. It is "the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him." I trust that many of us can say that the doctrines of grace are our jewels, our estate, yes, our very life. Revelation 3:1. If that is the picture here, this phrase contains a warning and tells men to have a care, for Jesus Christ the Judge and King is at the door. "I am the Lord, your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your King" ( Isaiah 43:15). Third the endurance of Jesus Christ is the guarantee of his sympathy with us when we are called upon to endure. He is going back to Isaiah 22:0 for this description. We are soon going to be entering into the Lent season which was borrowed from the Babylonian system. The expression is very striking, because it not unnaturally implies that the churches were somehow to exist continuously. If all men that live or ever shall live should throw up the old Calvinism, there remains one that will hold it, for this reason that he could not hold any other. (iii) As the Revised Standard Version has it, he is the beginning of God's creation. That amount of gold would be equal to 15,000 silver drachmae. I do not the least doubt that those who are commonly called the Waldenses and Albigenses, and others perhaps of similar character, are referred to here. THE LETTER TO PHILADELPHIA ( Revelation 3:7-13 ). With the exception of Smyrna the other Churches are in ruins but Philadelphia still holds aloft the banner of the Christian faith. He would give them grace to bear up under trials with a Christian spirit, and in such a manner that their salvation should not be endangered. (b) The things a man must do lie to his hand. We are not now speaking of anything conventional. In entering Gods kingdom, Jews must follow the way of these Gentiles, not Gentiles follow the way of the Jews (8-9).When God judges the ungodly, Christ will protect those who have remained loyal to him. Tepid is chliaros ( G5513) . A day will come when all questions of this age will be answered. "It is exemption from the period of time that is promised. I believe that God has blinded their eyes until the fullness of the gentiles has come in. He still loves the church in this apostate condition. The New Testament frequently likens sin to death. "Let us keep awake and be sober" ( 1 Thessalonians 5:6). He shall be a monumental pillar in the temple of God; not a pillar to support the temple (heaven needs no such props), but a monument of the free and powerful grace of God, a monument that shall never be defaced nor removed, as many stately pillars erected in honour to the Roman emperors and generals have been. "Behold," says the Risen Christ, "I am standing at the door and knocking." This is exactly Laodiceanism. It is a recommencement, and so far is analogous with that to Ephesus: still, the manner in which the Lord is presented is quite new. Revelation 3:10, KJV: Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. 102. This prepares us for the true meaning of the remarkable chancre in the Apocalypse as compared with the rest of the New Testament. There shall come a day when it will be found that the minorities have generally saved both the world and the church. to the angel of the church of Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness ( Revelation 3:14 ). It is not only, be it observed, that they will not be in the place, but they will be kept out of the hour, of that coming temptation. People are always ready to part with that for which they have no esteem, and for this very reason many are quite willing to give up the Bible to critics and philosophers, those footpads and burglars of faith. Studying the book of Revelation 3; shows a significant summary of the history, time and relevant details according to the bible's acts based onBenson Joseph - Bible Commentary and reading parallely the bible's version New American Standard Bible 1995 with Strong Numbers. When John wrote his letter to Sardis, it was wealthy but degenerate. Here we have for the first time the formal recognition of saints not included in the public state of the assembly, yet not so openly separate as was found at a later day. The problem of modern evangelism is not hostility to Christianity; it would be better if it were so. "To you I say, the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not known this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. Accordingly the division of the next chapter (Revelation 3:1-22) seems to be happy at this point. But nothing can be determined with certainty in regard to this. What is commonly called Puseyism tends to this; and that system is not confined to this country. If God is the God of Amen, he is utterly to be relied upon. There is not a word about His coming as a thief now, but with joy. We so often regard him as the one to whom we look for things; for his strength, his help, his support, his comfort. 8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. The church is dead. (i) He is the Amen. The patristic party those commonly called "the Fathers" seem to be the leaders of the party here referred to. I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. The most vivid example of this kind of rebuke is the way in which Nathan opened David's eyes to his sin ( 2 Samuel 12:1-14). But we must never forget that he is looking for our love, our loyalty and our service. We have intervention on every side. This is the right kind of resolution. Such was the love of Attalus for his brother Eumenes that he was called Philadelphos, and it was after him that Philadelphia was named. What they did was this they kept the word of God: "Thou hast kept my word, and thou hast not denied my name." But if any of you try the double-shuffle in religion the plan of trying to believe a little of everything and not much of anything if you try to hold with the hare and run with the hounds, you will be tempted to deadly error, and it will serve you right. Laodicea was so conscious of its medical skill in the care of the eyes that it never realized that it was spiritually blind. It is not now to bring them whether or not servants out of that position or even worse, and entitling them to take the place of children of God. There are only two of the seven churches which receive no censure or rebuke from Jesus Christ; and of these two - viz., the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia - the former receives but little praise though much sympathy. [3.] He who overcomes will be thus clothed in white raiment and I will not wipe his name out of the Book of Life, but I will acknowledge his name before my Father and before his angels. (a) There is a door of missionary opportunity before every man and he need not go overseas to find it. It is not simply clericalism now, nor persons holding the doctrine of Balaam; but a formal state of things, as the symbol of a woman regularly represents. does james caan wear a back brace, what to serve with chicken balti pie, Lord, come questions of this age will be answered ready to die: for I have not thy! Stand contrasted with it work that God has blinded their eyes until the fullness of next! Was a very large Jewish population the child ; for, if you beat him with a he! 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