Sponsored by Forbes What are the advantages and disadvantages of peasant farming? Possibility of poor quality food products. The less a farmer needs to spend to produce a crop, the more savings can get passed to the end consumer. Statistics show a direct relation between the consumption of food procured from intensive farming sites and an increase in the number of cancer patients and children born with defects. Have all your study materials in one place. Shifting cultivation is an extensive crop cultivation technique. Fish farming exists to address a fundamental problem: The demand for fish as a food source Keeps Fish Affordable. There are scholars who oppose this argument, who point out that intensive livestock farming represents a much greater damage in the long term. Irrigation is one of the most feasible ways to grow cash crops like sugarcane, tobacco, etc. This farming technique is also applied in supplying livestock. It is very difficult to pick a side in the debate regarding intensive farming. Some of the main characteristics of shifting cultivation are: Shifting cultivation plots regenerate more quickly than other types of cleared forest plots. Some of the disadvantages of fish farming, however, include the possibility of water pollution, the possibility of releasing infected fish into the wild and the question of whether farm . Nomadic herding is an extreme example of extensive farming where herders move their animals to maximize on pastures from occasional rainfalls. What are the harmful effects of modern farming practices discuss any three effects with the help of a case study? - Extensive livestock areas are usually owned by producer families, they are usually small and are exploited in a traditional way, without the use of highly elaborate and / or sophisticated infrastructure. Increased chemical applications are dangerous both to nature and the human body. 1983 clearly shows that in cotton monoculture, populations of 13 different pest species increased [6]. Will you pass the quiz? Set individual study goals and earn points reaching them. 4 Advantages of Monoculture. Sheep provide two sources of cash income: lamb and wool. Moreover, since chickens are natural hunters, they largely help deal with mice and even small snakes in your homesteaders. One drawback to non-organic foods is that you may be consuming higher levels of pesticides, antibiotics or hormones, and your food may be coming from growing conditions that are not as highly regulated as organic products. The farmer confines all the pigs within a building and does not allow them to move out. Not only that more of the pesticides killed the soil growth. This process also leads to a lower cost to the breeder as well as an . 1. Biodynamic farming requires more labor than conventional farming practices, which makes the produce more expensive. Your email address will not be published. Advantages and Disadvantages of Extensive Agriculture Extensive agriculture is a type of farming that uses large areas of land and requires little labor. By replacing people with machines, farmers can scale up production quickly without increasing the number of people they need to employ. These organisms are beneficial and detrimental to society. 1) Productivity: IFS provides an opportunity to increase economic yield per unit area per unit time by virtue of intensification of crop and allied enterprises. 3. Here, it can be noted that the area and the applied technologies make up the main differences. 1. What is the advantages of extensive system? The different fruits and vegetables purchased from these farms can get covered in invisible pesticides. Cleaning robots have got produced to remove the waste from the stables promptly. Practices like hand-weeding and dirt enhancement together with the mulch, corn gluten meal, garlic, and olive oil, table salt, and borax not just eliminate insects and weeds, but also assure crop quality. Fig. Intensive Farming: It is a farming practice which gives emphasis on maximizing yield from the given piece of land through various means like heavy use of pesticides, capital, labor, high-yielding varieties (HYVs) of crops etc. Maasai men, armed with spears, guard the herds. You have to follow a varied diet, with fruit and vegetables, and little animal protein in La Vanguardia. Advantages of intensive pig farming. Knowing the different definitions, now it is time to understand some advantages and disadvantages of intensive and extensive livestock. Impact of Monoculture on Food SecurityMonoculture Fish FarmingMonoculture Farming Benefits and Disadvantages, [1]https://www.britannica.com/topic/intensive-agriculture[2]https://www.beep.ac.uk/content/339.0.html[3]https://greentumble.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-monoculture-farming/#specialized[4]https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/advantages-disadvantages-examples-monoculture.php[5]https://livestock247.com/blog/2021/03/03/intensive-farming-advantages-disadvantages/[6]https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237947171_The_extent_of_monoculture_and_its_effects_on_insect_pest_populations_with_particular_reference_to_wheat_and_cotton[7]http://vaclavsmil.com/wp-content/uploads/docs/smil-article-worldagriculture.pdf[8]https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/sep/12/third-of-earths-soil-acutely-degraded-due-to-agriculture-study[9]https://sentientmedia.org/intensive-agriculture/[10]https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/meat/safe/overview.html[11]https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/soil-depletion-aND-NUTRITION-LOSS/[12]https://www.farmmanagement.pro/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-intensive-farming/. Pigs may also be included, although the first two are the most common. Farmers also buy one thing in a higher bulk. Most extensive agriculture cannot support modern population sizes. Ranching poses the following disadvantages to a livestock keeper. Even in livestock, technological advances have allowed the feeding and milking of dairy cows to get automated. Extensive farming is ideal for the farming of animals since the labor force required for rearing the animals will be lesser. Nomads are more likely to practice extensive farming than intensive farming. Yields increased three times; Multiple cropping; Other crops grown which varied the diet; Surplus to sell in cities creating profit; Improving standard of living; Disadvantages of Mixed Farming The capital investment is high in terms of buildings and equipment, and to buy the livestock. also hunter-gatherers. Natural food production plays a very important role, and the systems productivity is. 2: Shifting cultivation swidden slash burn IMG 0575 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Shifting_cultivation_swidden_slash_burn_IMG_0575.jpg) by Rohit Naniwadekar (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Rohitjahnavi), is licensed by CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en). Aquaculture Helps the Economy. But there are both advantages and disadvantages: Advantages. What is shifting cultivation called in Venezuela? And, did you like to know more about the main differences between Intensive Livestock and Extensive Livestock? Create and find flashcards in record time. According to Marta Rivera, who directs the chair of Agroecology and food systems at the University of Vic, extensive livestock production especially produces methane gas. Is intensive or extensive farming better for the environment? Poultry farming can include more than chickens. Intensive farming focuses on investing a lot of resources and labor into small tracts of land in order to increase yield. Bid-rent theory suggests that the real estate closest to a metropolitan central business district (CBD) is the most desirable, and therefore the most valuable and most expensive. - It usually generates low economic profits for the farmers. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The macro environment of the company It can be defined a the total environment, which ha a direct or indirect relationhip with the operation of the company. - Extensive livestock farming contributes directly to the maintenance of landscapes; In addition, it participates in the enhancement of the biodiversity of the area. However, the debate is still ongoing, but we hope to see some new inventions or improvements in the near future. This leads to more production and lower costs. Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. Intensive factory farming places Species such as cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep into confined areas where they are bred and born. and machines. Even cleaning the manure from large stables rarely uses people. Extensive aquaculture includes systems of culture and rearing in which human intervention is concentrated on reproduction of the stock in addition to capture. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.Ronald Reagan (b. As a result, many farmers in Northern Europe practice extensive slash-and-burn agriculture. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The need is met without generating additional expenses and bringing good results. Organic Farming Advantages and Disadvantages: The following information is all about organic farming advantages and disadvantages. Ranching is an extensive farming method that revolves around grazing livestock. False! Explanation: The extensive farming or te extensive agriculture is mostly is associated with the production system and uses small inputs and outputs and related to the lands being farmed. What Does Dr Michael Mosley Recommend For Breakfast? Extensive farming or extensive agriculture (as opposed to intensive farming) is an agricultural production system that uses small inputs of labour, fertilizers, and capital, relative to the land area being farmed. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. Learn even more about this and other subjects! Intensive farming for animals (livestock) will only focus on one type, allowing for the same birth, development, and maturity procedure.monoculture field of wheat growing Dag Endresen. 1: Moroccan Desert 42 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Moroccan_Desert_42.jpg) by Bouchaib1973, is licensed by CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en), Fig. Although the area is restricted, the investment is greater, as it involves the use of new techniques and advanced technologies, not to mention specialized labor. In livestock extensive farming commonly refers to cattle, sheep and goat farming in areas with low agricultural productivity. Is it appropriate to call this farm a "ranch"? On the other extreme, extensive farming is a farming method, wherein acres of land are being farmed, with lower inputs, i.e. The farmer provides feed, water, and veterinary services, routinely, insufficient measure. What Is The Difference Between Sauting And Stir-frying? It is coming at a high cost to us, animals, and the environment. Lack of adequate government support . The use of machinery and scientific methods of farming produce a large quantity of crops. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'greener4life_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greener4life_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Intensive agriculture uses a single crop or livestock species, allowing to increase the output efficiency. Farms further from the city (and which consequently have less of a relationship with it) are more likely to be extensive. It is based on crops or livestock grown in large numbers in a small space, and it uses the latest technological advancements to help meet the global demand for food. In extensive fish farming, economic and labour inputs are usually low. It also aids in solving the worldwide hunger problems to a great extent. You can raise a variety of birds, including turkeys . High crop yield IF provides high crop yields. Advantages of Extensive farming has a number of advantages over intensive farming: Less labour per unit areas is required to farm large areas, especially since expensive alterations to land (like terracing) are completely absent. 1 - A Moroccon desert is not the ideal location to practice intensive farming. According to the United Nations backed study from 2017, one-third of the planets soils are degraded due to inconsiderate methods used in the modern agriculture.Third of Earth's soil is acutely degraded due to agriculture www.theguardian.com. This leads to economies of scale and directly contributes towards meeting the ever-growing demand for food supplies. One of the basic principles of economics is that if demand is increasing and the supply is , Disadvantages[edit] Yields tend to be much lower than with intensive farming in the short term. Extensive farming refers to systems that use relatively small amounts of inputs, such as human labor, machinery such as tractors, and investment. Disadvantages of extensive fish farming system. There's also the bid-rent theory, which we mentioned earlier. Which of the following statements about ranching is true? The amount of equipment and methods required to harvest crops and livestock is minimal since it only involves one type. Pros of Aquaculture. Because of the larger area, we are not maximizing results here. Finishing cattle are housed there or on straw four weeks before slaughter. Here are several benefits of integrated farming system: The integrated farming system boosts food security in Nigeria by increasing food production. But let's expand a little bit on some of what we mentioned above. False! The main characteristic of extensive farming is that it has less labor input than intensive farming. With the introduction of intensive farming, farm produce, such as vegetables, fruits, and poultry products have become less expensive. An example of extensive farming includes the pastoralism practiced by the Maasai in East Africa. Seja um Representante What country has the least arable land per capita? Intensive livestock works with a smaller area, allowing daily and approximate monitoring. Advantages Less labor per unit areas is required to farm large areas, especially since expensive alterations to land (like terracing) are completelyMissing: | Must include:Missing: | Must include: Disadvantages in Fish Farming Disease. It is an effective way to reduce over-exploitation of fish resources. Because of all of the drawbacks of intensive agriculture and its unsustainability, companies need to focus on more sustainable options. They are focusing on mass production of only a specific crop or animal type results in more food for us to consume in the end. What is an example of extensive land use in agriculture? Fruits and vegetables purchased from farms that promote intensive farming are covered with invisible pesticides. Intensive farming is an agricultural method of increasing the crop yield by heavy use of chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides, etc. List of the Pros of Fish Farming. While it is true that agricultural intensification is necessary to meet the ever-increasing population growth, it is also true that intensive use of chemical fertilizers will largely affect the health of human beings, plants, fish, honey bees, frogs, birds, and livestock. Cloudflare Ray ID: 78b7af0d7aa5d626 Soil organisms, like mites, earthworms, are essential to have a healthy soil structure and composition. Researchers opine that consumption of inorganic poisonous vegetables, fruits, poultry, and meat could probably be one of the reasons for causing such damage in the human body. Then, the next generations start to get born with the same pesticide resistance. The rubber area is particularly good for older cows that may be lame or stiff, while for bulls it lessens the risk of . In India, it is almost absent except in some states such as Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana. True or False: You are more likely to encounter intensive farming in areas that are very hot and dry. Summary. Advantages of intensive livestock farming. Bom dia, estou fazendo um trabalho pra universidade e gostaria de utilizar informaoes deste site porm nao encontro o autor desse artigo nem a data que foi publicado. Traditional cultivation methods that are based on seasonal products are a good example of extensive farming practices. Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. Extensive agriculture, on the other hand, employs larger tracts of land and lower quantities of labor and resources. The main benefits of intensive farming include sufficient food supplies at affordable prices. These are the things eaten that are thought to be all natural. What are the advantages and disadvantages of intensive and factory farming? 1. By contrast, intensive farming more or less requires you to settle in one place permanently. What are the harmful effects of modern farming? Greater efficiency of labour means generally lower product prices. Through extensive cattle raising, the aim is to maintain the landscape of the area used, influencing its structure as little as possible. How does extensive farming impact the environment? The main benefits of intensive farming include sufficient food supplies at affordable prices. Environmental sustainability 3. To produce enough food at a reasonable price for people, intensive farmings high crop production gives us a better chance at meeting this demand. Farmers are physically/economically unable to invest the required resources necessary to make intensive agriculture feasible. To deal with the increase of pests surviving each application, farmers begin to apply more often and higher amounts of pesticides in the future. Retrieved on October 15, 2019 from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment: mapa.gob.es, "Extensive livestock system" at the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Uruguay. 2. Since the farmers can create more food on less land with fewer employees, food production costs get reduced. Industrial agriculture should, therefore, be balanced with ways to maintain the environment as healthy as possible through weighted decisions and government restrictions. Extensive Farming # Characteristic Features: Furthermore, intensive farming kills beneficial insects and plants, degrades and depletes the very soil it depends on, creates polluted runoff and clogged water systems, increases susceptibility to flooding, causes the genetic erosion of crops and livestock species around the world, decreases biodiversity, destroys. Unlike traditional farming, where you would need to consider all the different crop types in intensive agriculture, we only need to understand a single crop or animal type. Their cattle herds graze freely in and around the Serengeti, intermingling with local wildlife. That's intensive farming. Is it appropriate to call this farm a "ranch"? False! Which of the following does ranching best correspond to? - The areas in which extensive cattle farming is carried out are usually isolated and small, so they have little possibility of competing with the large producers; this makes it difficult for them to access a larger audience. Factors that affect their properties include impact resistance, ductility, elasticity, translucence, reflectivity and brittleness. Polymer types and respective properties. Advantages of Extensive Livestock The large area for grazing acts as an advantage for extensive livestock. As mentioned earlier, all credit goes to the second agricultural revolution that shifted . Disadvantages of Intensive Farming Poor living conditions and hygiene for livestock. As is evident, the most important disadvantage of extensive agriculture is that, unlike intensive agriculture, its farms take longer to provide economic benefits . A blueberry farmer that allows visitors to harvest their own berries may limit the number of bushes on the farm to allow for a more scenic experience. However, increasingly, intensive farming is favored due to extensive farming's disadvantages: Most extensive farming methods do not mesh well with modern urbanization and economic development, Extensive farming is not as efficient as intensive farming, a major concern as more and more land is developed, Extensive farming alone cannot produce enough food to support modern population sizes, Extensive pastoralism leaves herds vulnerable to predators and disease. Greater efficiency of labour means generally lower product prices. But some insects always seem to survive. As the human population continues to increase, extensive farming is likely to become less and less common throughout the world. Extensive farming is using small inputs of fertilizer, labor and capital relative to the amount . A subsistence farm is not meant to generate an income. Extensive farming alone cannot support modern population sizes, nor are many extensive farming techniques compatible with modern economic systems. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. For monoculture, each plant undergoes the same standard cultivation, maintenance and harvesting process. This system generates enough money to help provide funding for states, regions, cities, and national governments. Less use of pesticide Less POPs in environment Less defforestation Less disturbance to soil No loss of biodiversity Protection to wildlifes Protection of watersheds, Fish Farming Advantages & Disadvantages The Fundamental Problem. Free and expert-verified textbook solutions. Some are even kept indoors for their entire life. What are advantages and disadvantages of intensive farming? Excessive use of agro-chemicals. 1. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. Planting, watering, and harvesting can be done on a mass scale with current farming equipment when it only has to be configured for a single crop type. Less labour per unit areas is required to farm large areas, especially since expensive alterations to land (like terracing) are completely absent. Extensive farming methods include shifting cultivation, ranching, and nomadic herding. , labor and resources are more likely to encounter intensive farming farming practices, makes... 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