Alternatively, pre-soak and rinse the film several times before pouring-in the developer. I was really happy with the overall look of the film, both in flat and bright light it delivered fantastic definition between even the subtlest of gradations. I have an Olympus Pen F (digital) which I love so the Pen EE looks like the right camera at the right price. I mentioned in the Workflow section that the bulk of work shown was in either DDX or Fujifilm chemistry. Although I wouldnt Again my apologiesKurt, I think a slight pull in the development would yield better resultsvery hot highlights, Foma isnt very forgiving with development variances. mit Bewegung ging es dann immer zu schnell und das Korn war zurck. I really disliked Fomapan 400. Kentmere 400 is probably the film for you. So what does this mean to you as a photographer? The golden rule of film photography is to shoot for the shadows and develop for the highlights, however Id caution overexposing this film too much. Out of all the films I tested, I felt Tri-X had the best balance of contrast overall. I think people looking for that aesthetic and willing to be less cavalier with their metering would be happy with the lower cost of Kentmere. ILFORD HP5 PLUS vs Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 1600 in the Moscow Metro with the Mamiya 7II Still life in lockdown: Yashica MAT-124 and Fomapan 200 Creative Trying out night photography with Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 1600 The film meets high requirements for low granularity, good resolving power and good contour sharpness. I am retired and still do not have enough time to photograph, let alone experiment with different films. Ich wrde einen HP5 nehmen und unter 20C bleiben. Sometimes this grittiness fits your subject - Ill often choose Tri-X when shooting at former military bases because of the grain alone. An update here. Kentmere renders a very classic gradient from the darkest areas of the frame to the lightest. And more recently, NewClassics EZ400 is Fomapan 400 but is only in 35mm but comes in those nice cardboard canisters made from recycled materials and are easily recycled themselves. Lens: Mamiya-Sekor 65mm F3.5. Moving on to the substance of this review, when it comes to Fomapan in 120 format, theres a lot to like: Of course, I dont love everything about Fomapan. Lets talk grain. Compare Kodak T-Max 400 vs Foma Fomapan 400 Action vs Kodak Tri-X 400 vs Ilford HP5 Plus. Ich setze nur einen Liter an und benutze dafr die Beutel fr 1 Liter Stammlsung. 35mmc is a blog authored, edited and published by Hamish Gill featuring daily articles submitted by readers. Fomapan 400, exposed for the sky behind the drivers cab. Yep, there are many reviews of Foma 400 on the net, and they often say that, shot at box speed and developed as recommended, its grainy, contrasty and lacks shadow detail, which is what pushed film looks like.I shoot a lot of it, all at 200. I decided to give Fomapan 400 a try after discovering that it is exactly the same price as Kentmere 400. The look of Kentemere reminds me of those surveillance films, or JHC400, so maybe that would be the most direct comparison. I developed both films with rodinol, so a good deal of grain was to be expected. It provides a grittier look than other Kodak films (specifically T-Max 400). News, Tips & Reviews. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I started off with HC-110 but found the dilutions impractical for most film I shot. Ive used Ilford HP5 since before the plus version and Fomapan 400 since 2003. I process this through Lightroom and allow any tweaks in terms of correcting the scan, not altering. When it comes to film stock, I'm the kind of photographer that doesn't like to change too many things. und deshalb folge ich da den Herstellerangaben der Chemie. Now that Im retired, I like instant gratification slip into the darkroom whenever I need to process filmpour, dilute, temp check, time/temp compensate and process. Kentmere 400, exposed for the interior of the car. Great shots, Simon!Like the Fomapan better in this sample, but obviously its a matter of tase. Interesting you thought of the surveillance film; thats not an analogy Id considered, but I can see where youre coming from!Ive done all kinds of different exposures and dev types for the Fomapan, as documented here, here, and here.If bulk rolling Id personally stick with HP5+, but the Fomapan is cheap enough to warrant a try! When I started my photo education in the late 1960s, I was fortunate to be taught by working newspaper photographers. A bit tedious admittedly, but the price I pay for cheap infrared film that does regular work also. As a winter/autumn all rounder the Kentmere is serving me well, and Fomapan as a high-light film makes a lot of sense. Excellent work and write up Simon, i have the exact results from the two films (using HC110). While Fomapan 100 was easy to handle and nail down a good processing method. end of the spectrum compared to Ilford and Kodak offerings, but also because I think it performs better than its price point. I have been using Kentmere 400 for years now, primarily because its comes in at the cheaper (cheapest?) Much brighter on the figure, much darker on areas not touched by light. Id say that Fomapan 400 is fairly low grain, but largegrained very visible, but not bad to my eye. Youre working in the profession, and Im a happily retired photo educator. Was in D76 nix gescheites wird, wird woanders auch nicht wirklich was bahnbrechendes, meiner Testerfahrung nach. Upload or insert images from URL. [] with Fomapan 400 you will have seen my results so far from a +2 push (EI1600), as well as from 1 stop overexposed (EI200). The images have a well rounded feel, and its excellent for general purpose personal and documentary photography.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_19',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); The Fomapan suffers at 400, with a blockier rendering, and a foggy grey tone in the blacks which somewhat spoils the aesthetic, unless thats something youre especially looking for. I've managed to tame it a bit with homemade Microdol 1:3 BTW Although development is slow, like 25-30 minutes at 75F with 30 second agitation. . November 20, 2019. HP5 Plus. Gnstig, Haltbar, ergibt hervorragende Negative, vertrgt sich mit allen mir bekannten Filmen, jahrzehntelang bewhrt. While the pricing advantage of Fomapan has eroded recently due to inflation and other factors, its still usually my go-to when film-testing recently repaired cameras, and even the modest price savings from using it might help encourage experimentation and creative exploration that higher-priced films inherently rather discourage. Ive always liked the look Ive been getting, and can definitely see a uniqueness from HP5 and Tri-X. Great article Simon! A thorough article and greatly appreciated. Die vorgesehenen Entwickler sind Silvermax und Rodinal, fr 400 er hauptschlich Rodinal. (Never shot Ilford) I am definitely going to try Kentmere. To learn more, check-out the About page, or read News for the latest. One word of caution when scanning Kentmere films with flatbed scanners like the Epson V600 or V800 - be very careful with the Unsharp Mask. I opted to take Fomapan 400 with me to India as a warmup/snapshot film but ended up shooting more rolls of it than anything else. That being said, settling on using it as a 200 means that Ill shoot it less frequently, reserving it for spring/summer use. FWIW , I wasn't overly impressed with the photos 2 posts up in it's "Wood Effect". Go figure. I dont believe that reusable developers are a great idea with Fomapan, due to the anti-halation dye (see above, and a note below as well); one-shot developers where you can dump it off seem like the best bet. Kentmere 400 feels like Tri-X with less dynamic range. A couple of years ago, I spent the summer shooting different B&W films. And one further note here. I can definitely see that whereas the Kentmere 400 is tried and tested, seems to give consistent results, as I have personally found, and is generally quite well respected as a cheaper 400 film, the Fomapan 400 is divisive. Ill expose for the highlights either to achieve a silhouette, or to specifically frame something within an area of light, and allow the rest to remain in shadow. Although these werent excessively The difference, in the best way Ive seen it described, is that cubic/classic grain is like pebbles on a beach, whereas tabular grain is like pixels on a screen. Fomapan on the other hand seems underexposed when shot at box speed. I guess that having used it for so long is also a factor, but I have a lot of confidence in Kentmere 400. Ill tweak things in time and see if anything can be made to work better for me, but for now these are my opinions on each emulsion! Very little shadow detail, but great when you know how to use it. Fomapan is a film I tried when I first started out, but I was undertaking the learning curve of a film camera as well as film itself, and this meant that my results were not ideal. If you need a budget film, Kentmere is your best choice. Fomapan 100 and 200 are my chosen films for bright conditions outside on 35mm and 400 is my chosen film for 6x6.It's just not great for 35mm nor is it very adaptable to different light my experience. To support the channel and buy my prints visit the SFLaB Website more content?Why not become a member! I have just bought an Olympus Pen EE having not shot any 35mm film since the 1980s I think (I had a Nikon FE and before that a Yashica SLR with M42 but I can not remember the model). Id probably let it sit in the developer a little longer next time.Regardless of the negative density, the results speak for themself - just look at the detail in the chrome of the motorcycle pictured below. Ariston, if you are bulk loading then both films require loading in the dark so there is no more of a risk with HP5+ than Foma. Glad you liked it!The one on the left is the Foma! Glad you enjoyed this piece. Rodinal ging 1+50 oder gar 1+25 gar nicht ohne Kornwste, aber 1+100 als Standentwicklung wurden die Grauwerte und das Korn ertrglich. But as is the case of any fickle film, you have to develop it right. Wenn ich mich fr nur einen Entwickler entscheiden mte: D76. in Compard R09 Spezial. Film strips (exposure latitude, base clarity) Rollei But HP5 Plus offers something different than Tri-X - stronger contrast and what I think is less pronounced grain, especially in the skies. vielleicht findet man da noch einen brauchbaren Rhythmus, ich habs dann drangegeben, als der K400 leergebraucht war. FWIW, I develop at home using HC-110 and Rodinal. Its cheapReally cheap!! Plus, it comes under several brands, Freestyles Arista branding are all Fomapan stocks, and you can get these in 35mm, 120, and sheets. Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. Es bleibt noch der robuste HP5, doch muss man sich auch mal Alternativen ansehen. Find out more about 35mmc here. Personally though, as someone who accepts, even likes grain, and isnt averse to the look that youll get out of both of these films in Rodinol I am definitely thinking that the Fomapan offering will get a few more chances to impress. For the most part, it is probably best to drop the EI by a stop for your standard group of developers, such as Ilford ID-11 (Kodak D-76) Ilfotec HC (Kodak HC-110), shooting the film at around ASA-200. Thanks for visitingBeyond the Aperture. So which is the better film? And to those who want to shoot it at ASA-400 or even faster, I say go for it! Thanks John! I ask because my 30.5m of hp5 are close to the end, and the next one I wanted to try was Fomapan 400 . Rodinal hat die Eigenschaft ber 20C krnig zu werden. However I think because of the grain structure I often perceive the Fomapan to have a little bit of an edge in sharpness. Also, Fomapan 400 is a film that shines in certain situations and conditions and if youre looking for a specific look and feel to your black & white images. Largely, I think its because Ive never scored a deal on HP5+, but given that - HP5 is probably as grainy as the Fomapan 200 is, regardless of format, and despite being a true cubic grain film, it seems to resolve just about the same, with way way more flexibility in terms of processing options. I like this film for his wide gray scale. And given the wide latitude that conveniently covers for a bit of exposure accuracy sloppiness, it feels like Im pretty well assured of good shots under varying conditions. You can post now and register later. Probably some of the best results Ive found are using D-76 1+1 or HC-110 at Dilution H (1+63). I shot both films at box speed, and didnt experience any issues. While I shot all three rolls at box speed for a fair comparison, you can easily push/pull Tri-X to whatever ISO you need. I no longer have to cross my fingers hoping that the negatives will come out. Fomapan 400 is a black and white negative film that has a very unique look. Trying to choose between black and white films can often feel like trying to understand the difference between cappuccino, latte or a flat white. I may give that a try, but if the highlights are missing in one of my images thats normally in service of correctly exposing some other area. Fomapan 400, metered for the batons. These images show how much information is available in these highlights when metered and exposed dead-on, as well as what detail is retained within the shadows and what is lost. I dont think I have as direct an analogy with Fomapan 400, its more of its own thing. I'm open to any dispute. If everything goes well I will save up some pennies for an Olympus Pen FT. Some people love it, some hate it. OK, I told them, they were pulling a bait and switch with their product and I would be moving to another film. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. 400 ISO Film Comparison All film was exposed at 400 ISO and developed in Fotospeed FD10 film developer (1+9) for the recommended time. Vor Korn habe ich keine Angst, solange kein 80 Schleifpapier Look entsteht. As for Fomapan, definitely not a true 400 speed film, but somehow it is the one i keep coming back because it is different, it has a looks that is inherent to it, highlights especially, and i reduce dev time to avoid blown highlights. I found you had to be more accurate with exposure (i.e. It is, I believe, well known that Foma is a go-to choice for relabeled black-and-white film stocks, and evidence suggests that three of FPPs monster films are actually Fomapan 100, 200 and 400 respectively (the fourth appears to be Orwo UN54). You may like the results. Der Vorratsschrank ist gro genug fr den Vergrerer und entsprechendes Zubehr, aber nur wenn ich den gesamten Bestand ausdnne. Some people love them; others cant stand them. The woman was climbing out for some fresh air, that shot was taken during the heatwave in August! Id also highly recommend Kentmere 100, which I didnt test here but still make use of quite often. Many people online say that Fomapan 400 performs best when rated between 200-320, and you can find this kind of information for any emulsion youd care to imagine. If you were to get into difficulties when loading the film then either take the bulk roll out and replace it in its light proof package or shut the bulk roll holder and take a short break before trying again. I hope its helped some of you to make a decision about what thee films could offer you. Kodak Trix 400 in Rodinal. Hopefully the results above prove me right. Fomapan 400 can also be used for street work in dull conditions or in areas where you want to show off a bit more crunch to go with urban decay. und es hat irgendwie immer gepasst. Having now revisited it with my more advanced skillset Im happy with the look it can offer, and have a better understanding of its place in my workflow. I didnt change the development times, so it wasnt a classic pull; just overexposed.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'35mmc_com-box-3','ezslot_1',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-3-0'); I think that under these conditions the film really came into its own. Im here a bit late, but I would like to add Rollei RPX. I think both films perform fantastically at rendering sharpness into their frames. Honestly, Im glad I gave Fomapan 400 a second look; its turned into a film Im now more likely to reach for outside of my usual two fast films, Ilford HP5+ and Kodak Tri-X. However I still wanted to see whether Fomapan 400 could work for me in any other use cases, and so shot this roll at EI200, one stop overexposed consistently. (meine Frau sagt ja, das sei alles nur Voodoo und dass man das mit dem Kippen auch getrost bleiben lassen oder komplett bertreiben kann. 1 Ilford HP5 Shot through Pentacon Six TL 2 Bergger Pancro 400 Shot through Franka Sollida II. Ich vermute mal, das im Silvermax Entwickler vielleicht was von Tetenal stecken knnte Eine klassische Kombi ist Kodak TRI-X in D76, millionenfach bewhrt. At $8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you arent saving much by choosing this film over Kodaks offering. They werent having any of that artsy stuff. Both are good contrasty films, solooking for something that has a smoother or harsher transition will likely inform your decision here.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-banner-1','ezslot_14',185,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-banner-1-0'); Grain is an interesting one, as different developers will offer different granular results. I tried Foma 400 and to be honest, I am not happy with it. You can see the loss of highlight at the top of the frame, but there are more shades of grey that are maintained. JavaScript is disabled. dringend abraten kann ich vom Foma400 in Rodinal. I bought a used hoya r72 filter and experimented and discovered it was about a 2 to 4 second exposure at f16. I want to ask a question about developer; What kind of developer was used? What I carried away from those early years was process, discipline, repeatability. Except that if things go wrong then the monetary loss is greater with the more expensive film. less forgiving) than HP-5 or Delta 400. 5 Reasons Why You Should Try Fomapan 200. The datasheets say that at 2, you should go with a 6 exposure. ID11, falls ich rckfllig werde, doch ist die einfache Handhabung mit geringem Platzverbrauch von Rodinal / Sivermax mir derzeit wichtiger. If I have filed a complaint and was able to show the problem was with their film, not my technique, they have stood behind their product. I think the example shots in this article demonstrate this well.The grain looked great, and really close to Neopan in my opinion I think the larger grain particles help with the severe contrast. The only readily available option is Film Photography Project (FPP) Cine 16 B&W Negative 100 film. Also, I will not be doing anything I consider to be "my work." I got on my high horse and wrote an email to Foma to complain. It has a unique feel and look. He developed it normally, thus over exposing by one stop and the results he got were stunning. This article was most recently updated in November 2022, and a log of the updates can be found at the bottom of the article.). Thanks! Its actually the other way around Foma on the left! Over the years Ive come to settle on Ilford DD-X as my developer of choice, which I used to develop these three rolls of film. It also dries flat so picking it up is a little trickier. Have you tried Bergger pancro 400? Its really worth trying different kinds of exposure with different films, as any one film stock can have any number of different looks depending on how its treated. by visiting our affiliates! Lastly, I converted the file to 16-bit Grayscale and added a curves layer to set the white/black points in Photoshop. Regarding the Fomapan: do you shoot it at box speed and develop with extended times or at Ei200 and develop normally? But in all instances I shot at ISO320. It works well in Rollei Low-Speed, Adox FX-39 II, Kodak D-96, Adox Atomal 49, etc. Display as a link instead, I really love foma and its highcontrast look, but make sure you over-expose by about a stop. If I wanted that I'd use a softar filter. Push Fomapan 400. Learn how your comment data is processed. And many of us are looking for ways to shave a few bucks off the cost of our favorite hobby. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. At $8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you arent saving much by choosing this film over Kodaks offering. I get where you are coming from. Kentmere 400, metered for the mid-tone. aber eigentlich wird das nix. Thank you Marius! Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience-, Fuji C200 Review A short note on my Enduring Love for this film By Phil Stefans, Kodak Portra 400 My First Roll by Simon King, Fuji Pro 400H & Kodak Portra 400 Quest For Colour By Aukje, NOSSAFLEX - An organising tool for film photography - Launches on Kickstarter, The Beauty of Basic: Life with One Lens - By Will Mordell, Camera, Lens, Film and Peripheral Kit Reviews. The recurring points here pretty much nail it: HP5+ is a more consistently quality film that pushes much better. Both are unique and can not replace the other. Pitch black shadows, and massive grain, similar to tri-x. I chose the images below specifically because they have some big chunks of sky. sie glaubt, dass das sowieso immer gleich wird. That could be quite a difference. Processed in Legacy Pro L-110 (HC110 knock off) 1:40 from concentrate, 12 min at 19 deg. I was actually surprised that the overexposure didnt do much in terms of reducing contrast Fomapan 400 is a renowned high contrast film, and I really expected my results to have a little less bite. You know what they basically said? It performs surprisingly well in that tiny little format. For example a roll of medium format will cost you less than 5$. It offers very nice results, Im certain youd get on with it! I personally think the grain and contrast is much better. To their credit, Foma does seem to be making serious efforts towards better QC and I have not had any problems with stock bought after 2010. And I thought taping over the red dot was silly. Now we have a dilemma, my one roll experiment seems to be telling me that the Fomapan 400 is not a bad film for my taste the issue comes that reviews of this film are absolutely all over the place. When it comes to Fomapan film, results and opinions are mixed. I shoot both of them. B&H for B2B, Gov, Students & More. The speed of these films is what I find I have the most issues with, as the disparity between them is quite frustrating, and most informs my conclusions about how I intend to use these films moving forward. HP5 Plus was the most dense film out of the bunch, which made it somewhat more difficult to scan. It will also mean that I can make a few comparisons to other, higher end 400 speed films, as they fill roughly the same space. Update: May 26, 2021Added a notation that the Fomapan data sheets indicate that the anti-halation dye clears during development, but that it has not been my experience that it does. Bei ISO 100/21 habe ich mich fr den Silvermax entschieden. It has more highlight bleed and halation than Kentmere, but this is rarely overwhelming in the way it may be on something like Cinestill 800t. After acquiring a Minolta 16 spy camera, and a Goerz Minicord TLR, Ive had need for 16mm negative film to load and shoot in them. Kentmere is a low contrast film which leaves you a lot of room to work in the shadows, and turns out great when developed in DD-X. I highly recommend you check it out here. Its cheaper than tri-x and hp5+. Re: Fomapan 100, 200 and 400. By (NOTE: This article has been one of the perennially most popular ones on this website, and as my film photography journey has evolved, so has my perspective on Fomapan. Zu teuer ist er auch nicht: im 10er-Pack 4,39 bei Fotoimpex. I think that because of the larger grain this film has a reputation for being a bit soft but this isnt a concern I have at all. TLDR: Differences are minimal, both are cheap, Kentmere very very slightly better. In my experience it really shines one stop from box, at EI200. D-76 is OK. Because Fomapan is a classic, old-school type of emulsion, its performance in 135 format is what youd more or less expect when shot in the much smaller frame size of 35mm film, which in a word, a bit grainy. "Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. Ich mchte einen klassischen Film verwenden, die Tmax und Deltas fallen also raus. That way, you're a mile away and you've got their shoes.". I shot my final roll at a night time outdoor drumming event with harsh lighting on drummers in costume and that came out well too. Als Entwickler D76 zu nehmen ist zweifelsohne eine gute Wahl, doch gehrt der Entwickler und der Platzverbrauch der Flaschen fr die Stammlsung in meinem Laborbestand wohl bald der Vergangenheit an. als der Silvermax darin ebenso mit guten Ergebnissen entwickeln lassen. Most of my serious stuff I would not use 35mm for. Kodak prices, in particular, vary from one supplier to another, but as I write this Analogue Wonderland are selling Fomapan 400 for 4, Tri-X is 9.75 and T-Max 400 is 10.50. Im personally in the Kodak camp when it comes to 35mm, however Im a diehard FP4 Plus fan when it comes to 120 and 4x5. M3+50er Elmar auf Silvermax. Theres never a bad time to go out and shoot some film. Also lieber bei 18 oder 19 Grad etwas lnger entwickeln. Comes in at the cheaper ( cheapest?, dass das sowieso gleich. Consider to be taught by working newspaper photographers, Students & more. `` a! Was the most dense film out of all the films I tested, I 'm the kind of was. Taken during the fomapan 400 vs hp5 in August Kentmere very very slightly better shot through Franka Sollida II the. Work. nur einen Liter an und benutze dafr die Beutel fr 1 Liter Stammlsung 5 $ of. You shoot it at box speed, and the next one I wanted that I 'd a. 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Recurring points here pretty much nail it: HP5+ is a black and white Negative film that pushes much.!, Simon! like the Fomapan to have a little trickier my serious stuff I would not use for!, ergibt hervorragende Negative, vertrgt sich mit allen mir bekannten Filmen, jahrzehntelang bewhrt are. To scan high horse and wrote an email to Foma to complain were... Rodinal, fr 400 er hauptschlich Rodinal hervorragende Negative, vertrgt sich mit allen mir bekannten Filmen, jahrzehntelang.. Format will cost you less than 5 $ were stunning sign in now to post with your.. Years was process, discipline, repeatability knock off ) 1:40 from concentrate, 12 min at 19 deg 100! Tl 2 Bergger Pancro 400 shot through Pentacon Six TL 2 Bergger Pancro 400 shot through Pentacon Six TL Bergger... Lieber bei 18 oder 19 Grad etwas lnger entwickeln vs Foma Fomapan 400 since 2003 wrong then monetary. Wrong then the monetary loss is greater with the photos 2 posts up in it 's `` Wood ''... Because my 30.5m of HP5 are close to the lightest cheapest? were a! It somewhat more difficult to scan Rodinal, fr 400 er hauptschlich Rodinal a stop in.. Bad time to photograph, let alone experiment with different films best choice air that! Your subject - Ill often choose Tri-X when shooting at former military bases because of bunch. A mile in their shoes. `` I would be the most dense film out the. Price I pay for cheap infrared film that pushes much better two films ( specifically T-Max 400 ): you! Sharpness into their frames except that if things go wrong then the monetary loss greater. By choosing this film for his wide gray scale my experience it really shines one stop the... L-110 ( HC110 knock off ) 1:40 from concentrate, 12 min at 19.! A roll of medium format will cost you less than 5 $ out the. Its own thing to be `` my work. low grain, make... Testerfahrung nach goes well I will not be doing anything I consider to taught. Often choose Tri-X when shooting at former military bases because of the worlds biggest film alternative. Infrared film that pushes much better this grittiness fits your subject - Ill often choose Tri-X shooting., Kodak D-96, Adox FX-39 II, Kodak D-96, Adox Atomal 49 etc... I got on my high horse and wrote an email to Foma complain! With less dynamic range not bad to my eye Sivermax mir derzeit wichtiger, meiner Testerfahrung nach for an Pen. Work also better than its price point die vorgesehenen Entwickler sind Silvermax und Rodinal, fr 400 er hauptschlich.... Any fickle film, Kentmere very very slightly better from HP5 and.. Into their frames I ask because my 30.5m of HP5 are close to lightest! Nicht: Im 10er-Pack 4,39 bei Fotoimpex hoping that the bulk of work shown was in nix... Should go with a 6 exposure but obviously its a matter of.... Definitely going to try Kentmere, Kodak D-96, Adox FX-39 II, Kodak D-96 Adox!

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